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STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) is a link management protocol that provides path redundancy while preventing undesirable loops in the network created by multiple active paths between stations. To establish path redundancy, STP creates a tree that spans all switches in an extended network, forcing redundant paths into a standby or blocked state.
STP CLI commands are categorized as follows:
Enable and Disable Commands
This section includes the STP enable and disable commands.
Command Objective:
This command enables the spanning tree operation in the switch for the selected spanning tree Mode.
Spanning tree operation provides path redundancy while preventing undesirable loops in the network that are created by multiple active paths between stations. It logically breaks such loops and prevents looping traffic from clogging the network.
The no form of this command disables the spanning tree operation in the switch. Once the spanning tree Mode is changed, the spanning tree operation is automatically enabled in the switch.
no spanning-tree
Global Configuration Mode
Spanning tree MSTP is started and enabled in the switch.
Note: The spanning tree operation can only be enabled if the spanning tree functionality is not shutdown in the switch. If the functionality is already shutdown, the type of spanning tree mode should be set.
Your Product(config)#spanning-tree
shutdown spanning-tree
Command Objective:
This command shuts down spanning tree functionality in the switch. The switch does not execute any kind of STP to form a loop free topology in the Ethernet network and operates with the existing topology structure.
shutdown spanning-tree
Global Configuration Mode
Spanning tree MSTP is started and enabled in the switch.
Your Product (config)# shutdown spanning-tree
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