MEF 10.2 Regulator on EVPL Service with Multiple Classes of Services using PCP
  • 10 Jul 2024
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MEF 10.2 Regulator on EVPL Service with Multiple Classes of Services using PCP

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Article summary

This use case explains how you can configure an MEF 10.2 regulator on Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL) service with with multiple Classes of Services (CoS) using Priority Code Point (PCP).

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Guidelines for PCP Model Selection

The priority and drop_eligible parameters are encoded in the Priority Code Point (PCP) field of VLAN tag using the Priority Code Point Encoding Table for the Port, and decoded from the PCP value with reference to the Priority Code Point Decoding Table.

There are four different types of PCP Models that are supported: 8P0D, 7P1D, 6P2D, 5P3D.

  • 8P0D model specifies a PCP value equal to the priority value; drop_eligible parameter in PCP field of VLAN tag will not be communicated.

    Note: The 8P0D mapping is present by default in all interfaces. If a change must be made, ACLs and policies must be applied.
  • 5P3D model specifies a PCP value for each priority value and 5 distinct priorities with 3 drop precedence.
  • 6P2D model allows 6 distinct priorities with 2 drop precedence.
  • 7P1D model allows 7 distinct priorities with 1 drop precedence.

Configuring PCP Model for an Interface

To configure PCP model for an interface

  1. Execute the following commands.
  • Enter the Global Configuration Mode.
Your Product# configure terminal
  • Enable Port 1.
Your Product(config)# interface xl-ethernet 0/1 
Your Product(config-if)# no shutdown 
Your Product(config-if)# end 
  • Select the PCP Model as 5P3D and the incoming Packet type as Ethernet frame.
Your Product# configure terminal 
Your Product(config)# interface xl-ethernet 0/1 
Your Product(config-if)# qos packet-type ethernet pcp-selection-row 5P3D 
Your Product(config-if)# end

Expected Behavior

  1. View the interface related configuration details.
Your Product# show qos pcp-sel-row interface xl-ethernet 0/1
QoS Port Table Entries 

Port Number : 1 
Packet Type : 0 
PCP Selection Row : 5P3D 
Status : Active
  1. View the packet related configuration details.
Your Product# show qos pcp-sel-row packet-type Ethernet
QoS Port Table Entries 

Port Number : 1 
Packet Type : 0 
PCP Selection Row : 5P3D 
Status : Active 

Port Number : 2 
Packet Type : 0 
PCP Selection Row : 8P0D 
Status : Active 

Port Number : 3 
Packet Type : 0 
PCP Selection Row : 8P0D 
Status : Active 

Port Number : 4 
Packet Type : 0
PCP Selection Row : 8P0D 
Status : Active 

Port Number : 5 
Packet Type : 0 
PCP Selection Row : 8P0D 
Status : Active 

Port Number : 6 
Packet Type : 0 
PCP Selection Row : 8P0D 
Status : Active 

Port Number : 7 
Packet Type : 0 
PCP Selection Row : 8P0D 
Status : Active 

Port Number : 8 
Packet Type : 0 
PCP Selection Row : 8P0D 
Status : Active 

Port Number : 9 
Packet Type : 0 
PCP Selection Row : 8P0D 
Status : Active 

Port Number : 10 
Packet Type : 0 
PCP Selection Row : 8P0D 
Status : Active 

Port Number : 11 
Packet Type : 0 
PCP Selection Row : 8P0D 
Status : Active 

Port Number : 12 
Packet Type : 0 
PCP Selection Row : 8P0D 
Status : Active
  1. View the PCP encoding table for a port.
Your Product# show qos pcp encoding port xl-ethernet 0/1 packet-type Ethernet 
  1. View the PCP encoding table for a port.
Your Product# show qos pcp decoding port xl-ethernet 0/1 packet-type Ethernet 
  1. View the configured pbit reference for the tagged ports.
Your Product# show qos pbit-preference-over-Dscp
  1. View the interface details for configured pbit reference for the tagged ports.
Your Product# show qos pbit-preference-over-Dscp interface xl-ethernet 0/1 
  1. View the Queue statistics for EnQ, DeQ, Discarded Packets and Octet count, Management Algo Drop and Q Occupancy.
Your Product# show qos queue-stats interface xl-ethernet 0/1 
QoS Queue Stats 

Interface Index : Gi0/1 
Queue Index : 1 
EnQ Packets : 38343 
EnQ Octets : 2607324 
DeQ Packets : 38343 
DeQ Octets : 2607324 
Discard Packets : 0 
Discard Octets : 0 
Occupancy Octets : 0 
CongMgntAlgoDrop Octets : 0 

Interface Index : Gi0/1 
Queue Index : 2 
EnQ Packets : 0 
EnQ Octets : 0 
DeQ Packets : 0 
DeQ Octets : 0 
Discard Packets : 0 
Discard Octets : 0 
Occupancy Octets : 0 
CongMgntAlgoDrop Octets : 0 

Interface Index : Gi0/1 
Queue Index : 3 
EnQ Packets : 0 
EnQ Octets : 0 
DeQ Packets : 0 
DeQ Octets : 0 
Discard Packets : 0 
Discard Octets : 0 
Occupancy Octets : 0 
CongMgntAlgoDrop Octets : 0 

Interface Index : Gi0/1 
Queue Index : 4 
EnQ Packets : 0 
EnQ Octets : 0 
DeQ Packets : 0DeQ Octets : 0 
Discard Packets : 0 
Discard Octets : 0 
Occupancy Octets : 0 
CongMgntAlgoDrop Octets : 0 

Interface Index : Gi0/1 
Queue Index : 5 
EnQ Packets : 0 
EnQ Octets : 0 
DeQ Packets : 0 
DeQ Octets : 0 
Discard Packets : 0 
Discard Octets : 0 
Occupancy Octets : 0 
CongMgntAlgoDrop Octets : 0 

Interface Index : Gi0/1 
Queue Index : 6 
EnQ Packets : 0 
EnQ Octets : 0 
DeQ Packets : 0 
DeQ Octets : 0 
Discard Packets : 0 
Discard Octets : 0 
Occupancy Octets : 0 
CongMgntAlgoDrop Octets : 0 

Interface Index : Gi0/1 
Queue Index : 7 
EnQ Packets : 0 
EnQ Octets : 0 
DeQ Packets : 0 
DeQ Octets : 0 
Discard Packets : 0 
Discard Octets : 0 
Occupancy Octets : 0 
CongMgntAlgoDrop Octets : 0 

Interface Index : Gi0/1 
Queue Index : 8 
EnQ Packets : 0
EnQ Octets : 0 
DeQ Packets : 0 
DeQ Octets : 0 
Discard Packets : 0 
Discard Octets : 0 
Occupancy Octets : 0 
CongMgntAlgoDrop Octets : 0

CLI Configurations


Command Objective
This command configures the encoding table on the service-instance. The no form of the command configures default values for PCP encoding table.


pcp-encoding <pcp-selectionrow {8P0D | 7P1D | 6P2D | 5P3D}> priority <decoded-priority (0-7)> drop-eligible {true | false} pcp <encoded-priority (0-7)>

no pcp-encoding <pcp-selectionrow {8P0D | 7P1D | 6P2D | 5P3D}>

Parameter Description

  • pcpselectionrow - Configures the PCP selection row in the encoding table for which the PCP value to be mapped for a particular priority and drop_eligible combination. The encoding values are:
    • 8P0D – Configures 8 priority pcp encoding and 0 drop eligible pcp encoding values
    • 7P1D - Configures 7 priority pcp encoding and 1 drop eligible pcp encoding values
    • 6P2D - Configures 6 priority pcp encoding and 2 drop eligible pcp encoding values
    • 5P3D - Configures 5 priority pcp encoding and 3 drop eligible pcp encoding values
  • priority < decoded-priority (0-7)> - Configures the decoded priority associated with a particular PCP selection row. This value ranges from 0 to 7.
  • drop-eligible - Configures the drop_eligible parameter associated with a particular priority and PCP selection row in the PCP encoding table. This can be:
    • true/ - Determines the drop eligibility of the packet as true
    • false - Determines the drop eligibility of the packet as false
  • pcp < encoded-priority (0-7)> - Configures the encoded priority. This value ranges from 0 to 7.


Command Objective
This command configures the PCP decoding table on the service-instance. The no form of the command configures the default values for the PCP decoding table.


pcp-decoding <pcpselectionrow(8P0D|7P1D|6P2D|5P3D)> pcp <recv priority (0-7)> priority <decoding priority (0-7)> drop-eligible {true|false}

no pcp-decoding <pcpselectionrow(8P0D|7P1D|6P2D|5P3D)>

Parameter Description

  • pcpselectionrow - Configures the PCP selection row in the encoding table for which the priority and drop eligible parameters are to be mapped for a given PCP value. The decoding values are​:
    • 8P0D – Configures 8 priority pcp encoding and 0 drop eligible pcp encoding values.
    • 7P1D - Configures 7 priority pcp encoding and 1 drop eligible pcp encoding values
    • 6P2D - Configures 6 priority pcp encoding and 2 drop eligible pcp encoding values
    • 5P3D - Configures 5 priority pcp encoding and 3 drop eligible pcp encoding values
  • pcp < recv priority (0-7)> - Configures the PCP value in the decoding table for which the priority and drop eligible parameters are to be derived. This value ranges from 0 to 7.
  • priority - Configures the decoded priority for the PCP associated with the received frame. The frame will further be processed with this priority value.
  • drop-eligible - Configures the drop_eligible parameter associated with the particular PCP and PCP selection row in the PCP decoding table. This can be:
    • true - Determines the drop eligibility of the packet as true
    • false - Determines the drop eligibility of the packet as false


Command Objective
This command configures the PCP selection row parameter for a service-instance. This is used to select a row in the PCP encoding and decoding table.


pcp-selection-row {8P0D | 7P1D | 6P2D | 5P3D}

Parameter Description

  • 8P0D – Configures 8 priority pcp encoding and 0 drop eligible pcp encoding values.
  • 7P1D - Configures 7 priority pcp encoding and 1 drop eligible pcp encoding values
  • 6P2D - Configures 6 priority pcp encoding and 2 drop eligible pcp encoding values
  • 5P3D - Configures 5 priority pcp encoding and 3 drop eligible pcp encoding values

show [provider-bridge] pcp encoding

Command Objective

This command displays PCP encoding table for all ports or for a specific port.


show [provider-bridge] pcp encoding [{port < interface-type > < interface-num > | switch < context_name >}]

Parameter Description

  • provider-bridge - Indicates the bridge type as provider bridge.
  • port - Displays PCP encoding table for the specified interface.
    • < interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:
      • fastethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second. This is officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard.
      • xl-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 1 Gigabit per second.
      • extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second. This Ethernet supports only full duplex links.
      • internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.
      • port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.
    • < interface-num> - Displays the list of interfaces or a specific interface identifier. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided, for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. Use comma as a separator without space while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 0/1,0/3 or 1,3.
  • switch < context_name> - Displays PCP encoding table for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.

show [provider-bridge] pcp decoding

Command Objective

This command displays Priority Code Point (PCP) decoding table for all ports and also for specific ports.

show [provider-bridge] pcp decoding [{port < interface-type > < interface-num > | switch < context_name >}]

Parameter Description

  • provider-bridge - Indicates the bridge type as provider bridge.
  • port - Displays PCP encoding table for the specified interface.
    • < interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:
      • fastethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second. This is officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard.
      • xl-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 1 Gigabit per second.
      • extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second. This Ethernet supports only full duplex links.
      • internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.
      • port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.
    • < interface-num> - Displays the list of interfaces or a specific interface identifier. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided, for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. Use comma as a separator without space while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 0/1,0/3 or 1,3.
  • switch < context_name > - Displays PCP decoding table for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.

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