Y.1564 Commands
  • 10 Jul 2024
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Y.1564 Commands

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Article summary

Y.1564 CLI commands are categorized as follows:

Enable and Disable Commands

This section includes Y.1564 enable and disable commands.

shutdown y1564

Command Objective:
This command shuts down the Y.1564 module. This implies that all resources used by Y.1564 module are released to the system.

The no form of the command starts and enables the Y.1564 module in the router. This implies that resources required by Y.1564 module are allocated & Y.1564 module starts running.

shutdown y1564

no shutdown y1564

Global Configuration Mode

Y.1564 module is shut down in the system for all contexts.


Your Product(config)# no shutdown y1564


Command Objective:
This command enables or disables trap status for the SLA.

trap-status {enable | disable}

Parameter Description:

  • enable – Enables the trap status.
  • disable – Disables the trap status.

SLA Configuration Mode



Your Product (config-sla-1564)# trap-status enable

y1564 enable

Command Objective:
This command enables the operation state of the Y.1564 module.

The no form of the command disables the operation state of the Y.1564 module.

y1564 enable

no y1564 enable

Global Configuration Mode

Y.1564 operation is disabled for all contexts.


Your Product(config)# y1564 enable

Configuration Commands

This section includes Y.1564 configuration commands.


Command Objective:
This command configures the service configuration test duration of each individual test in seconds. This value ranges from 10 to 60.

Note: If the Configuration test is started with CIR, Eand IR, Traffic Policing, and the configuration test duration is specified as 10 then all three tests should be completed within 30 seconds.

configuration-test-duration <configuration-test-duration (10-60)>

SLA Configuration Mode


Note: This command is effective only if:

  • Y1564 module is started in the system
  • SLA is created in the system using Y.1564 SLA command


Your Product (config-sla-1564)# configuration-test-duration 10


Command Objective:
This command configures the destination interface for the traffic profile.

Note: Destination interface represents the source interface of the Y.1564 test. The source interface sends out Y.1564 packets from the unit.


Parameter Description:

  • < interface-type > - Configures the destination interface for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:
  • fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.
  • gigabitethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 1 Gigabit per second.
  • extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second. This Ethernet supports only full duplex links.
  • internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.
  • port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.
  • < interface-id > - Configures the destination interface for the specified interface number. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for an interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided, for interface types internal-lan and port-channel.

Traffic Profile Mode


Your Product (config-traffic-profile-1564)# destination-interface XL-ethernet 0/2


Command Objective:
This command configures the destination mac address for the traffic profile.


Traffic Profile Mode


Your Product (config-traffic-profile-1564)# destination-mac-address 00:15:ad:2f:ef:e3

map sac

Command Objective:
This command maps the Service Acceptance Criteria Identifier to the SLA. This value ranges from 1 to 100.

The no form of the command unmaps the Service Acceptance Criteria Identifier from the SLA.

The no form of the command also deletes the corresponding report entries of the configuration and performance test if the report is present for the SLA on which the sac is ummapped .

map sac <sac-id (1-100)>
no map sac

SLA Configuration Mode

Note: This command executes only if:

  • Y1564 module is started in the system
  • SLA is created in the system using Y.1564 SLA command


Your Product (config-sla-1564)# map sac 1

map service-configuration

Command Objective:
This command maps the Service Configuration Identifier to SLA. This value ranges from 1 to 100.

The no form of the command unmaps the Service Configuration Identifier from the SLA.

Note: This command executes only if MEF is not enabled during EXE compilation.

map service-configuration <service-configuration-id (1-100)>

no map service-configuration <service-configuration-id (1-100)>

SLA Configuration Mode

Note: This command is effective only if:

  • Y.1564 module is started in the system
  • SLA is created in the system using Y.1564 SLA command


Your Product(config-sla-1564)# map service-configuration 1

map traffic-profile

Command Objective:
This command maps the Traffic Profile Identifier to the SLA. This value ranges from 1 to 100.

The no form of the command unmaps the Traffic Profile Identifier from the SLA.

The no form of the command also deletes the corresponding report entries of the configuration and performance test if the report is present for the SLA on which the traffic profile is ummapped.

map traffic-profile <Traf-Prof-id (1-100)>

no map traffic-profile

SLA Configuration Mode

Note: This command executes only if:

  • Y.1564 module is started in the system
  • SLA is created in the system using Y.1564 SLA command
  • Traffic profile is created in the system using y1564 traffic-profile command


Your Product (config-sla-1564)# map traffic-profile 1


Y.1564 supports both Fixed and Emix patterns of traffic for SAT test.

Command Objective:
This command configures the packet size for the traffic profile in bytes. This value ranges from 64 to 10240.

Notes: Defined packet-size on Y.1564 SLA plays two roles:
In Fixed mode that defines fixed packet size that will be generated with Y.1564.

If Emix mode is used in Y.1564, it also defines the “u” in emix user-defined packet size.

Allowable frame sizes are between 64 bytes to 10240 bytes.

Default value for packet-size is 512; so default 'u' is 512.


packet-size <packet-size (64- 10240)>

Note: The allowable frame sizes are any values from 64 to 10240 Bytes.

SLA Configuration Mode


your product(config)# y1564 sla 1
your product(config-sla-1564)# packet-size 64

packet-size emix-pattern

Command Objective:
This command configures the packet size as an optional variable-size (EMIX) pattern for the traffic profile in bytes. This is a string of maximum size 9. EMIX pattern is given as a-64, b-128, c-256, d-512, e-1024, f-1280 , g-1518, h-MTU, u-userdefined.

Note: Use the command "packet-size" to define option "u".

packet-size emix-pattern <emix-string(9)>]

Traffic Profile Configuration Mode


Note: This command executes only if:

  • Y1564 module is started in the system
  • Traffic profile configuration is created using the y1564 traffic-profile command


Your Product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# packet-size emix-pattern a


Command Objective:
This command configures the rate step i.e. the step load committed information rate (CIR) for the service-level agreement (SLA). This value ranges from 10 to 100. The value should be a perfect divisor of 100

If no value is provided, 25% of CIR is sent first, followed by 50% of CIR, and so on; the complete CIR is generated in 4 steps. For example, If the rate step is configured as 10, CIR is generated at an incremental 10% for a set of 10 steps for the configured CIR.

rate-step <sla-step (10-100)>

SLA Configuration Mode


Note: This command is effective only if:

  • Y1564 module is started in the system
  • SLA is created in the system using Y.1564 SLA command


Your Product(config-sla-1564)# rate-step 100

service-config cir

Command Objective:
This command creates and configures service configuration (bandwidth profile) parameters, such as cir, cbs, eir, ebs.

service-config cir <cir-value-kbps (1- 100000000)> cbs <cbs-value-bytes (1- 100000000)> eir <eir-value-kbps (1- 100000000)> ebs <ebs-value-bytes (1- 100000000)> [color-aware] [coupling-flag]

Parameter Description:

  • cir <cir-value-kbps (1- 100000000)> - Configures the Committed Information Rate. It defines the average rate in bits/s of Service Frames up to which the network delivers Service Frames and is committed to meeting the performance objectives defined by the CoS Service Attribute. This value ranges from 1 to 100000000 kbps.

    Note: CIR must be less than or equal to EIR if EIR is greater than 0.

  • cbs <cbs-value-bytes (1- 100000000)> - Configures the Committed burst size. It limits the maximum number of bytes available for a burst of Service Frames sent at the UNI speed to remain CIR-conformant.This value ranges from 1 to 100000000 bytes.

    Note: CBS must be greater than 0 if CIR is greater than 0.

  • eir <eir-value-kbps (1- 100000000)> - Configures the Excess Information Rate. It defines the average rate in bits/s of Service Frames up to which the network may deliver Service Frames but without any performance objectives. This value ranges from 1 to 100000000 kbps.

    Note: EIR must be greater than or equal to CIR, if EIR is greater than 0.

  • ebs <ebs-value-bytes (1- 100000000)> - Configures the Excess burst size. It limits the maximum number of bytes available for a burst of Service Frames sent at the UNI speed to remain EIR-conformant.This value ranges from 1 to 100000000 bytes.

    Note: EBS must be greater than 0 if EIR is greater than 0.

  • color-aware - Configures the UNI as color-aware or color-blind which specifies a pre-determined level of Bandwidth Profile compliance for each Service Frame is taken into account when determining the level of compliance for each Service Frame.

  • coupling-flag - Sets the coupling flag which allows the choice between two modes of operation of the rate enforcement algorithm.

Service Configuration Mode

Note: This command executes only if:

  • Y.1564 module is started in the system
  • Service configuration is created using the y1564 service-configuration command

Your Product (config-service-config-1564)# service-config cir 1 cbs 2 eir 3 ebs 4 color-aware coupling-flag

set sat test-frame-format

Command Objective:
This command configures the test frame format type for SAT sessions.

The Layer2-Generic frame format type is used to generate SAT traffic with LBR OpCode and the Layer2-Accedian frame format type is used to generate SAT traffic with LBM OpCode.

set sat test-frame-format {layer2-generic | layer2-accedian}

Global Configuration Mode


Your Product (config)# set sat test-frame-format layer2-generic


Command Objective:
This command configures the source mac address for the traffic profile.

source-mac-address < src-mac >

Traffic Profile Mode


Your Product (config-traffic-profile-1564)# source-mac-address 00:15:ad:2f:f4:43


Command Objective:
This command configures User defined test description. This value is a string of maximum size 255.

test-description < description(255) >

SLA Configuration Mode


Your Product (config-sla-1564)# test-description SAT_TEST

test selector

Command Objective:
This command configures the test selector for the current SLA. If the test is not selected explicitly then all the tests will be selected.

test selector [[simple-cir-test] [stepload-cir-test] [eir-test] [traffic-policing-test]]

Parameter Description:

  • simple-cir-test - Starts the simple committed information rate (cir) service configuration test of the SLA.
  • stepload-cir-test - Starts the stepload committed information rate (cir) service configuration test of the SLA.
  • eir-test - Starts the excess information rate (eir) service configuration test of the SLA.
  • traffic-policing-test - Starts the traffic policing service configuration test of the SLA.

SLA Configuration Mode

Test selector - All
Test Status - Stop

Note: This command executes only if:

  • Y1564 module is started in the system
  • SLA is created in the system using Y.1564 SLA command.
  • Traffic profile is mapped to the SLA
  • SAC is mapped to the SLA
  • EVC is configured in the system through MEF and mapped to the SLA if MEF is defined.
  • Service Configuration is mapped to the SLA if MEF is not defined.


Product(config-sla-1564)# test selector eir-test


Command Objective:
This command enables/disables traffic policing status for the SLA.

traffic-policing {enable | disable}

Parameter Description:

  • enable - Enables the traffic policing status for the SLA.
  • disable - Disables the traffic policing status for the SLA.

SLA Configuration Mode


Note: This command is effective only if:

  • Y1564 module is started in the system
  • SLA is created in the system using Y.1564 SLA command


Your Product (config-sla-1564)# traffic-policing enable


Command Objective: This command configures the vlan tag information for the traffic profile.

The no form of the command deletes the configured vlan tag information.

vlan-tag {inner | outer} vlan <vlan-id(1-4094)> [dot1p-priority <priority(0-7)>] [tpid <tpid(1536-65535)>] [dei {enable | disable}]

no vlan-tag {inner | outer}

Parameter Description:

  • inner – Configures the vlan tag type as inner vlan
  • outer – Configures the vlan tag type as outer vlan
  • vlan - Configures the vlan identifier which is used for the vlan. The value ranges from 1 to 4094.
  • dot1p-priority - Configures the 3-bit PCP priority for the specified vlan. The value ranges from 0 to 7.
  • tpid - Configures the TPID in populating the outermost VLAN tag in the frame generated. The value ranges from 1536 to 65535.
  • dei – Configure the drop eligibility for the specified vlan.
    • enable – Enables the drop eligibility for the specified vlan tag.
    • disable – Disables the drop eligibility for the specified vlan tag.

Traffic Profile Configuration Mode


  • dot1p-priority – 0
  • tpid - 33024


Your Product (config-traffic-profile-1564)# vlan-tag outer vlan 10 dot1p-priority 3 tpid 0x8100 dei enable 

y1564 flow-bytes mode

Command Objective:
This command enables or disables the flow bytes mode to interpret bytes for the configured IR and calculate the statistics.

y1564 flow-bytes mode {layer1 | layer2}

Parameter Description:

  • layer1 - Enables Layer 1 rate traffic
  • layer2 - Enables Layer 2 rate traffic

Global Configuration Mode


Your Product(config)# y1564 flow-bytes mode layer1

y1564 notification

Command Objective:
This command enables the Y.1564 trap notification.

The no form of the command disables the sending of notification messages from Y.1564 to a remote management entity upon specific events.

y1564 notification enable

no y1564 notification enable

Global Configuration Mode

Y.1564 notification is enabled.

Note: This command executes only if Y.1564 module is started in the system.


Your Product(config)# y1564 notification enable

y1564 report save

Command Objective:
This command enables the Y.1564 trap notification.

This command saves the report in a file name or transfers the report using TFTP for the specified SLA/Performance ID.

Note: If the context information is not specified, save the report for the default context.

The no form of the command deletes the Flash File for the specified file name.

y1564 report save {sla-id [< id (1-100) >] | performance-id [< id (1-10) >]} {report_name | tftp://server/filename } [switch < context_name >]

no Y1564 report report_name < report-name >

Parameter Description:

  • sla-id [< id (1-100) >] - Saves the report of a Service Level Agreement (SLA) identifier for Y1564 module. This value ranges from 1 to 100.
  • performance-id [< id (1-10) >] - Saves the report of a performance identifier for Y1564 module. This value ranges from 1 to 10.
  • report_name < report-name > - Saves the report in a report name.
  • tftp://server/filename - Transfers the report using the source URL and the specified filename for the specified SLA/Performance Id. The file is transferred using TFTP.
  • [switch < context_name >] - Saves or transfers the report for the specified switch. This value represents the unique name of the switch instance. This value is a string whose maximum size is 32.

Privilege EXEC Mode

Note: This command executes only if Y.1564 module is started in the system.


Your Product(config)# y1564 report save sla-id x tftp://<tftp server IP>/y1564report.txt

y1564 sac

Command Objective:
This command creates and configures Service Acceptance Criteria (SAC) for Y.1564 module.

The no form of the command deletes an already created Service Acceptance Criteria (SAC) entry. If the Service Acceptance Criteria (SAC) entry is not present, an error message is displayed. Service Acceptance Criteria (SAC) is a set of criteria used to ensure that a service meets its functionality and quality requirements and that the service is ready to operate when it has been deployed.

y1564 sac <sac-id (1-100)> information-rate <1-100> frame-loss-ratio <loss-ratio (0-100)> frame-time-delay <frame-delay-millisec (0-2147483647) > frame-delay-variation < frame-delay-var-milliseconds (0-2147483647)> availability <availability-string(6)>
no y1564 sac <sac-id (1-100)>

Parameter Description:

  • <sac-id (1-100)> - Configures SAC identifier (ID) used to identify the particular SAC to which the SLA is currently mapped. Multiple SACs can be created and each can be associated to a given SLA.
  • information-rate <1-100> - Configures the information rate for the SAC. This information rate is the minimum information rate that each service is expected to be met, and is the maximum rate at which none of the offered frames are dropped by the port. This value ranges from 1 to 100.
  • frame-loss-ratio <loss-ratio (0-100)> - Configures the Frame Loss Ratio (FLR) for the SAC. The FLR measures the number of packets lost over the total number of packets sent, where the frame loss is due to a number of issues such as network congestion or errors during transmissions. This value ranges from 0 to 100 and supports fractional value (example: 0.01%).
  • frame-time-delay <frame-delay-millisec (0-2147483647)> - Configures the Frame Transfer Delay (FTD) for the SAC in milliseconds with microsecond precision. The FTD measures the round-trip time (RTT) taken by a test frame to travel through a network device or across the network and back to the test port. This value ranges from 0 to 2147483647.
  • frame-delay-variation < frame-delay-var-milliseconds (0-2147483647)> - Configures the Frame Delay Variation (FDV) for the SAC in milliseconds with microsecond precision. The FDV measures the variations in the time delay between packet deliveries. This value ranges from 0 to 2147483647.
  • availability <availability-string(6)> - Configures the availability for the SAC, where the availability is defined as the percentage of available time (to total time) in a generic observation period. This value is a string of maximum size 6.

Global Configuration Mode


This command executes only if Y.1564 module is started in the system.

If the FTD and FDV values exceed 999.999 milliseconds, microseconds will not be displayed.


Your Product(config)# y1564 sac 1 information-rate 1 frame-loss-ratio 1 frame-time-delay 1 frame-delay-variation 10 availability 1

y1564 service-configuration

Command Objective:
This command creates a Service Configuration, to configure the Bandwidth Profile Information. This value ranges from 1 to 100.

The no form of the command deletes an already created Service Configuration entry. If the Service Configuration entry is not present, an error message will be displayed

Note: This command executes only if MEF is not enabled during EXE compilation.

y1564 service-configuration <service-id (1-100)>

no y1564 service-configuration <service-id (1-100)>

Global Configuration Mode

Note: This command executes only if Y.1564 module is started in the system.


Your Product(config)# y1564 service-configuration 1
Your Product (config-service-config-1564)#

y1564 service-configuration-test sla

Command Objective:
This command starts/stops the service configuration test of an SLA with/without the test selector. If the switch is not defined, it will take the default switch.

y1564 service-configuration-test sla <sla-id (1-100)> {start | stop} [switch <context_name>]

Parameter Description:

  • <sla-id (1-100)> - Configures SLA identifier (ID) used to identify the particular SAC, Traffic Profile, EVC/Service Config entries to which the SLA is currently mapped. Multiple SACs, Traffic Profile, and EVC/Service Config entries can be created and each can be associated with a given SLA.
  • start - Starts the service configuration test of a SLA. The tests to be included in Service Configuration Test are given below:
  • stop - Stops the service configuration test of a SLA.
  • switch < context_name > - Configures the service configuration test of an SLA for the specified switch. This value represents the unique name of the switch instance. This value is a string whose maximum size is 32.

Global Configuration Mode


  • Test selector - All
  • Test Status - Stop

Note: This command executes only if:

  • Y.1564 module is started in the system
  • SLA is created in the system using Y.1564 sla command.
  • Traffic profile is mapped to the SLA
  • SAC is mapped to the SLA
  • EVC is configured in the system through MEF and mapped to the SLA if MEF is defined.
  • Service Configuration is mapped to the SLA if MEF is not defined.


Your Product(config)# y1564 service-configuration-test sla 1 start

y1564 service-performance-test

Command Objective:
This command configures the service performance test of an SLA. If the switch is not defined, it will take the default switch.

The no form of the command deletes an already created service performance test entry. If the service performance test entry is not present, an error message will be displayed.

The no form of the command also deletes the corresponding report entries of the performance test if the report is present for the performance test

y1564 service-performance-test < performance-id (1-10) > sla < sla-list > [switch < context_name >]

no y1564 service-performance-test < performance-id (1-10) > [switch < context_name >]

Parameter Description:

  • <performance-id (1-10) > - Configures the performance identifier (ID). This is a free-running index used to identify a service performance test. This value ranges from 1 to 10.
  • sla - Configures the SLA lists to be tested in Y1564 for Service performance test. E.g. SLA 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 should be given as 1-2-3-5-7-10.
  • switch <context_name > - Configures the service performance test of an SLA for the specified switch. This value represents the unique name of the switch instance. This value is a string whose maximum size is 32.

Note: This command executes only if Y.1564 module is started in the system.


Your Product(config)# y1564 service-performance-test 1 sla 1

y1564 service-performance-test_duration

Command Objective:
This command configures the service performance test duration of an SLA.

y1564 service-performance-test <performance-id (1-10)> duration [{one-min | fifteen-min | two-hour | twenty-four-hour}] [switch <context_name>]

Parameter Description:

  • < performance-id (1-10) > - Configures the performance identifier (ID). This is a free-running index used to identify a service performance test. This value ranges from 1 to 10.
  • duration - Configures the duration to complete service performance test.
    • one-min - Sets the completion of the service performance test in one minute.
    • fifteen-min - Sets the completion of the service performance test in fifteen minutes.
    • two-hour - Sets the completion of the service performance test in two hours.
    • twenty-four-hour - Sets the completion of the service performance test in twenty-four hour.
  • switch - Configures the service performance test duration of an SLA for the specified switch. This value represents the unique name of the switch instance. This value is a string whose maximum size is 32.

Global Configuration Mode

Duration - two-hour

Note: This command executes only if Y.1564 module is started in the system.


Your Product(config)# y1564 service-performance-test 1 duration fifteen-min

y1564 service-performance-test_start|stop

Command Objective:
This command starts/stops the service performance test for the particular SLAs which are mapped to the performance ID. If the switch is not defined, it will take the default switch.

y1564 service-performance-test <performance-id (1-10)> {start | stop} [switch <context_name>]

Parameter Description:

  • <performance-id (1-10)> - Configures the performance identifier (ID). This is a free-running index used to identify a service performance test. This value ranges from 1 to 10.
  • Start - Starts the service performance test for the specified performance ID.
  • stop - Stops the service performance test for the specified performance ID.
  • switch < context_name > - Configures the service performance test of an SLA for the specified switch. This value represents the unique name of the switch instance. This value is a string whose maximum size is 32.

Global Configuration Mode

Note: This command executes only if Y.1564 module is started in the system.


Your Product(config)# y1564 service-performance-test 1 start

y1564 sla

Command Objective:
This command creates a Service Level Agreement (SLA) in Y.1564 with default values and enters into SLA mode. This value ranges from 1 to 100.

The no form of the command deletes an already created Service Level Agreement (SLA) entry. If the Service Level Agreement (SLA) entry is not present, an error message will be displayed.

The no form of the command also deletes the corresponding report entries of the configuration and performance test if the report is present for the particular SLA entries.

y1564 sla <sla-id (1-100)>

no y1564 sla <sla-id (1-100)>

Global Configuration Mode

Note: This command executes only if Y.1564 module is started in the system


Your Product(config)# y1564 sla 1
Your Product (config-sla-1564)#

y1564 traffic-profile

Command Objective:
This command creates a traffic profile for a Y.1564 module and enters into Traffic Profile Configuration Mode. The traffic profile ID specifies the traffic profile to which the SLA is currently mapped, where multiple packet profiles can be created and each can be associated to a given SLA. Each packet profile contains packet information such as Ethernet Header, VLAN tag, and payload. This value ranges from 1 to 100.

The no form of the command deletes an already created traffic profile entry. If the traffic profile entry is not present, an error message will be displayed.

y1564 traffic-profile <traffic-profile-id (1-100)>

no y1564 traffic-profile <traffic-profile-id (1-100)>

Global Configuration Mode

Note: This command executes only if Y.1564 module is started in the system.


Your Product(config)# y1564 traffic-profile 1
Your Product (config-traffic-profile-1564)#

Display Commands

This section includes Y.1564 display commands.

show y1564 - global information

Command Objective:
This command displays detailed/global information for the Y1564 module.

show y1564 global information [switch <context_name>]

Parameter Description:

  • switch < context_name > - Displays the detailed information for the specified switch. This value represents unique name of the switch instance. This value is a string whose maximum size is 32.

Privilege EXEC Mode

Note: This command executes only if Y.1564 module is started in the system.


Your Product# show y1564 global information
Switch : default
Y1564 System Status                  : Start
Y1564 Module Status                  : Enable
Y1564 Trap Status                    : Enable
Number Of Configuration Test Running : 0
Number Of Performance Test Running   : 0
Y1564 Flow bytes mode status         : Layer1  

show y1564 performance table

Command Objective:
This command displays the Performance test configuration information.

show y1564 performance-table [<integer (1-10)>] [switch <context_name>]

Parameter Description:

  • [<integer (1-10)>] - Displays the detailed information of the specified Performance test identifier for Y.1564 module. This value ranges from 1 to 10.
  • [switch <context_name>] - Displays the Performance test of a SLA for the specified switch. This value represents unique name of the switch instance. This value is a string whose maximum size is 32.

Privilege EXEC Mode

Note: This command executes only if Y.1564 module is started in the system.


Your Product # show y1564 performance-table
Switch : default

Performance Test Number : 1
Performance Test Sla List         : 1
Performance Test Duration         : 15 minutes
Status                            : Started

show y1564 - service configuration

Command Objective:
This command displays the SLA or Traffic-Profile or SAC or Performance test configuration information.

When MEF_WANTED flag is enabled:

show y1564 {sla | traffic-profile | sac } [<integer (1-100)>] [switch <context_name>]

When MEF_WANTED flag is disabled:

show y1564 {sla | traffic-profile | sac | service-configuration-table } [<integer (1-100)>] [switch <context_name>]

Note: This command displays the output only after the SLA service configuration test is complete and not when the test is in progress.

Parameter Description:

  • sla - Displays a Service level Agreement (SLA) related information for an Y.1564 module.
  • traffic-profile - Displays traffic profile related information for Y.1564 module.
  • sac - Displays Service Acceptance Criteria (SAC) related information for Y.1564 module.
  • service-configuration-table - Displays Service Configuration related Information for Y.1564 module.
    Note: This parameter is visible only when MEF is enabled.
  • [<integer (1-100)>] - Displays the detailed information of the specified SLA or Traffic-Profile or SAC or Service-Configuration or Performance test identifier for Y.1564 module. This value ranges from 1 to 100.
  • [switch <context_name>] - Displays the SLA or Traffic-Profile or SAC or Service-Configuration or Performance test of a SLA for the specified switch. This value represents unique name of the switch instance. This value is a string whose maximum size is 32.

Privilege EXEC Mode

Note: This command executes only if Y.1564 module is started in the system.


Your Product # show Y1564 sla
Switch : default

SLA Number : 1
Mapped Service Configuration      : 1
Mapped MEG                        : 0
Mapped ME                         : 0
Mapped MEP                        : 0
Mapped SAC                        : 1
Mapped Traffic Profile            : 1
Rate Step                         : 100
Configuration Test Duration       : 10
Traffic Policing Status           : Enable
Selected Test                     : EIR,
Status                            : Not Started
Your Product # show Y1564 traffic-profile
Switch : default

Traffic Profile Number : 1
Packet Size                       : 512
EMIX Pattern                      : a
EMIX Pattern Status               : Enable
Signature                         : Y1564
pcp                               : 1 
Your Product # show Y1564 SAC
Switch : default

Sac Number : 1
Information Rate                  : 1
Frame Loss Ratio                  : 1
Frame Transfer Delay              : 1
Frame Delay Variation             : 10
Availability                      : 1.00
Your Product # show y1564 performance-table
Switch : default

Performance Test Number : 1
Performance Test Sla List         : 1
Performance Test Duration         : 15 minutes
Performance Test Status           : 2
Your Product # show Y1564 service-configuration-table
Switch : default

Service Configuration Number : 1
Color Mode                        : Color Aware
Coupling Flag                     : Coupling Enable
CIR                               : 1
CBS                               : 2
EIR                               : 3
EBS                               : 4

show y1564 - service-configuration-report

Command Objective:
This command displays SLA service configuration/performance test report information.

Note: This command displays the output only after the SLA service configuration test is complete and not when the test is in progress.

show y1564 {service-configuration-report sla-id [<integer (1-100)>] | service-performance-report performance-id } [<integer (1-10)>] [switch <context_name>]

Parameter Description:

  • service-configuration-report sla-id - Displays the detailed information of mapped Service Configuration Identifier of SLA.
  • [<integer (1-100)>] - Displays the detailed information for the specified SLA identifier. This value ranges from 1 to 100.
  • service-performance-report performance-id - Displays the detailed information of configured Service performance test identifier of SLA.
  • <integer (1-10)> - Displays the detailed information for the specified SLA or Performance identifier. This value ranges from 1 to 10.
  • switch < context_name > - Displays the Service-Configuration or Performance test of a SLA for the specified switch. This value represents unique name of the switch instance. This value is a string whose maximum size is 32.

Privilege EXEC Mode

Note: This command executes only if Y.1564 module is started in the system.


Your Product # show y1564 service-configuration-report sla-id 1
Switch : default

Test Description :
Y1564 Flow bytes mode status : Layer2

UNI Attributes :
Port Speed : 100.00 Gbit/s

Number of Services Tested : 1

SLA Number : 1

Service attributes :
Bandwidth profile :
CIR : 1500 Mbit/s
CBS : 18.75 KB
EIR : 1000 Mbit/s
EBS : 22.50 KB

Colour aware : off

Service acceptance criteria :
FLR : 10.68
FTD : 10.441 ms
FDV : 10.000 ms
AVAIL : 1.00
MTU : 1500 bytes
Traffic policing : on

Per flow test frame definitions :
Destination MAC Address : 00:15:ad:2f:f6:e2
Source MAC Address : 00:15:ad:2f:ef:a2
VLAN ID : 10

Test Times :
Service Configuration test step time : 10 seconds
Service Performance test time :

Test Patterns used : Emix

Date and Time of Test :
SLA Test Start Time : Tue Nov 29 19:13:18 2022
SLA Test End Time : Tue Nov 29 19:13:33 2022

Total Elapsed Time of Test : 15 seconds

Debug Command

This section include the Y.1564 debug command.

debug y1564

Command Objective:
This command enables the tracing of Y1564 module as per the configured debug levels.
The no form of the command disables tracing of Y1564 module for the specified debug level.

debug y1564 {[init-shut] [mgmt] [ctrl] [resource] [timer] [critical] [y1731] [test] [session-record] [fail] | all} [{ <severity-level (0-7)> | alerts | critical | debugging | emergencies | errors | informational | notification | warnings }] [switch <context_name>]

no debug y1564 {[init-shut] [mgmt] [ctrl] [resource] [timer] [critical] [y1731] [test] [session-record] [fail] | all} [switch <context_name>]

Parameter Description:

  • init-shut - Generates debug statements for start and shutdown traces. These traces are used during the module initialization and shutdown.
  • mgmt - Generates debug statements for management traces.
  • ctrl - Generates debug statements for control plane traces. These traces are used for cases such as MBSM card removal, failure of state change and so on.
  • resource - Generates debug statements for traces related to all resources such as memory, data structure and the like. These traces are used for failure of memory allocation and so on.
  • timer - Generates debug statements for timer module traces. This trace is generated on failed and successful start, stop and restart of Y1564 timers.
  • critical - Generates debug statements for critical traces. These traces are used for cases such as failure of RBTree addition, failure to program the hardware, and so on.
  • y1731 - Generates debug statements for y1731 interface related traces.
  • test - Generates debug statements for Configuration/Performance test related traces.
  • session-record - Generates debug statements for session record traces.
  • all - Generates debug statements for all kinds of traces.
  • <severity-level (0-7)> - Generates the debug statements for the specified severity level value.This value ranges from 0 to 7.
  • alerts - Generates debug statements for immediate action.
  • critical - Generates debug statements for critical conditions.
  • debugging - Generates debug statements for debugging messages.
  • emergencies - Generates debug statements when system cannot be used.
  • errors - Generates debug statements for error conditions.
  • informational - Generates debug statements for information messages.
  • notification - Generates debug statements for significant messages.
  • warnings - Generates debug statements for warning conditions.
  • [switch <context_name>] - Configures the tracing of the Y1564 module for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.

Privilege Exec Mode

Note: This command executes only if Y.1564 module is started in the system.


Your Product # debug y1564 all

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