Zero Touch Provisioning Overview
  • 10 Jul 2024
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Zero Touch Provisioning Overview

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Article summary

The Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) feature enables automatic provisioning of a switch connected to a network. ZTP automatically downloads and installs the image and configuration file in the device and aids in rapid deployment of devices in network with updated Firmware / Image version.

The ZTP feature uses the DHCPv4 protocol for assigning IP addresses to the switch.

These articles describe the ZTP module configuration on an Accedian switch. These articles describe the configuration details through CLI (Command Line Interface) and SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol).

The reader is expected to have a basic knowledge of ZTP protocol as a prerequisite.


The following table lists the acronyms used in Zero Touch Provisioning and their expansion. This is fundamental to the information in these following articles.

Acronyms Used in These Articles

CECustomer Edge Device
CE-VLAN/CVLANCustomer Edge VLAN / Customer VLAN
DUTDevice Under Test
ISSIntelligent Switching Solution
MACIntelligent Switching Solution
NNINetwork to Network Interface
PBProvider Bridge
PEBProvider Edge Bridge
SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol
CLICommand Line Interface
UNIUser to Network Interface
ZTPZero Touch Provisioning

General Configurations

The ZTP is configurable and managed by CLI and SNMP interfaces. This article provides the various modes for the CLI configuration and the various operations for the SNMP configuration.

Command Line Interface

Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) feature enables automatic provisioning of a switch connected to a network. The ZTP feature aids in rapid deployment of devices in network. The ZTP feature uses DHCPv4 protocol for acquiring the IP address for the switch device. Once the IP address is assigned to the switch, the switch will advertise the acquired IP address via advertisement frame and hence the switch will be remotely managed via acquired IP address.

ZTP commands are categorized as follows:

  • Configuration Commands
    set beacon domain-id-value
    set beacon domain-id-match
    set use-beacon-rate
    set beacon advertisement
    set beacon advertisement interval
    set beacon discovery
  • Display Command
    show ztp globals
  • Debug Command
    debug ztp

CLI Command Modes

This section describes the various command modes available in the CLI configuration for ZTP, lists the command modes, access and exit methods of the modes, and the prompt displayed in the modes.

The following table lists the access and exit methods to various general configuration modes.

CLI Command Modes

Command ModeAccess MethodPromptExit Method
User EXECThis is the initial mode to start a session.your product >The logout method is used.
Privileged EXECThe User EXEC mode command enable, is used to enter the Privileged EXEC mode.your product#The command disable is used to return to the User EXEC mode.
Global ConfigurationThe Privileged EXEC mode command configures the terminal, is used to enter the Global Configuration Mode.your product(config)#The command exit/end is used to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode.
Multiple Instance ConfigurationThe Global Configuration mode command switch is used to enter the Multiple Instance Configuration modes.your product(config-switch)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used, and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.
Interface ConfigurationThe Global Configuration Mode command interface < interface-type >< interface-id >, is used to enter the Interface Configuration Mode.your product(config-if)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used, and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.

Basic SNMP Configurations

This section describes the Set, Get and Walk operations of the SNMP and also the details regarding the SNMP Manager. The following table lists the details regarding the manager used for SNMP configurations.

SNMP Configurations

  • mib load
  • Set()
  • Get()
  • Walk()

SNMP Operations

The SNMP operations are used for loading MIB files, configuring values, and displaying the configured values. The syntaxes and examples of the SNMP operation are explained.

MIB Load

The MIB Load operation is used to register the MIB files with the SNMP manager.

  1. Execute Scotty
    root@localhost mibs# scotty2.1.10

  2. Load the MIB files, so that the SNMP manager can learn about new MIB objects, such as their names, OIDs (Object Identifiers), and datatype.
    Syntax: mib load fsaccztp.mib

  3. Create an SNMP session with switch vlan1 IP address as target agent IP, community as NETMAN, retries to be used in the requests as 0, the protocol version to be used as SNMPv2C, and timeout between retries as 30 seconds.

    Note: The SNMP session should be created for performing SNMP Get, Set and Walk operations in the particular SNMP session.

    % snmp session -address -community "NETMAN" -retries 0 -version SNMPv2C -timeout 30

The following table lists the MIB files that must be loaded in the SNMP manager before issuing any Get / Set / Walk operation.

MIB Files

File NameMIB NameDescription
ifmib.mibIF-MIBThe MIB module describes generic objects for network interface sub-layers. This MIB is an updated version of MIB-II's ifTable and incorporates the extensions defined in RFC 1229.
SNMPv2-TC.mibSNMPv2-TCThe MIB contains the definition of textual conventions
SNMPv2-SMI.mibSNMPv2-SMIStructure of Management Information Version 2 Module
fsaccztp.mibFSACCZTP-MIBThe proprietary MIB for Accedian for ZTP module.

Set Operation

The Set operation is used to configure a particular value of an object identified by the indices used in the operation.

% snmpSession set {{ObjectName .Index1.Index2…IndexN DataType ValueToBeSet }}

A session represents the SNMP session identifier.
ObjectName represents the name of the object to be configured.
Index1.Index2……IndexN represents the indices of the object.
DataType represents the type of value to be stored in the object. DataType is an optional argument.
ValueToBeSet represents the value to be assigned for the object.

{ObjectIdentifier DataType Value}

Example: To start the ZTP module
% snmp0 set {{ fsaccztpBeaconconAdvInterval.0 600}}

Value to be set = start.
SNMP session identifier = 0.
The output is:
{ Unsigned32 600}

Get Operation

The Get operation is used to obtain the configured value of an object identified by the indices used in the operation.

% snmp
Session get {{ObjectName .Index1.Index2…IndexN}}


Session represents the SNMP session identifier.
ObjectName represents the name of the object whose configuration is to be obtained.
Index1.Index2……IndexN represents the indices of the object.

{ObjectIdentifier DataType Value}

To get the value of the ZTP system status
% snmp0 get {{ fsaccztpBeaconconAdvInterval.0}}


SNMP session identifier = 0.
The output is:
{ Unsigned32 600}

Walk Operation

The snmpwalk command is designed to perform a sequence of chained GETNEXT requests. The command takes a single OID and displays a list of all results which lie within the subtree rooted on this OID.

% snmpSession walk ObjectTable.Name {puts $Object}


Session represents the SNMP session identifier.
Object represents a variable to which the output to be displayed is redirected.
Table Name represents the name of table from which configuration is to be obtained.

Output: {ObjectIdentifier DataType Value}

Example: To view the ZTP Context entry
% snmp0 walk x fsacczerotouchprovisioning {puts $x} INTEGER 1 INTEGER 1 Unsigned32 60 INTEGER 1 {OCTET STRING} defaultDomain Integer32 256 INTEGER 1 INTEGER 1 INTEGER 1 INTEGER 1 INTEGER 1 INTEGER 1 INTEGER 1

Default Configurations

The following table lists the default values assigned to several ZTP parameters, during the start-up.

Default Configurations

ParameterDefault Setting
Use Beacon RateEnable
Beacon AdvertisementEnable
Beacon Advertisement Interval60 secs
Domain ID MatchDisable
Domain IDdefaultDomain
Trace LevelCritical
Interface Discovery StatusEnable

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