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List of Attributes That Will Affect Test ID
The following list of attributes will change the SAT configuration ID for Provider Connectivity Assurance Sensor Control and Provider Connectivity Assurance Sensors.
Provider Connectivity Assurance Sensor Control
No. | Attribute | Description | Layer 2 | Layer 3 | Note |
1 | burstslaenable | Enable burst SLA test | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control |
2 | destinationport | Far-end UDP port | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
3 | groupreversetests | Group reverse tests | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
4 | sourceport | Near-end UDP port | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
5 | timesyncmandatory | Device time SYNC mandatory | No | No | Applicable when Delay measurement type is one-way-delay |
6 | cbs | Committed Burst Size | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control. This is for future implementation only, default value is 0 |
7 | ebs | Excess Burst Size | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control. This is for future implementation only, default value is 0 |
8 | destinationip | Far-end IP | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
9 | destinationmac | MAC destination | Yes* | No | Available when remoteunittype is layer-2, l2-accedian, l2-generic |
10 | incomingport | Incoming port | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
11 | loopback | TW loopback | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
12 | meglevel | Y.1731 MEG level | Yes* | No | Available when remoteunittype is layer-2 l2-accedian l2-generic |
13 | onewayreversepath | OW Reverse Path | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
14 | ooopercentage | Out-of-order percentage (%) | Yes* | Yes* | Precondition: Assurance Sensor Control 20.11+ |
15 | ooopercentageenable | Out-of-order percentage | Yes* | Yes* | Precondition: Assurance Sensor Control 20.11+ |
16 | packetsize | Packet Size | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when framesizetype is fixed |
17 | remoteunitdscp | DSCP | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
18 | sequenceofsizes | Sequence of sizes | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when framesizetype is EMIX |
19 | sourceip | Near-end IP | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
20 | userpacketsize | User define | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when framesizetype is EMIX |
21 | fedscpcheck | DSCP check | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control |
22 | fedscpunpreserve | DSCP unpreserve | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control |
23 | fedscpvalue | DSCP Value | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control |
24 | fenovlan1check | No VLAN1 check | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control |
25 | fenovlan2check | No VLAN2 check | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control |
26 | fevlan1deicheck | VLAN 1 DEI check | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control |
27 | fevlan1deiunpreserve | VLAN 1 DEI unpreserve | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control |
28 | fevlan1deivalue | VLAN 1 DEI Value | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control |
29 | fevlan1idcheck | VLAN 1 ID check | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control |
30 | fevlan1idunpreserve | VLAN 1 ID unpreserve | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control |
31 | fevlan1idvalue | VLAN 1 ID Value | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control |
32 | fevlan1pcpcheck | VLAN 1 PCP check | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control |
33 | fevlan1pcpunpreserve | VLAN 1 PCP unpreserve | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control |
34 | fevlan1pcpvalue | VLAN 1 PCP Value | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control |
35 | fevlan2deicheck | VLAN 2 DEI check | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control |
36 | fevlan2deiunpreserve | VLAN 2 DEI unpreserve | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control |
37 | fevlan2deivalue | VLAN 2 DEI Value | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control |
38 | fevlan2idcheck | VLAN 2 ID check | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control |
39 | fevlan2idunpreserve | VLAN 2 ID unpreserve | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control |
40 | fevlan2idvalue | VLAN 2 ID Value | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control |
41 | fevlan2pcpcheck | VLAN 2 PCP check | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control |
42 | fevlan2pcpunpreserve | VLAN 2 PCP unpreserve | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control |
43 | fevlan2pcpvalue | VLAN 2 PCP Value | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensor Control |
RFC 2544
No. | Attribute | Description | Layer 2 | Layer 3 | Note |
1 | destinationport | Far-end UDP port | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic, layer-3 |
2 | destinationmac | MAC destination | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is layer-2, l2-accedian, l2-generic, l3-generic |
3 | meglevel | Y.1731 MEG level | Yes* | No | Applicable when peertype is layer-2, l2-accedian, l2-generic |
4 | b2bduration | Back to back Duration (ms) | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when b2benable is true |
5 | b2bframesize | Back to Back Frame size | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when b2benable is true |
6 | b2brepeat | Back to Back Repeat | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when b2benable is true |
7 | delayduration | Delay Duration (s) | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delayenable is true |
8 | delayframeloss | Delay Frame loss (%) | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delayenable is true |
9 | delayframesize | Delay Frame size | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delayenable is true |
10 | flframesize | Frame loss Frame size | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when framelossenable is true |
11 | flstepsize | Frame loss Step size | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when framelossenable is true |
12 | l3twloopback | L3 two-way loopback | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic, layer-3 |
13 | peerdestinationip | Far-end IP | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic, layer-3 |
14 | peerdscp | DSCP | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic, layer-3 |
15 | peersourceip | Near-end IP | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic |
16 | remoteunitport | Far-end device port | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic, layer-3 |
17 | sourceport | Near-end UDP port | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic, layer-3 |
18 | tptduration | Throughput Duration (s) | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when tptenable is true |
19 | tptframeloss | Throughput Frame loss (0.1%) | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when tptenable is true |
20 | tptframesize | Throughput Frame size | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when tptenable is true |
21 | vlan1cfi | VLAN 1 CFI | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan1 is true |
22 | vlan1ethertype | VLAN 1 Ethertype | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan1 is true |
23 | vlan1id | VLAN 1 ID | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan1 is true |
24 | vlan1priority | VLAN 1 Priority | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan1 is true |
25 | vlan2cfi | VLAN 2 CFI | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan2 is true |
26 | vlan2ethertype | VLAN 2 Ethertype | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan2 is true |
27 | vlan2id | VLAN 2 ID | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan2 is true |
28 | vlan2priority | VLAN 2 Priority | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan2 is true |
No: An attribute has to keep default values. If changing the attribute to anything other than the default value, the SAT configuration ID will be changed.
Yes*: An attribute can be modified with the condition mentioned in the Note column, otherwise the SAT Configuration ID will be changed.
Provider Connectivity Assurance Sensors
No. | Attribute | Description | Layer 2 | Layer 3 | Note |
1 | burstslaenable | Enable burst SLA test | Yes* | Yes* | Device version 7.8.1+ |
2 | destinationport | Far-end UDP port | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
3 | groupreversetests | Group reverse tests | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
4 | sourceport | Near-end UDP port | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
5 | timesyncmandatory | Device time SYNC mandatory | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when Delay measurement type is one-way-delay |
6 | cbs | Committed Burst Size | Yes* | Yes* | Device version 7.8.1+ |
7 | ebs | Excess Burst Size | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensors. This is for future implementation only, default value is 8 |
8 | destinationip | Far-end IP | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
9 | destinationmac | MAC destination | Yes* | No | Available when remoteunittype is layer-2, l2-accedian, l2-generic |
10 | incomingport | Incoming port | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
11 | loopback | TW loopback | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
12 | meglevel | Y.1731 MEG level | Yes* | No | Available when remoteunittype is layer-2 l2-accedian l2-generic |
13 | onewayreversepath | OW Reverse Path | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
14 | ooopercentage | Out-of-order percentage (%) | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensors. |
15 | ooopercentageenable | Out-of-order percentage | No | No | Not applicable with Assurance Sensors. |
16 | packetsize | Packet Size | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when framesizetype is fixed |
17 | remoteunitdscp | DSCP | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
18 | sequenceofsizes | Sequence of sizes | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when framesizetype is EMIX |
19 | sourceip | Near-end IP | No | Yes* | Applicable when remoteunittype is layer-3 |
20 | userpacketsize | User define | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when framesizetype is EMIX |
21 | fedscpcheck | DSCP check | No | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay |
22 | fedscpunpreserve | DSCP unpreserve | No | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fedscpcheck is true |
23 | fedscpvalue | DSCP Value | No | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fedscpcheck and fedscpunpreserve are true |
24 | fenovlan1check | No VLAN1 check | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay |
25 | fenovlan2check | No VLAN2 check | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay |
26 | fevlan1deicheck | VLAN 1 DEI check | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay |
27 | fevlan1deiunpreserve | VLAN 1 DEI unpreserve | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fevlan1deicheck is true |
28 | fevlan1deivalue | VLAN 1 DEI Value | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fevlan1deicheck and fevlan1deiunpreserve are true |
29 | fevlan1idcheck | VLAN 1 ID check | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay |
30 | fevlan1idunpreserve | VLAN 1 ID unpreserve | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fevlan1idcheck is true |
31 | fevlan1idvalue | VLAN 1 ID Value | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fevlan1idcheck and fevlan1idunpreserve are true |
32 | fevlan1pcpcheck | VLAN 1 PCP check | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay |
33 | fevlan1pcpunpreserve | VLAN 1 PCP unpreserve | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fevlan1pcpcheck is true |
34 | fevlan1pcpvalue | VLAN 1 PCP Value | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fevlan1pcpcheck and fevlan1pcpunpreserve are true |
35 | fevlan2deicheck | VLAN 2 DEI check | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay |
36 | fevlan2deiunpreserve | VLAN 2 DEI unpreserve | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fevlan2deicheck is true |
37 | fevlan2deivalue | VLAN 2 DEI Value | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fevlan2deicheck and fevlan2deiunpreserve are true |
38 | fevlan2idcheck | VLAN 2 ID check | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay |
39 | fevlan2idunpreserve | VLAN 2 ID unpreserve | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fevlan2idcheck is true |
40 | fevlan2idvalue | VLAN 2 ID Value | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fevlan2idcheck and fevlan2idunpreserve are true |
41 | fevlan2pcpcheck | VLAN 2 PCP check | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay |
42 | fevlan2pcpunpreserve | VLAN 2 PCP unpreserve | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fevlan2pcpcheck is true |
43 | fevlan2pcpvalue | VLAN 2 PCP Value | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delaymeasurementtype is one-way-delay, fevlan2pcpcheck and fevlan2pcpunpreserve are true |
RFC 2544
No. | Attribute | Description | Layer 2 | Layer 3 | Note |
1 | destinationport | Far-end UDP port | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic, layer-3 |
2 | destinationmac | MAC destination | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is layer-2, l2-accedian, l2-generic, l3-generic |
3 | meglevel | Y.1731 MEG level | Yes* | No | Applicable when peertype is layer-2, l2-accedian, l2-generic |
4 | b2bduration | Back to back Duration (ms) | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when b2benable is true |
5 | b2bframesize | Back to Back Frame size | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when b2benable is true |
6 | b2brepeat | Back to Back Repeat | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when b2benable is true |
7 | delayduration | Delay Duration (s) | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delayenable is true |
8 | delayframeloss | Delay Frame loss (%) | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delayenable is true |
9 | delayframesize | Delay Frame size | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when delayenable is true |
10 | flframesize | Frame loss Frame size | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when framelossenable is true |
11 | flstepsize | Frame loss Step size | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when framelossenable is true |
12 | l3twloopback | L3 two-way loopback | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic, layer-3 |
13 | peerdestinationip | Far-end IP | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic, layer-3 |
14 | peerdscp | DSCP | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic, layer-3 |
15 | peersourceip | Near-end IP | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic |
16 | remoteunitport | Far-end device port | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic, layer-3 |
17 | sourceport | Near-end UDP port | No | Yes* | Applicable when peertype is l3-generic, layer-3 |
18 | tptduration | Throughput Duration (s) | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when tptenable is true |
19 | tptframeloss | Throughput Frame loss (0.1%) | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when tptenable is true |
20 | tptframesize | Throughput Frame size | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when tptenable is true |
21 | vlan1cfi | VLAN 1 CFI | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan1 is true |
22 | vlan1ethertype | VLAN 1 Ethertype | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan1 is true |
23 | vlan1id | VLAN 1 ID | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan1 is true |
24 | vlan1priority | VLAN 1 Priority | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan1 is true |
25 | vlan2cfi | VLAN 2 CFI | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan2 is true |
26 | vlan2ethertype | VLAN 2 Ethertype | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan2 is true |
27 | vlan2id | VLAN 2 ID | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan2 is true |
28 | vlan2priority | VLAN 2 Priority | Yes* | Yes* | Applicable when enablevlan2 is true |
29 | excludevlansize | Exclude VLAN size | Yes* | Yes* | Device version 7.8+ |
No: An attribute has to keep default values. If changing the attribute to anything other than the default value, the SAT configuration ID will be changed.
Yes*: An attribute can be modified with the condition mentioned in the Note column, otherwise the SAT Configuration ID will be changed.
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