- Print
Unit management commands are used to manage access permissions, mode access and terminal configurations.
Unit management CLI commands are categorized as follows:
Configuration Commands
This section includes unit management configuration commands.
admin username
Command Objective:
This command enables the admin users to access NETCONF.
The no form of the command disables access for the admin users.
admin username <string(20)> password
no admin username <string(20)>
Parameter Description:
- username < string(1-20) > - Configures the User ID to be used for login. This value is a string of maximum size 20.
- password < string(8-20) > - Configures the Password to be entered by the user. This value is a string of maximum size 20.
Global Configuration Mode
Your Product (config)# admin user netconf1 password Test#123
alias – Interface | exec | configure
Command Objective:
This command replaces the given token / command with the given string.
This command is a standardized implementation of the existing command. It operates similarly to that of the command alias replacement, except that it allows the user to type a command with multiple tokens without quotes.
alias {interface | exec | configure} < alias-name > { command <max 10 tokens> | token }
Parameter Description:
- interface - Specifies the commands executed in interface configuration mode.
Note: This feature has been included to adhere to the Industry Standard CLI syntax. This feature is currently not supported. - exec - Specifies the commands executed in privileged EXEC / user EXEC mode.
Note: This feature has been included to adhere to the Industry Standard CLI syntax. This feature is currently not supported. - configure - Specifies the commands executed in configuration mode (That is, global, line, profile, vlan, switch and protocol specific configuration modes).
Note: This feature has been included to adhere to the Industry Standard CLI syntax. This feature is currently not supported. - < alias-name > - Specifies the alternate name to be used for the command or token.
- command <max 10 tokens> - Specifies the command and token values for which alias name should be configured.
- token - Specifies the token for which alias name should be configured.
Global Configuration Mode
Alias name can be set only for the commands having equal to or less than 10 tokens.
Your Product (config)# alias exec cltcp command clear tcp
alias – replacement string
Command Objective:
This command replaces the given token by the given string.
The no form of the command removes the alias created for the given string.
alias < replacement string > < token to be replaced >
no alias < alias >
Parameter Description:
- < replacement string >/ < alias > - Specifies the string for which a replacement is needed.
- < token to be replaced > - Specifies an abbreviated / short form of the replacement string
Global Configuration Mode
Your Product (config)# alias products pdt
archive download-sw
Command Objective:
This command performs an image download operation on a switch stack or on a standalone switch to download a new image from an SFTP from a remote location to the switch, and to overwrite or keep the existing image.
archive download-sw /overwrite [ /reload ] { tftp://server/filename | sftp://< user-name >:< pass-word >@server/filename | flash:filename}
Parameter Description:
/overwrite - Overwrites the software image in flash with the downloaded one. This option should be specified only if the flash device has sufficient space to hold two images.
tftp://server/filename - Configures the source URL and filename used to overwrite / update the existing image. The file is transferred using TFTP.
sftp://< user-name >:< pass-word >@server/filename < alias > - Configures the source URL, user name, password and filename used to overwrite / update the existing image. The file is transferred using SFTP.
flash:filename - Configures the name of the flash file used to overwrite / update the existing image.
Privileged EXEC Mode
Your product# archive download-sw /overwrite tftp://
Download is in Progress...
configure terminal
Command Objective:
This command enters to Global Configuration Mode which allows the user to execute all the commands that support global configuration mode.
configure terminal
Privileged EXEC Mode
Your Product# configure terminal
Command Objective:
This command copies the configuration from a remote site to flash.
copy { sftp://< user-name >:< pass-word >@server/filename startup-config }
Parameter Description:
- sftp://< user-name >:< pass-word >@server/filename - Configures the name of the file in remote location to be copied (downloaded) into configuration file (flex.conf). This option configures the SFTP server details.
Privileged EXEC Mode
your product# copy sftp://< user >:< password >@< serverip >/flex.conf startup-config
default mode
Command Objective:
This command configures the mode by which the default interface gets its IP address.
This configuration takes effect only on switch restart.
default mode { manual | dynamic }
Parameter Description:
- manual - Assigns static IP address to the default interface. The IP address and IP mask configured by the user are assigned to the default interface.
- dynamic - Assigns dynamic IP address to the default interface. That is, IP address provided by the server in the network is assigned to the default interface on switch reboot. The IP address is fetched through the dynamic IP address configuration protocols such as DHCP client, RARP client, and BOOTP client.
Global Configuration Mode
Your Product(config)# default mode dynamic
Command Objective:
This command releases the blocked user specified by the username string.
Note: Only the root user can enable blocked users.
enableuser < username >
Global Configuration Mode
Your Product (config)# enableuser user1
Command Objective:
This command exits from the current mode to the Privileged EXEC mode.
All Modes
Your Product# end
Command Objective:
This command clears the contents of the startup configuration or sets parameters in NVRAM to default values.
erase {startup-config | nvram: | flash:filename}
Parameter Description:
- startup-config - Clears the startup configuration file.
Note: erase startup-config followed by reload will erase the configuration listed in the startup-config file but not the management interface configuration after the unit reload. - nvram - Clears the content from NVRAM.
- flash:filename - Clears the content from the local system flash file.
Privileged EXEC Mode
Note: The Delete functionality is only supported for VxWorks and Linux.
erase startup-config
Command Objective:
This command exits the current mode and reverts to the mode used prior to the current mode.
All Modes
Your Product# exit
factory reset
Command Objective
This command resets the device to factory setting.
This command followed by reload will erase the configuration listed in the startup-config and the management interface configuration.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Prior to release 22.01.4, the factory reset command does not erase the management interface configuration, hostname, or user details.
For release 22.01.3, manually reset the management interface configuration to restore the IP configuration to default.
factory reset
Global Configuration mode
Your Product(config)# factory reset
feature telnet
Command Objective
This command enables the Telnet service in the system.
The no form of this command disables the Telnet service. While connected via Telnet, the no form of this command is not functional.
feature telnet
no feature telnet
Global Configuration mode
Your Product(config)# feature telnet
firmware activate
Command Objective
This command upgrades and activates the firmware
firmware activate {[no-reload] | [init] | [rollback]}
Parameter Description:
no-reload - Upgrades/activates the firmware without Reloading the System
init - Initiates firmware activation
rollback - Performs rollback
< replacement string >/ < alias > - Specifies the string for which a replacement is needed.
< token to be replaced > - Specifies an abbreviated / short form of the replacement string
Global Configuration mode
Your Product (config)# firmware activate
Command Objective:
This command displays a brief description for the given command.
To display help descriptions for commands with more than one word, do not provide any space between the words.
help [ command ]
All Modes
Your Product# help enable
Configure Terminal command must be executed as:
Your Product# help configureterminal
Command Objective:
This command configures the name of the switch. This is a string with a maximum size of 15.
Global Configuration Mode
Your Product(config)# hostname switch1
Command Objective:
This command lists all the default and newly created users, along with their permissible mode.
Privileged EXEC Mode
Your Product# listuser
root /
guest /
login authentication
Command Objective:
This command configures the authentication method for user logins for accessing the GUI to manage the switch. Few network routers and other network equipment allows access to a server or a managing computer to determine if the user attempting to log in has the proper rights or is in the user database.
The no form of the command resets the authentication method for user logins to its default values. Changing login authentication from default to another value may disconnect the telnet session.
login authentication [{radius | tacacs }] [local]
no login authentication
Parameter Description:
radius - Sets the RADIUS server to be used as an authentication server. Enables remote access servers to communicate with a central server to authenticate dial-in users and authorize their access to the requested system or service.
Note: Radius user will be given privilege based on service type attribute value received in access accept packet from radius server.tacacs - Sets the TACACS server to be used as an authentication server. Communicates with the authentication server commonly used in networks.
Note: Tacacs user will be given root privilege by default or local user privilege if the user exists in the local database.local - Sets locals authentication. The user identification, authentication, and authorization methods are chosen by the local system administration and does not necessarily comply with any other profiles.
Global Configuration Mode
Your Product(config)# login authentication radius
login authentication-default
Command Objective:
This command configures the authentication method for user logins for accessing the CLI to manage the switch. Few network routers and other network equipment allows access to a server or a managing computer to determine if the user attempting to log in has the proper rights or is in the user database.
Changing login authentication from default to another value may disconnect the telnet session.
The no form of the command resets the authentication method for user logins to its default values.
Note: This command is a standardized implementation of the existing command. It operates similarly to that of the command login authentication.
login authentication { default |
no login authentication { default |
Parameter Description:
- default - Sets the default authentication method for User Logins.
- < list-name > - Uses the list of user names created with the user name command, for authentication.
Note: This feature has been included to adhere to the Industry Standard CLI syntax. This feature is currently not supported.
Global Configuration Mode
Your Product(config)# login authentication default
Command Objective:
During console session, this command exits from Privileged EXEC/ User EXEC mode to Login Prompt. During Telnet session, this command terminates the session.
Privileged EXEC Mode
Your Product# logout
Your Product login:
no pagination
Command Objective:
This command disables pagination.
no pagination
Global Configuration Mode
Your Product (config)# no pagination
Command Objective:
This command restarts the switch.
Privileged EXEC Mode
Your Product# reload
set cli pagination
Command Objective:
This command enables or disables pagination.
set cli pagination {on | off}
Parameter Description:
- on - Enables pagination
- off - Disables pagination
Global Configuration Mode
Your Product (config)# set cli pagination off
system contact
Command Objective:
This command sets the system contact information.
system contact
Global Configuration Mode
Accedian, Canada
Your Product(config)# system contact support@x.com
system location
Command Objective:
This command sets the system location.
system location
Global Configuration Mode
Accedian, Canada
Your Product(config)# system location Controls
Command Objective:
The Tech Support Generator collects various system information such as kernel, network, and other OS related data. The collected data will be stored and compressed into a single file that is then exportable.
tech-support { list | generate | { export url } }
Parameter Description:
- list – Displays the name of the report.
Note: The report file name will have the following format:accedianIncidentReport_< timestamp >.bz2
Example: accedianIncidentReport_19700101-003549.bz2
- generate - Generates the report.
- export - Exports the reports to a specific URL. The report file can be exported via SFTP and TFTP protocols.
Privileged EXEC Mode
Your product# tech-support list
Report Available
Command Objective:
This command writes the running-config to a flash file, startup-configuration file or to a remote site.
write { flash:filename | startup-config | tftp://server/filename | sftp://< user-name >:< pass-word >@server/filename}
Parameter Description:
- flash:filename - Configures the name of the file to which the configuration is to be saved. This file is present in the flash.
- startup-config - Starts the switch with the saved configuration on reboot.
- tftp - Configures the TFTP related details for writing the configuration to a file in TFTP server.
- server - The IP address or host name of the server in which configuration should be maintained.
- filename - The name of the file in which the configuration should be written.
- sftp
- Configures the SFTP related details for writing the configuration to a file in SFTP server. - user-name - The user name of remote host or server.
- pass-word - The password for the corresponding user name of remote host or server.
- server - The IP address or host name of the server in which configuration should be maintained.
- filename - The name of the file in which the configuration should be written.
Privileged EXEC Mode
Note: Filenames and directory names are case sensitive.
Your Product(config)# write startup-config
Display Commands
This section includes unit management display commands.
show admin users
Command Objective:
This command displays the information about the NETCONF admin users.
show admin users
Privileged EXEC Mode
Your Product# show admin users
show aliases
Command Objective:
This command displays all the aliases.
show aliases
Privileged EXEC Mode
Your Product# show aliases
line -> li 1
products -> root
alternatename -> newname
show running-config
Command Objective:
This command displays all system running configs.
Note: This configuration is lost if the system is restarted.
show running-config
Note: If executed without optional parameters, this command displays the current active configurations, except for the default configurations of all the modules in all the interfaces.
For example, MEF 10_3 default envelope ranking, shown below, will not appear in the output.
configure terminal
set mef dot1p-priority 0 envelope-rank 7
set mef dot1p-priority 1 envelope-rank 6
set mef dot1p-priority 2 envelope-rank 5
set mef dot1p-priority 3 envelope-rank 4
set mef dot1p-priority 4 envelope-rank 3
set mef dot1p-priority 5 envelope-rank 2
set mef dot1p-priority 6 envelope-rank 1
set mef dot1p-priority 7 envelope-rank 0
Privileged EXEC Mode
The output given below is only a fragment of the whole output. This output differs based on the modules that are configured.
Your Product# show running-config bgp
Building configuration...
router bgp 100
bgp router-id
redistribute static
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor maximum-prefix 10
router bgp 100
show running-config qos
Command Objective:
This command displays the configuration done in QoS module.
Note: This option is available only when Diffserv is enabled.
show running-config qos
Privileged EXEC Mode
Your Product# show running-config qos
#Building configuration...
policy-map 10
set meter 10 conform-action cos-transmit-set 7 exceed-action cos-transmit-set 6 violate-action drop
set policy class 10 default-priority-type none
set meter-stats enable meter-id 10
show running-config telemetry
Command Objective:
This command displays the telemetry configuration information currently running on the router.
show running-config telemetry
Privileged EXEC Mode
Your Product# show running-config telemetry
#Building configuration...
set telemetry enable
slm enable
set reporter-type openmetrics status enable ip port 1234
show env
Command Objective:
This command displays the status of the all the resources like CPU, Flash and RAM usage, and also displays the current, power and temperature of the switch.
This command is a complete standardized implementation of the existing command.
show env {all | temperature | fan | RAM | CPU | flash | power}
Parameter Description:
- all - Displays threshold information of all resources such as CPU, Flash, RAM, power and temperature.
- temperature - Displays temperature threshold values of the switch in celcius.
- fan - Displays the threshold information of the fan.
- RAM - Displays the maximum RAM usage of the switch in percentage.
- CPU - Displays the maximum CPU usage of the switch in percentage.
- flash - Displays the maximum flash usage of the switch in percentage.
- power - Displays the threshold power suply for the switch
Privileged Exec Mode
Your product# show env fan
show env all
Command Objective:
This command displays threshold information of all resources such as CPU, Flash, RAM, power and temperature.
show env all
Parameter Description:
- RAM Threshold - User can configure Maximum RAM threshold values for unit to trigger the alarms if RAM usage crosses the configured threshold values.
- Current RAM Usage - Displays unit's current RAM usage.
- CPU Threshold - User can configure Maximum CPU threshold values for unit to trigger the alarms if CPU utilization crosses the configured threshold values.
- Current CPU Usage - Displays unit's current CPU usage.
- Fan Status 1 - Displays unit's Fan 1 operational status.
- Fan Status 2 - Displays unit's Fan 2 operational status.
- Fan Status 3 - Displays unit's Fan 3 operational status.
- Fan Status 4 - Displays unit's Fan 4 operational status.
- Min power supply - User can configure Minimum power supply threshold value for unit to trigger the alarms if power level of the unit crosses the Minimum configured values.
- Max power supply - User can configure Maximum power supply threshold value for unit to trigger the alarms if power level of the unit crosses the Maximum configured values.
- Current power supply - Displays current value of active power supply .
- Max Temperature - User configurable Maximum threshold temperature value in Celsius.
When ASIC switch temperature value crosses this Maximum temperature value, alarm will be raised.
- Min Temperature - User configurable Minimum threshold temperature value in Celsius.
When ASIC switch temperature value crosses this Minimum temperature value, alarm will be raised.
- Current Temperature - Displays the ASIC switch temperature values in Celsius.
- Flash Threshold - User configurable threshold in percentage of flash usage in the unit, beyond which alarm will be generated.
- Current Flash Usage - Displays the utilization of flash memory in the unit platform.
Note: Flash memory is part of /etc/accedian and /etc/accedian/history.
- Mgmt. Port Routing - Displays the status for management routing whether enables or disabled.
Privileged Exec Mode
Your product# show env all
RAM Threshold : 98%
Current RAM Usage : 81%
CPU Threshold : 100%
Current CPU Usage : 2%
Fan Status 1 : Operational
Fan Status 2 : Operational
Fan Status 3 : Operational
Fan Status 4 : Operational
Fan Status 5 : Operational
Min power supply : 110v
Max power supply : 220v
Current power supply : 230v
Max Temperature : 37C
Min Temperature : -10C
Current Temperature : 40C
Flash Threshold : 100%
Current Flash Usage : 66%
Mgmt Port Routing : Disabled
show nvram
Command Objective:
This command displays the current information stored in the NVRAM.
show nvram
Privileged EXEC Mode
Your product# show nvram
Default IP Address :
Default Subnet Mask :
Default IP Address Config Mode : Dynamic
Default IP Address Allocation Protocol : BOOTP
Switch Base MAC Address : 00:89:fe:34:55:33
Default Interface Name : Gi0/1
Default RM Interface Name : int1
Config Restore Option : No restore
Config Save Option : No save
Auto Save : Enable
Incremental Save : Enable
Roll Back : Enable
Config Save IP Address :
Config Save Filename : iss.conf
Config Restore Filename : /home/automation/code/future/LR/switch1/restore.conf
PIM Mode : Sparse Mode
IGS Forwarding Mode : MAC based
Cli Serial Console : Yes
SNMP EngineID :
SNMP Engine Boots : 42
Default VLAN Identifier : 1
Stack PortCount : 0
ColdStandby : Disable
Hitless Restart Flag : Disable
Hardware Version : 5.9.1
Firmware Version : 6.7.2
Hardware Part Number : 1-0-0
Software Serial Number : 1-0-0
Software Version : 7.2.0
Switch Name : default
RM Heart Beat Mode : Internal
RM Redundancy Type : Cold
RM Data Plane Type : Shared
RM Type : OOB
NPAPI mode : Synchronous
TimeStamp Method : Software
Restore Flag : Enabled
Dynamic Port Count : 24
FIPS operation mode : Disabled
Restore Option : Disabled
Bridge Mode : Customer Bridge
Debugging Log File Location : /home/twg
Management Port : Disabled
Automatic Port Create Flag : Disabled
Restore Type : CSR
IMG_DUMP_PATH : /home/twg/
show oss
Command Objective:
This command displays the name, version, copyright notice and license terms of each open source software (OSS) component that is used.
show oss
Privileged EXEC Mode
Your product# show oss
Copyright notices and licenses for Open Source Software used in the product are listed below:
Component Name Version Copyright License
--------------- --------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
bash 5 Copyright © 1995-2014 Brian fox, Chet Ramey, https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html
Roland McGrath
bridge-utils 1.6 Copyright © 2004-2011, Stephen Hemminger https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.en.html
and Lennert Buytenhek
busybox 1.31.1 Copyright © 1999-2004 by Erik Andersen. https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.en.html
Copyright © 2005-2006 Rob Landley.
All rights reserved.
bzip2 1.0.8 Copyright © 1996-2019 Julian Seward https://spdx.org/licenses/BSD-4-Clause.html
cJSON 1.5.6 Copyright (c) 2009 Dave Gamble https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
show privilege
Command Objective:
This command shows the current user privilege level.
show privilege
Privileged EXEC Mode
Your Product# show privilege
Current privilege level is 15
show system information
Command Objective:
This command displays system information.
show system information
Privileged EXEC Mode
Your Product# show system information
Hardware Version : 500-173-01
Software Version :
Firmware Version : AMO-100G-NG_22.01.2_1332
Hardware Serial Number : C414-0305
Software Serial Number : 1-0-0
Switch Name : C414-0305
System Contact : Accedian, Canada
System Name : C414-0305
Switch Description : AMO-100G-NG
System Location : Accedian, Canada
Logging Option : Console Logging
Device Uptime : 0 Days, 0 Hrs, 0 Mins, 54 Secs
Login Authentication Mode : Local
Config Save Status : Not Initiated
Remote Save Status : Not Initiated
Config Restore Status : Not Initiated
Traffic Separation Control : none
show telnet server
Command Objective
This command displays the Telnet server status.
show telnet server
Privileged EXEC Mode
Your Product# show telnet server
telnet service enabled
Clear Commands
This section includes the unit management clear commands.
clear screen
Command Objective:
This command clears all the contents from the screen.
clear screen
All Modes
Your Product# clear screen
clear iss counters
Command Objective:
This command clears the unit counters for all protocols or for the specified protocols like OSPFv2, RIP, RIPv6, OSPFv3, NETIP(v4/v6).
Note: If the command is executed without optional parameters all unit counters are cleared.
clear iss counters [bgp] [ospf] [rip] [rip6] [ospf3] [ipv4] [ipv6]
Parameter Description:
- ospf - Clears the counters for OSPF
- rip - Clears the counters for RIP
- rip6 - Clears the counters for RIPv6
- ospf3 - Clears the counters for OSPFV3
- ipv4 - Clears the counters for IPv4
- ipv6 - Clears the counters for IPv6
Mode :
Privileged EXEC Mode
Your product# clear iss counters
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