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List of Attributes That Will Affect Test ID
The following list of attributes will change the SAT configuration ID for Skylight sensor: control and Skylight elements.
Skylight sensor: control
No. | Attribute | Description | Layer 2 | Layer 3 | Note |
1 | burstslaenable | Enable burst SLA test | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control |
2 | destinationport | Far-end UDP port | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
3 | groupreversetests | Group reverse tests | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
4 | sourceport | Near-end UDP port | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
5 | timesyncmandatory | Device time SYNC mandatory | No | No | Applicable when Delay measurement type is one-way-delay |
6 | cbs | Committed Burst Size | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control. This is for future implementation only, default value is 0 |
7 | ebs | Excess Burst Size | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control. This is for future implementation only, default value is 0 |
8 | destinationip | Far-end IP | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
9 | destinationmac | MAC destination | Yes* | No | Available when remoteunittype is layer-2, l2-accedian, l2-generic |
10 | incomingport | Incoming port | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
11 | loopback | TW loopback | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
12 | meglevel | Y.1731 MEG level | Yes* | No | Available when remoteunittype is layer-2 l2-accedian l2-generic |
13 | onewayreversepath | OW Reverse Path | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
14 | ooopercentage | Out-of-order percentage (%) | Yes* | Yes* | Precondition: Skylight sensor: control 20.11+ |
15 | ooopercentageenable | Out-of-order percentage | Yes* | Yes* | Precondition: Skylight sensor: control 20.11+ |
16 | packetsize | Packet Size | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when framesizetype is fixed |
17 | remoteunitdscp | DSCP | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
18 | sequenceofsizes | Sequence of sizes | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when framesizetype is EMIX |
19 | sourceip | Near-end IP | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
20 | userpacketsize | User define | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when framesizetype is EMIX |
21 | fedscpcheck | DSCP check | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control |
22 | fedscpunpreserve | DSCP unpreserve | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control |
23 | fedscpvalue | DSCP Value | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control |
24 | fenovlan1check | No VLAN1 check | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control |
25 | fenovlan2check | No VLAN2 check | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control |
26 | fevlan1deicheck | VLAN 1 DEI check | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control |
27 | fevlan1deiunpreserve | VLAN 1 DEI unpreserve | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control |
28 | fevlan1deivalue | VLAN 1 DEI Value | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control |
29 | fevlan1idcheck | VLAN 1 ID check | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control |
30 | fevlan1idunpreserve | VLAN 1 ID unpreserve | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control |
31 | fevlan1idvalue | VLAN 1 ID Value | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control |
32 | fevlan1pcpcheck | VLAN 1 PCP check | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control |
33 | fevlan1pcpunpreserve | VLAN 1 PCP unpreserve | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control |
34 | fevlan1pcpvalue | VLAN 1 PCP Value | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control |
35 | fevlan2deicheck | VLAN 2 DEI check | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control |
36 | fevlan2deiunpreserve | VLAN 2 DEI unpreserve | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control |
37 | fevlan2deivalue | VLAN 2 DEI Value | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control |
38 | fevlan2idcheck | VLAN 2 ID check | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control |
39 | fevlan2idunpreserve | VLAN 2 ID unpreserve | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control |
40 | fevlan2idvalue | VLAN 2 ID Value | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control |
41 | fevlan2pcpcheck | VLAN 2 PCP check | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control |
42 | fevlan2pcpunpreserve | VLAN 2 PCP unpreserve | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control |
43 | fevlan2pcpvalue | VLAN 2 PCP Value | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight sensor: control |
RFC 2544
No. | Attribute | Description | Layer 2 | Layer 3 | Note |
1 | destinationport | Far-end UDP port | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic, layer-3 |
2 | destinationmac | MAC destination | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is layer-2, l2-accedian, l2-generic, l3-generic |
3 | meglevel | Y.1731 MEG level | Yes* | No | Applicable when peertype is layer-2, l2-accedian, l2-generic |
4 | b2bduration | Back to back Duration (ms) | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when b2benable is true |
5 | b2bframesize | Back to Back Frame size | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when b2benable is true |
6 | b2brepeat | Back to Back Repeat | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when b2benable is true |
7 | delayduration | Delay Duration (s) | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delayenable is true |
8 | delayframeloss | Delay Frame loss (%) | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delayenable is true |
9 | delayframesize | Delay Frame size | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delayenable is true |
10 | flframesize | Frame loss Frame size | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when framelossenable is true |
11 | flstepsize | Frame loss Step size | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when framelossenable is true |
12 | l3twloopback | L3 two-way loopback | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic, layer-3 |
13 | peerdestinationip | Far-end IP | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic, layer-3 |
14 | peerdscp | DSCP | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic, layer-3 |
15 | peersourceip | Near-end IP | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic |
16 | remoteunitport | Far-end device port | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic, layer-3 |
17 | sourceport | Near-end UDP port | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic, layer-3 |
18 | tptduration | Throughput Duration (s) | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when tptenable is true |
19 | tptframeloss | Throughput Frame loss (0.1%) | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when tptenable is true |
20 | tptframesize | Throughput Frame size | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when tptenable is true |
21 | vlan1cfi | VLAN 1 CFI | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan1 is true |
22 | vlan1ethertype | VLAN 1 Ethertype | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan1 is true |
23 | vlan1id | VLAN 1 ID | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan1 is true |
24 | vlan1priority | VLAN 1 Priority | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan1 is true |
25 | vlan2cfi | VLAN 2 CFI | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan2 is true |
26 | vlan2ethertype | VLAN 2 Ethertype | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan2 is true |
27 | vlan2id | VLAN 2 ID | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan2 is true |
28 | vlan2priority | VLAN 2 Priority | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan2 is true |
No: An attribute has to keep default values. If changing the attribute to anything other than the default value, the SAT configuration ID will be changed.
Yes*: An attribute can be modified with the condition mentioned in the Note column, otherwise the SAT Configuration ID will be changed.
Skylight elements
No. | Attribute | Description | Layer 2 | Layer 3 | Note |
1 | burstslaenable | Enable burst SLA test | Yes* | Yes* | Device version 7.8.1+ |
2 | destinationport | Far-end UDP port | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
3 | groupreversetests | Group reverse tests | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
4 | sourceport | Near-end UDP port | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
5 | timesyncmandatory | Device time SYNC mandatory | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when Delay measurement type is one-way-delay |
6 | cbs | Committed Burst Size | Yes* | Yes* | Device version 7.8.1+ |
7 | ebs | Excess Burst Size | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight elements. This is for future implementation only, default value is 8 |
8 | destinationip | Far-end IP | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
9 | destinationmac | MAC destination | Yes* | No | Available when remoteunittype is layer-2, l2-accedian, l2-generic |
10 | incomingport | Incoming port | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
11 | loopback | TW loopback | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
12 | meglevel | Y.1731 MEG level | Yes* | No | Available when remoteunittype is layer-2 l2-accedian l2-generic |
13 | onewayreversepath | OW Reverse Path | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
14 | ooopercentage | Out-of-order percentage (%) | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight elements. |
15 | ooopercentageenable | Out-of-order percentage | No | No | Not applicable with Skylight elements. |
16 | packetsize | Packet Size | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when framesizetype is fixed |
17 | remoteunitdscp | DSCP | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
18 | sequenceofsizes | Sequence of sizes | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when framesizetype is EMIX |
19 | sourceip | Near-end IP | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
20 | userpacketsize | User define | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when framesizetype is EMIX |
21 | fedscpcheck | DSCP check | No | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay |
22 | fedscpunpreserve | DSCP unpreserve | No | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fedscpcheck is true |
23 | fedscpvalue | DSCP Value | No | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fedscpcheck and fedscpunpreserve are true |
24 | fenovlan1check | No VLAN1 check | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay |
25 | fenovlan2check | No VLAN2 check | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay |
26 | fevlan1deicheck | VLAN 1 DEI check | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay |
27 | fevlan1deiunpreserve | VLAN 1 DEI unpreserve | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fevlan1deicheck is true |
28 | fevlan1deivalue | VLAN 1 DEI Value | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fevlan1deicheck and fevlan1deiunpreserve are true |
29 | fevlan1idcheck | VLAN 1 ID check | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay |
30 | fevlan1idunpreserve | VLAN 1 ID unpreserve | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fevlan1idcheck is true |
31 | fevlan1idvalue | VLAN 1 ID Value | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fevlan1idcheck and fevlan1idunpreserve are true |
32 | fevlan1pcpcheck | VLAN 1 PCP check | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay |
33 | fevlan1pcpunpreserve | VLAN 1 PCP unpreserve | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fevlan1pcpcheck is true |
34 | fevlan1pcpvalue | VLAN 1 PCP Value | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fevlan1pcpcheck and fevlan1pcpunpreserve are true |
35 | fevlan2deicheck | VLAN 2 DEI check | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay |
36 | fevlan2deiunpreserve | VLAN 2 DEI unpreserve | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fevlan2deicheck is true |
37 | fevlan2deivalue | VLAN 2 DEI Value | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fevlan2deicheck and fevlan2deiunpreserve are true |
38 | fevlan2idcheck | VLAN 2 ID check | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay |
39 | fevlan2idunpreserve | VLAN 2 ID unpreserve | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fevlan2idcheck is true |
40 | fevlan2idvalue | VLAN 2 ID Value | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fevlan2idcheck and fevlan2idunpreserve are true |
41 | fevlan2pcpcheck | VLAN 2 PCP check | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay |
42 | fevlan2pcpunpreserve | VLAN 2 PCP unpreserve | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fevlan2pcpcheck is true |
43 | fevlan2pcpvalue | VLAN 2 PCP Value | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fevlan2pcpcheck and fevlan2pcpunpreserve are true |
RFC 2544
No. | Attribute | Description | Layer 2 | Layer 3 | Note |
1 | destinationport | Far-end UDP port | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic, layer-3 |
2 | destinationmac | MAC destination | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is layer-2, l2-accedian, l2-generic, l3-generic |
3 | meglevel | Y.1731 MEG level | Yes* | No | Applicable when peertype is layer-2, l2-accedian, l2-generic |
4 | b2bduration | Back to back Duration (ms) | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when b2benable is true |
5 | b2bframesize | Back to Back Frame size | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when b2benable is true |
6 | b2brepeat | Back to Back Repeat | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when b2benable is true |
7 | delayduration | Delay Duration (s) | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delayenable is true |
8 | delayframeloss | Delay Frame loss (%) | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delayenable is true |
9 | delayframesize | Delay Frame size | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delayenable is true |
10 | flframesize | Frame loss Frame size | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when framelossenable is true |
11 | flstepsize | Frame loss Step size | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when framelossenable is true |
12 | l3twloopback | L3 two-way loopback | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic, layer-3 |
13 | peerdestinationip | Far-end IP | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic, layer-3 |
14 | peerdscp | DSCP | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic, layer-3 |
15 | peersourceip | Near-end IP | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic |
16 | remoteunitport | Far-end device port | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic, layer-3 |
17 | sourceport | Near-end UDP port | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic, layer-3 |
18 | tptduration | Throughput Duration (s) | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when tptenable is true |
19 | tptframeloss | Throughput Frame loss (0.1%) | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when tptenable is true |
20 | tptframesize | Throughput Frame size | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when tptenable is true |
21 | vlan1cfi | VLAN 1 CFI | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan1 is true |
22 | vlan1ethertype | VLAN 1 Ethertype | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan1 is true |
23 | vlan1id | VLAN 1 ID | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan1 is true |
24 | vlan1priority | VLAN 1 Priority | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan1 is true |
25 | vlan2cfi | VLAN 2 CFI | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan2 is true |
26 | vlan2ethertype | VLAN 2 Ethertype | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan2 is true |
27 | vlan2id | VLAN 2 ID | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan2 is true |
28 | vlan2priority | VLAN 2 Priority | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan2 is true |
29 | excludevlansize | Exclude VLAN size | Yes* | Yes* | Device version 7.8+ |
No: An attribute has to keep default values. If changing the attribute to anything other than the default value, the SAT configuration ID will be changed.
Yes*: An attribute can be modified with the condition mentioned in the Note column, otherwise the SAT Configuration ID will be changed.
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