ZTP Configurations
  • 17 Nov 2023
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ZTP Configurations

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Article summary

ZTP (Zero Touch Provisioning) feature enables automatic provisioning of a switch connected to a network. The ZTP is configurable and managed by CLI and SNMP interfaces. This article provides the various modes for the CLI configuration and the various operations for the SNMP configuration.

The ZTP feature uses DHCPv4 protocol on Linux IP for fetching the IP address from the DHCP server.

This article describes the configuration of the following ZTP features using CLI and SNMP interfaces.

  • Enable/Disable Use Beacon Rate
  • Start/Stop Beacon Advertisement
  • Configure Advertisement Interval
  • Enable/Disable Domain ID Match
  • Configure Domain ID Value
  • Configure ZTP Trace Level
  • Enable/Disable Beacon Discovery over the interface

Note: The subsections on SNMP configurations have references to tables for the index values used in setting up the variables.

Enable/Disable Use Beacon Rate

The following lists the CLI and SNMP configuration steps to enable and disable the use beacon Rate.

When the use beacon rate is enabled, the advertisement frame will be transmitted at the rate which is present in the received beacon packet; otherwise, the configured advertisement interval will be used for the advertisement frame transmission.

By Default, Use beacon Rate is enabled.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to enable the use of beacon rate are listed below.

  1. Enter Global configuration mode:
    your product# configure terminal

  2. Enable the use beacon rate:
    your product(config)# set use-beacon-rate enable

  3. Exit the Global Configuration mode:
    your product(config)# end

  4. View the ZTP global information for default switch:
    your product# show ztp globals
    ZTP Global Configurations:
    Beacon Domain-ID is defaultDomain
    Beacon Domain-ID Match is disabled
    Use Beacon Rate is enabled
    Beacon Advertisment is enabled
    Beacon Advertisement Interval is 60 secs
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/1
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/2
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/3
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/4
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface gigabitethernet 0/1

The CLI configuration steps to enable the use beacon rate are listed below.

  1. Enter Global configuration mode:
    your product# configure terminal

  2. Disable the use beacon rate:
    your product(config)# set use-beacon-rate disable

  3. Exit the Global Configuration mode:
    your product(config)# end

  4. View the ZTP global information for default switch:
    your product# show ztp globals
    ZTP Global Configurations:
    Beacon Domain-ID is defaultDomain
    Beacon Domain-ID Match is disabled
    Use Beacon Rate is disabled
    Beacon Advertisment is enabled
    Beacon Advertisement Interval is 60 secs
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/1
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/2
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/3
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/4
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface gigabitethernet 0/1

SNMP Configuration

The SNMP configuration steps to enable/disable of use beacon rate are listed below.

  1. Enable the use beacon rate in switch default:
    % snmp0 set {{ fsaccztpUseBeaconRate.0 1}}
    { INTEGER 1}

  2. Disable use beacon rate in switch default:
    % snmp0 set {{ fsaccztpUseBeaconRate.0 0}}
    { INTEGER 0}

Start/Stop Beacon Advertisement

This section lists the CLI and SNMP configuration steps to start and stop beacon advertisements.

When Beacon Advertisment is enabled, the beacon advertisement frame will be transmitted; otherwise, the beacon advertisement frame will not be transmitted.

By Default, the Beacon Advertisement frame will be transmitted.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to start the beacon advertisement are listed below.

  1. Enter Global configuration mode:
    your product# configure terminal

  2. Start the beacon advertisement:
    your product(config)# set beacon advertisment enable

  3. Exit the Global Configuration mode:
    your product(config)# end

  4. View the ZTP global information for default switch:
    your product# show ztp globals
    ZTP Global Configurations:
    Beacon Domain-ID is defaultDomain
    Beacon Domain-ID Match is disabled
    Use Beacon Rate is enabled
    Beacon Advertisment is enabled
    Beacon Advertisement Interval is 60 secs
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/1
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/2
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/3
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/4
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface gigabitethernet 0/1

The CLI configuration steps to stop the beacon advertisement are listed below.

  1. Enter Global configuration mode:
    your product# configure terminal

  2. Stop the beacon advertisement:
    your product(config)# set beacon advertisment disable

  3. Exit the Global Configuration mode:
    your product(config)# end

  4. View the ZTP global information for default switch:
    your product# show ztp globals
    ZTP Global Configurations:
    Beacon Domain-ID is defaultDomain
    Beacon Domain-ID Match is disabled
    Use Beacon Rate is enabled
    Beacon Advertisment is disabled
    Beacon Advertisement Interval is 60 secs
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/1
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/2
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/3
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/4
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface gigabitethernet 0/1

Configure Advertisement Interval

This section lists the CLI and SNMP configuration steps to configure beacon advertisement interval.

When the use beacon rate is disabled and the advertisement frame is enabled, the advertisement frame will be sent with configured beacon advertisement interval.

By Default, the Beacon Advertisement interval is 60 sec.

SNMP Configuration

The SNMP configuration steps to start/stop beacon advertisement are listed below.

  1. Start the beacon advertisement in switch default:
    % snmp0 set {{ fsaccztpBeaconAdv.0 1}}
    { INTEGER 1}

  2. Stop the beacon advertisement in switch default:
    % snmp0 set {{ fsaccztpBeaconAdv.0 0}}
    { INTEGER 0}

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to configure the beacon advertisement interval are listed below.

  1. Enter Global configuration mode:
    your product# configure terminal

  2. Configure the beacon advertisement interval:
    your product(config)# set beacon advertisment interval 600

  3. Exit the Global Configuration mode:
    your product(config)# end

  4. View the ZTP global information for default switch:
    your product# show ztp globals
    ZTP Global Configurations:
    Beacon Domain-ID is defaultDomain
    Beacon Domain-ID Match is disabled
    Use Beacon Rate is enabled
    Beacon Advertisment is enabled
    Beacon Advertisement Interval is 600 secs
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/1
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/2
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/3
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/4
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface gigabitethernet 0/1

SNMP Configuration

The SNMP configuration steps to configure the beacon advertisement interval are listed below.
% snmp0 set {{ fsaccztpBeaconconAdvInterval.0 600}}
{ Unsigned32 600}

Enable/Disable Domain ID Match

This section lists the CLI and SNMP configuration steps to enable/disable domain id match.

When domain id match is enabled, the switch will accept beacons only if the beacon's domain ID matches the local domain ID

By Default, domain id match is disabled.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to enable domain id match are listed below.

  1. Enter Global configuration mode:
    your product# configure terminal

  2. Enable the domain id match:
    your product(config)# set beacon domain-id-match enable

  3. Exit the Global Configuration mode:
    your product(config)# end

  4. View the ZTP global information for default switch:
    your product# show ztp globals
    ZTP Global Configurations:
    Beacon Domain-ID is defaultDomain
    Beacon Domain-ID Match is enabled
    Use Beacon Rate is enabled
    Beacon Advertisment is enabled
    Beacon Advertisement Interval is 60 secs
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/1
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/2
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/3
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/4
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface gigabitethernet 0/1

The CLI configuration steps to disable domain id match are listed below.

  1. Enter Global configuration mode:
    your product# configure terminal

  2. Disable domain id match:
    your product(config)# set beacon domain-id-match disable

  3. Exit the Global Configuration mode:
    your product(config)# end

  4. View the ZTP global information for default switch:
    your product# show ztp globals
    ZTP Global Configurations:
    Beacon Domain-ID is defaultDomain
    Beacon Domain-ID Match is disabled
    Use Beacon Rate is enabled
    Beacon Advertisment is enabled
    Beacon Advertisement Interval is 60 secs
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/1
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/2
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/3
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/4
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface gigabitethernet 0/1

SNMP Configuration

The SNMP configuration steps to enable/disable domain id match are listed below.

  1. Enable the domain id match in switch default:
    % snmp0 set {{ fsaccztpDomainIdMatch.0 1}}
    { INTEGER 1}

  2. Disable the domain id match in switch default:
    % snmp0 set {{ fsaccztpDomainIdMatch.0 0}}
    { INTEGER 0}

Configure Domain ID Value

This section lists the CLI and SNMP configuration steps to configure domain id value.

When domain id match is enabled, the switch will accept beacons only if the beacon's domain ID matches the local configured domain ID

By Default, defaultDomain is the domain ID.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to configure domain id are listed below:

  1. Enter Global configuration mode:
    your product# configure terminal

  2. Configure the domain id:
    your product(config)# set beacon domain-id-value test

  3. Exit the Global Configuration mode:
    your product(config)# end

  4. View the ZTP global information for default switch:
    your product# show ztp globals
    ZTP Global Configurations:
    Beacon Domain-ID is test
    Beacon Domain-ID Match is disabled
    Use Beacon Rate is enabled
    Beacon Advertisment is enabled
    Beacon Advertisement Interval is 60 secs
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/1
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/2
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/3
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/4
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface gigabitethernet 0/1

SNMP Configuration

The SNMP configuration steps to configure domain id value are listed below.
% snmp0 set {{ fsaccztpDomainId.0 test}}
{ {OCTET STRING} test}

Configure ZTP Trace Level

This section details the CLI and SNMP configurations to configure the below ZTP Trace Level.

  • Function Entry/Exit
  • Management
  • Information
  • Critical
  • Resource
  • All Failure
  • All

By Default, the Critical Trace level is set.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to configure the ZTP trace level are listed below:
your product# debug ztp level all

The CLI configuration to disable ZTP is listed below:
your product# no debug ztp

SNMP Configuration

The SNMP configuration step to configure the ZTP trace level is listed below:
% snmp0 set {{ fsaccztpTraceLevel.0 4352}}
{ Integer32 4352}

Enable/Disable Beacon Discovery Over the Interface

This section lists the CLI and SNMP configuration steps to enable/disable the beacon discovery over the interface.

Beacon packets received on the interface will be processed only if the beacon discovery is enabled on the interface.

By Default, beacon discovery is enabled on all interfaces.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to enable beacon discovery are listed below.

  1. Enter Global configuration mode:
    your product# configure terminal

  2. Enter Interface configuration mode:
    your product(config)# int xl-ethernet 0/1

  3. Enable the beacon discovery:
    your product(config-if)# set beacon discovery enable

  4. Exit the interface configuration mode:
    your product(config-if)# end

  5. View the ZTP global information for default switch:
    your product# show ztp globals
    ZTP Global Configurations:
    Beacon Domain-ID is defaultDomain
    Beacon Domain-ID Match is disabled
    Use Beacon Rate is enabled
    Beacon Advertisment is enabled
    Beacon Advertisement Interval is 60 secs
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/1
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/2
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/3
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/4
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface gigabitethernet 0/1

The CLI configuration steps to disable beacon discovery over the interface are listed below.

  1. Enter Global configuration mode:
    your product# configure terminal

  2. Enter Interface configuration mode:
    your product(config)# int xl-ethernet 0/1

  3. Disable the beacon discovery:
    your product(config-if)# set beacon discovery disable

  4. Exit the interface configuration mode:
    your product(config-if)# end

  5. View the ZTP global information for default switch:
    your product# show ztp globals
    ZTP Global Configurations:
    Beacon Domain-ID is defaultDomain
    Beacon Domain-ID Match is disabled
    Use Beacon Rate is enabled
    Beacon Advertisment is enabled
    Beacon Advertisement Interval is 60 secs
    Beacon discovery is disabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/1
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/2
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/3
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface XL-ethernet 0/4
    Beacon discovery is enabled for Interface gigabitethernet 0/1

SNMP Configuration

The SNMP configuration steps to enable/disable the beacon discovery are listed below.

  1. Enable the beacon discovery over interface 1 in switch default:
    % snmp0 set {{ fsaccztpDiscoveryEnable.1 1}}
    { INTEGER 1}

  2. Disable the beacon discovery over interface 1 in switch default:
    % snmp0 set {{ fsaccztpDiscoveryEnable.1 0}}
    { INTEGER 0}

Note: The last number in the OID object denotes the interface index.

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