QoS Commands
  • 10 Jul 2024
  • 23 Minutes to read
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QoS Commands

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Article summary

QoS (Quality of Service) CLI commands are categorized as follows:

Enable and Disable Commands

This section includes the QoS enable and disable commands.


Command Objective:
This command enables / disables the QoS subsystem.

qos {enable | disable}

Parameter Description:

  • enable - Enables the QoS subsystem
  • disable - Disables the QoS subsystem

Global Configuration Mode


Notes: This command only executes when QoS is started in the system.

When set as enable, QoS module programs the hardware and starts protocol operation.

When set as disable, QoS module stops protocol operation by deleting the hardware configuration.


Your Product(config)# qos enable

Configuration Commands

This section includes the QoS configuration command.


Command Objective:
This command adds a Class Map entry. Configures an Index that enumerates the MultiField Classifier table entries. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

The no form of the command deletes a Class Map entry.

class-map <class-map-id(1-65535)>

no class-map <class-map-id(1-65535)>

Global Configuration Mode

This command executes only if QoS is started in the system.


Your Product(config)# class-map 1
Your Product(config-cls-map)# 


Command Objective:
This command creates a MEF envelope for MEF bandwidth Sharing. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

The no form of the command deletes the MEP envelope created for MEF bandwidth sharing.

mef-envelope <mef-envelope-id(1-65535)>

no mef-envelope <mef-envelope-id(1-65535)>

Global Configuration Mode


Your Product(config)# mef-envelope 20
Your Product(config-mefenvelope)# 

match access-group

Command Objective:
This command sets Class Map parameters using L2and/or L3 ACL or Priority Map ID.


match access-group { mac-access-list < integer(0-65535) >| ip-access-list < integer(0-65535) > | priority-map < integer(0-65535) > | vlan-map < integer(0-65535) > | ppp-sess-id < integer(0-65535) >}

Parameter Description:

  • mac-access-list < integer(0-65535) > - Identifier of the MAC filter. This value ranges from 0 to 65535.
  • ip-access-list < integer(0-65535) > - Identifier of the IP filter. This value ranges from 0 to 65535.
  • priority-map < integer(0-65535) > - Priority Map identifier for mapping incoming priority against received packet. This value ranges from 0 to 65535.
  • vlan-map < integer(0-65535) > - Sets Class Map parameters for the specified Vlan map identifier for mapping vlan for egress queueing. This value ranges from 0 to 65535.
  • ppp-sess-id < integer(0-65535) > - PPP session identifier for mapping the class-map. This value ranges from 0 to 65535.

Note: The PPP session identifier is specific for rate limiting the traffic from a PPP client, based on the PPP session ID.

Class Map Configuration Mode


  • mac-access-list - 0
  • ip-access-list - 0
  • priority-map - 0


Your Product(config-cls-map)# match access-group  priority-map 1


Priority map ID should have been created.

L2 and/or L3 ACL should have been created.


Command Objective:
This command creates a Meter. Configures an Index that enumerates the Meter entries. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

The no form of the command deletes a Meter.

meter <meter-id(1-65535)>
no meter <meter-id(1-65535)>

Global Configuration Mode

This command executes only if QoS is started in the system.


Your Product(config)# meter 1
Your Product(config-meter)# 


Command Objective:
This command sets Meter parameters CIR, CBS, EIR, EBS, Interval, meter type and color awareness.

meter-type { simpleTokenBucket | avgRate| srTCM | trTCM | tswTCM | mefCoupled | mefDeCoupled | mefBandwidthSharing} [ color-mode { aware | blind } ] [interval <short(1-10000)>] [cir <integer(0-10485760)>] [cbs <integer(0-10485760)>] [eir <integer(0-10485760)>] [ebs <integer(0-10485760)>] [cirMax <integer(0-65535)>] [eirMax <integer(0-65535)>] [coupling-flag { enable | disable}] [next-meter <integer(0-65535)>]

Parameter Description:

  • simpleTokenBucket - Configures the meter type as Two Parameter Token Bucket Meter.
  • avgRate - Configures the meter type as Average Rate Meter. Valid parameters supported are interval and cir
  • srTCM - Configures the meter type as Single Rate Three Color Marker Metering as defined by RFC 2697. Valid parameters supported are cir, cbs and ebs
  • trTCM - Configures the meter type as Two Rate Three Color Marker Metering as defined by RFC 2698. Valid value for Given Meter Type are CIR, CBS EIR, and EBS
  • swTCM - Configures the meter type as Time Sliding Window Three Color Marker Metering as defined by RFC 2859.
  • mefCoupled - Configures the meter type where average bit rate of service frames are marked as yellow is bounded by CIR and EIR.
  • mefDeCoupled - Configures the meter type where average bit rate of service frames are marked as yellow is bounded by EIR.
  • mefBandwidthSharing - Configures the shared bucket metering which allows multiple flows in an envelope to share unused tokens of a higher priority with a other flows of lower priority.
  • color-mode – Configures the color mode of the Meter. The color modes are:
    • aware – The Meter considers the pre-color of the packet.
    • blind – The Meter ignores the pre-color of the packet.
  • interval <short(1-10000)> - Configures the time interval used with the token bucket. This value ranges from 1 to 10000.
  • interval <short(1-10000)> - Configures the time interval used with the token bucket. This value ranges from 1 to 10000.
  • cir <integer(0-104857600)> - Configures the Committed information rate. This value ranges from 0 to 104857600.
  • cbs <integer(0-2147483648)> - Configures the Committed burst size. This value ranges from 0 to 2147483648.
  • eir <integer(0-104857600)> - Configures the Excess information rate. This value ranges from 0 to 104857600.
  • ebs <integer(0-2147483648) - Configures the Excess burst size. This value ranges from 0 to 2147483648.
  • cirMax <integer(0-65535)> - Configures the Maximum Comitted Information rate configuration in MEF Bandwidth Sharing. This value ranges from 0 to 65535.
  • eirMax <integer(0-65535)> - Configures the Maximum excess Information rate configuration in MEF Bandwidth Sharing. This value ranges from 0 to 65535.
  • coupling-flag – Configures the coupling flag of a meter.
    • enable – Enables the coupling flag of the meter
    • disable – Disables the coupling flag of the
  • next-meter <integer(0-65535)> - Configures the Meter entry identifier used for applying the second/next level of conformance on the incoming packet. This value ranges from 0 to 65535.

Meter Configuration Mode


  • color-mode - blind
  • interval - none
  • type - Simple token bucket


Your Product(config-meter)# meter-type mefBandwidthSharing cir 100 cbs 18750 eir 200 ebs 37500 coupling-flag disable

Note: Meter should have been created.


Command Objective:
This command creates a policy map. Configures an Index that enumerates the policy-map table entries. This value ranges from 2 to 65535.

The no form of the command deletes a policy map.

policy-map <policy-map-id(2-65535)>

no policy-map <policy-map-id(2-65535)>

Global Configuration Mode

This command executes only if QoS is started in the system.


Your Product(config)# policy-map 2
Your Product(config-ply-map)# 


Command Objective:
This command adds a Priority Map entry. It configures the priority map index for the incoming packet received over ingress Port/VLAN with specified incoming priority. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

The no form of the command deletes a Priority Map entry.

priority-map < priority-map-Id(1-65535) >

no priority-map < priority-map-Id(1-65535) >

Global Configuration Mode


Your Product(config)# priority-map 1
Your Product(config-pri-map)#


Command Objective:
This command creates a Queue and configures the Queue parameters.
The no form of the command deletes a Queue.

queue <integer(1-65535)> interface [qtype <integer(1-65535)>] [scheduler <integer(1-65535)>] [weight <integer(0-1000)>] [priority <integer(0-15)>] [shaper <integer(0-65535)>] [queue-type {unicast | multicast }]

no queue <integer(1-65535)> interface

Parameter Description:

  • queue<integer(1-65535)> - Queue identifier that uniquely identifies the queue in the system/port. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.
  • iftype - Interface type. Supports everything except port-channel
  • ifnum - Interface number.
  • qtype<integer(1-65535)> - Queue Type identifier. This value ranges from 1 to 5535.
  • scheduler<integer(1-65535)> - Scheduler identifier that manages the specified queue. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.
  • weight<integer(0-1000)> - User assigned weight to the CoS queue. This value ranges from 0 to 1000.

    Note: For XCAT/LION platforms the weight ranges from 0 to 255.
  • priority<integer(0-15)> - User assigned priority for the CoS queue. This value ranges from 0 to 15.
  • shaper<integer(0-65535)> - Shaper identifier that specifies the bandwidth requirements for the queue. This value ranges from 0 to 65535.
  • unicast - Unicast queue to store known unicast packets
  • multicast - Multicast queue to store DLF, multicast, broadcast and mirrored packets

Global Configuration Mode


  • weight - 0
  • priority - 0
  • Queue-type - Unicast


Your Product(config)# queue 1 interface giga 0/1 qtype 2 scheduler 1 weight 20 priority 10 shaper 1.


  • Scheduler identifier is unique relative to an egress interface.
  • User assigned weights are used only when scheduling algorithm is a weighted
  • 113/425 Project Altran strictly restricted
  • scheduling algorithm.
  • User assigned priority is used only when the scheduler uses a priority based scheduling algorithm.


Command Objective:
This command creates a Map for a Queue with Class or regenerated priority.
The no form of the command deletes a Queue map entry.

queue-map { CLASS <integer(1-65535)> | regn-priority { vlanPri <integer(0-15)> | dot1P <integer(0-15)> <integer(0-1)> | ipTos <integer(0-7)> | ipDscp <integer(0-63)> | mplsExp <integer(0-7)> | vlanDEI <integer(0-1)> | internalPri <integer(0-15)> }} [interface ] queue-id <integer(1-65535)>

no queue-map { CLASS <integer(1-65535)> | regn-priority { vlanPri | ipTos | ipDscp | mplsExp | vlanDEI | internalPri } <integer(0-63)> } [interface ]

Parameter Description:

  • CLASS - Configures the Input CLASS (associated with an incoming packet) that needs to be mapped to an outbound queue. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.
    Note: Class needs to be created using the set class command to configure this parameter.
  • regn-priority - Configures the Regenerated-priority type that needs to be mapped to an outbound queue. The types are:
    • vlanPri – Sets the regenerated priority type as VLAN Priority. This value ranges from 0 to 15.
    • dot1P – Sets the regenerated priority type as dot1P. This value ranges from 0 to 15 for vlanpri and ranges from 0 to 1 for vlanDEI.
    • ipTos – Sets the regenerated priority type as IP Type of Service. This value ranges from 0 to 7.
    • ipDscp – Sets the regenerated priority type as IP Differentiated Services Code Point. This value ranges from 0 to 63.
    • mplsExp – Sets the regenerated priority type as MPLS Experimental. This value ranges from 0 to 7.vlanDEI – Sets the regenerated priority type as VLAN Drop Eligibility Indicator. The input value for this parameter can be 0 or 1.
    • internalPri - Sets the regenerated priority type as Internal Priority. The packets classified to internal priority will be associated to queue. This value ranges from 0 to 15.
  • < iftype > - Sets the type of interface for the outbound queue. The interface can be:
    • fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.
    • gigabitethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 1 Gigabit per second.
    • extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second. This Ethernet supports only full duplex links.
    • internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.
  • < ifnum > - Sets the type of interface for the outbound queue. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan id is provided, for interface types internal-lan.
  • queue-id - Configures the Queue identifier that uniquely identifies a queue relative to an interface. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

Global Configuration Mode

This command executes only if QoS is started in the system.


Your Product(config)# queue-map regn-priority ipTos 1 interface gigabitethernet 0/1 queue-id 1

set class

Command Objective:
This command sets CLASS for L2 and/or L3 filters or Priority Map ID and adds a CLASS to Priority Map entry with regenerated priority.

The no form of the command deletes a CLASS to Priority Map Table entry.

set class < class integer(1-65535) > [pre-color { green | yellow | red | none }] [ regen-priority < integer(0-7) > group-name < string(31) > ]

no set class <class integer(1-65535)>

Parameter Description:

  • < class integer(1-65535) > - Traffic CLASS to which an incoming frame pattern is classified.
  • pre-color – Color of the packet prior to metering. This can be any one of the following:
    • None – Traffic is not pre-colored.
    • green – Traffic conforms to SLAs (Service Level Agreements.
    • yellow – Traffic exceeds the SLAs.
    • red – Traffic violates the SLAs.
  • regen-priority < integer(0-7) > - Regenerated priority value determined for the input CLASS. This value ranges from 0 to 7.
  • group-name < string(31) > - Unique identification of the group to which an input CLASS belongs.

Class Map Configuration Mode

class - 0


Your Product(config-cls-map)# set class 1000 pre-color none  regen-priority  1 group-name CLASS


Class map should have been created.

The default value zero provided for the class is not configurable.

set envelope

Command Objective:
This command enables or disables MEF Envelope Bandwidth Sharing.

set envelope { enable | disable }

Parameter Description:
enable - Enables the MEF Envelope Bandwidth sharing
disable – Disables the MEF Envelope Bandwidth sharing.

MEF Envelope Configuration Mode


Your Product(config)# mef-envelope 20
Your Product(config-mefenvelope)# set envelope enable

set envelope-type

Command Objective:
This command configures the Envelope-type for the specified envelope

set envelope-type { flow-based | priority-based } [coupling-flag {enable | disable}] [envelope-name <string(31)>]

Parameter Description:

  • flow-based – Configures the envelope type as Flow based.
  • priority-based – Configures the envelope type as priority based.
  • coupling-flag – Configures the coupling flag for the envelope.
    • enable – Enables the coupling flag for the envelope.
    • disable – Disables the coupling flag for the envelope.
  • envelope-name - Specifies the name of the envelope.

MEF Envelope Configuration Mode


Your Product(config)# mef-envelope 20
Your Product(config-mefenvelope)# set envelope-type flow-based coupling-flag disable envelope-name EVC1

set mef dot1p-priority

Command Objective:
This command sets the Priority and the Envelope Rank for the meter when associated with envelopeId.

The no form of the command deletes the configured priority and envelope rank and sets the Default MEF Envelope Rank for the dot1p-priority.

set mef dot1p-priority <value(0-7)> envelope-rank <value(1-8)>

no set mef dot1p-priority <value(0-7)>

Parameter Description:

  • dot1p-priority <value(0-7)> - Configures the InPriority for the meter. This value ranges from 0 to 7.
  • envelope-rank <value(1-8)> - Configures the envelope rank for the meter. This value range from 0 to 7.

Global Configuration Mode


Your Product(config)# set mef dot1-priority 7 envelope-rank 6

set mef-envelopeId

Command Objective:
This command configures the envelope ID and the rank for the meter when associated with envelope ID.

The no form of the command deletes the envelop ID and the rank associated for the Meter.

set mef-envelopeId <integer(1-65535)> envelope-rank <integer(0-8)>

no set mef-envelopeId <integer(1-65535)>

no set envelope-rank envelopeId <integer(1-65535)>

Parameter Description:
mef-envelopeId <integer(1-65535)> - Configures the envelope ID for the meter. The value ranges from 1 to 65535.
envelope-rank <integer(0-7)> - Configures the envelope rank for the meter. The value ranges from 0 to 8.

Meter Configuration Mode


 Your Product(config-meter)# set mef-envelopeId 20 envelope-rank 7

set meter

Command Objective:
This command sets Policy parameters such as Meter and Meter Actions.

The no form of the command removes the Meter from the Policy and the Meter Actions.

set meter < integer(1-65535) > [ conform-action { cos-transmit-set < short(0-7) > | de-transmit-set < short(0-1) > | set-cos-transmit < short(0-7) > set-de-transmit < short(0-1) > | set-port < iftype > < ifnum > | inner-vlan-pri-set < short(0-7) > | inner-vlan-de-set < short(0-1) > | set-inner-vlan-pri < short(0-7) > set-inner-vlan-de < short(0-1) > |set-mpls-exp-transmit < short(0-7) > | set-ip-prec-transmit < short(0-7) > | set-ip-dscp-transmit < short(0-63) >}] [ exceed-action {drop | cos-transmit-set < short(0-7) > | de-transmit-set < short(0-1) > | set-cos-transmit < short(0-7) > set-de-transmit < short(0-1) > | inner-vlan-pri-set < short(0-7) | inner-vlan-de-set < short(0-1) > | set-inner-vlan-pri < short(0-7) > set-inner-vlan-de < short(0-1) > | set-mpls-exp-transmit < short(0-7) > | set-ip-prec-transmit < short(0-7) > | set-ip-dscp-transmit < short(0-63) > }] [ violate-action {drop | cos-transmit-set < short(0-7) > | de-transmit-set < short(0-1) > | set-cos-transmit < short(0-7) > set-de-transmit < short(0-1) > | inner-vlan-pri-set < short(0-7) > | inner-vlan-de-set < short(0-1) > | set-inner-vlan-pri < short(0-7) > set-inner-vlan-de < short(0-1) > | set-mpls-exp-transmit < short(0-7) > | set-ip-prec-transmit < short(0-7) > | set-ip-dscp-transmit < short(0-63) > }] [ set-conform-newclass < integer(0-65535) > ] [ set-exceed-newclass < integer(0-65535) > ] [ set-violate-newclass < integer(0-65535) > ]

no set meter

Parameter Description:

  • < integer(1-65535) > - Meter table identifier which is the index for the Meter table.
  • conform-action – Configures action to be performed on the packet, when the packets are found to be In profile (conform). The options are:
    • cos-transmit-set < short(0-7) > – Sets the VLAN priority of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 and 7.
    • de-transmit-set < short(0-1) > – Sets the VLAN drop eligible indicator of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 to 1.
    • set-cos-transmit < short(0-7) > – Sets the VLAN priority of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 and 7.
    • set-de-transmit < short(0-1) > – Sets the VLAN drop eligible indicator of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 to 1.
    • set-port < ftype > < ifnum > – Sets the new port value
    • inner-vlan-pri-set < short(0-7) > – Sets the inner VLAN priority of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 and 7.
    • inner-vlan-de-set < short(0-1) > – Sets the inner VLAN DE of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 and 1.
    • set-inner-vlan-pri < short(0-7) > – Sets the inner VLAN priority of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 and 7​.
    • set-inner-vlan-de < short(0-1) > – Sets the inner VLAN DE of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 and 1.
    • set-ip-prec-transmit – Sets the new IP Type of Service
    • set-mpls-exp-transmit – Sets the MPLS experimental bits of the outgoing packet.
    • set-ip-dscp-transmit < short(0-63) > – Sets the new differentiated services code point value. This value ranges from 0 and 63.
  • exceed-action – Action to be performed on the packet, when the packets are found to be In profile (exceed). The options are:
    • drop – Drops the packet.
    • cos-transmit-set < short(0-7) > – Sets the VLAN priority of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 and 7.
    • de-transmit-set < short(0-1) > – Sets the VLAN drop eligible indicator of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 to 1.
    • set-cos-transmit < short(0-7) > – Sets the VLAN priority of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 and 7.
    • set-de-transmit < short(0-1) > – Sets the VLAN drop eligible indicator of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 to 1.
    • inner-vlan-pri-set < short(0-7) > – Sets the inner VLAN priority of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 and 7.
    • inner-vlan-de-set < short(0-1) > – Sets the inner VLAN DE of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 and 1.
    • set-inner-vlan-pri < short(0-7) > – Sets the inner VLAN priority of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 and 7​.
    • set-inner-vlan-de < short(0-1) > – Sets the inner VLAN DE of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 and 1.
    • set-mpls-exp-transmit – Sets the MPLS Experimental bits of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 to 7.
    • set-ip-prec-transmit – Sets the new IP TOS value. This value ranges from 0 to 7.
    • set-ip-dscp-transmit < short(0-63) > – Sets the new DSCP value. This value ranges from 0 to 63.
  • violate-action – Action to be performed on the packet, when the packets are found to be out of profile. The options are:
    • drop – Drops the packet.
    • cos-transmit-set < short(0-7) > – Sets the VLAN priority of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 and 7.
    • de-transmit-set < short(0-1) > – Sets the VLAN drop eligible indicator of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 to 1.
    • set-cos-transmit < short(0-7) > – Sets the VLAN priority of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 and 7.
    • set-de-transmit < short(0-1) > – Sets the VLAN drop eligible indicator of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 to 1.
    • inner-vlan-pri-set < short(0-7) > – Sets the inner VLAN priority of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 and 7.
    • inner-vlan-de-set < short(0-1) > – Sets the inner VLAN DE of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 and 1.
    • set-inner-vlan-pri < short(0-7) > – Sets the inner VLAN priority of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 and 7​.
    • set-inner-vlan-de < short(0-1) > – Sets the inner VLAN DE of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 and 1.
    • set-mpls-exp-transmit – Sets the MPLS Experimental bits of the outgoing packet. This value ranges from 0 to 7.
    • set-ip-prec-transmit – Sets the new IP TOS value. This value ranges from 0 to 7.
    • set-ip-dscp-transmit < short(0-63) > – Sets the new DSCP value. This value ranges from 0 to 63.
  • set-conform-newclass< integer(0-65535) > - Represents the Traffic CLASS to which an incoming frame pattern is classified after metering. This value ranges from 0 to 65535.

  • set-exceed-newclass< integer(0-65535) > - Represents the Traffic CLASS to which an incoming frame pattern is classified after metering. This value ranges from 0 to 65535.

  • set-violate-newclass< integer(0-65535) > - Represents the Traffic CLASS to which an incoming frame pattern is classified after metering. This value ranges from 0 to 65535.

Policy Map Configuration Mode


  • set-cos-transmit - 0
  • set-de-transmit - 0
  • set-mpls-exp-transmit - 0
  • set-inner-vlan-pri - 0

Note: VLAN priority can be set to a non-zero value only when MPLS Experimental bits is set to zero.


Your Product(config-ply-map)# set meter 10 conform-action cos-transmit-set 5 exceed-action cos-transmit-set 5 set-conform-newclass 100 set-exceed-newclass 100 set-violate-newclass 10

set meter-stats

Command Objective:
This command sets the Meter Statistics counter status.

set meter-stats {enable | disable} [meter-id < integer(1-65535) >]

Parameter Description:

  • enable - Enables counter status for the Meter Statistics
  • disable - Disables counter status for the Meter Statistics
  • meter-id < integer(1-65535) > - Specifies an Index that enumerates the Meter entries. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.
    Note: To enable or disable meter statistics to a specific meter-id, Meter ID and Policy Map related configuration should be already created.

Global Configuration Mode


Your Product(config)# set meter-stats enable meter-id 1

set policy

Command Objective:
This command sets CLASS for policy.

The no form of the command sets the default value for interface in this policy.

set policy [class< integer(0-65535) >] [interface < iftype > < ifnum >] default-priority-type { none | { vlanPri < integer(0-7) > | dot1P < integer< 0-7) > < integer(0-1) > | ipTos < integer(0-7) > | ipDscp < integer(0-63) > | mplsExp < integer(0-7) > }}

no set policy interface

Parameter Description:

  • class < integer(0-65535) > - Specifies the Traffic CLASS for which the policy-map needs to be applied.

    In XCAT/LION platforms, maximum CLASS value is limited to 36 and an error message is displayed for any value configured beyond this range.​

    Class needs to be created using the set class command to configure this parameter.

  • < iftype > – Sets the type of interface for the outbound queue. The interface can be:
    • fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.
    • gigabitethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 1 Gigabit per second.
    • extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second. This Ethernet supports only full duplex links.
    • internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.
  • < ifnum > - Sets the type of interface for the outbound queue. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan id is provided, for interface types internal-lan.
  • default-priority-type – Sets the Per-Hop Behvior (PHB) type to be used for filling the default PHB for the policy-map entry. The types are:
    • none – Sets default PHB type as none.
    • vlanPri< integer(0-7) > – Sets the PHB type as VLAN Priority. This value ranges from 0 to 7.
    • dot1P < integer<0-7) > < integer(0-1) > – Sets the PHB type as dot1P. This value ranges from 0 to 7 for vlanpri and ranges from 0 to 1 for default DEI.
    • ipTos < integer(0-7) > – Sets the PHB type as IP Type of Service. This value ranges from 0 to 7.
    • ipDscp < integer(0-63) > – Sets the PHB type as IP Differentiated Services Code Point. This value ranges from 0 to 63.
    • mplsExp < integer(0-7) > – Sets the PHB type as MPLS Experimental. This value ranges from 0 to 7.

    • Note: This value can be overwritten by the meter used for the policy-map.

Policy Map Configuration Mode


  • class - 0

    Note: Policy Map entry must be created.


Your Product(config-ply-map)# set policy class 1 interface gigabitethernet 0/1 default-priority-type none
Your Product(config-ply-map)# set policy default-priority-type dot1P 7 0

Display Commands

This section includes QoS display commands.

show mef dot1p-priority-rank

Command Objective:
This command displays the MEF 801.P Inpriority and Rank details.

show mef dot1p-priority-rank

Privileged EXEC Mode


Your Product # show mef dot1p-priority-rank  
MEF Priority Rank Entries
In Priority Value Meter Envelope Rank
--------------    ----------------
0                 8
1                 7
2                 6
3                 5
4                 4
5                 3
6                 2
7                 1

show mef-envelope

Command Objective:
This command displays the MEF envelope configuration details. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

show mef-envelope [mef-envelope-id (1-65535)]

Privileged EXEC Mode


Your Product #show mef-envelope 20   
QoS Envelope Entries
Envelope Id                  : 20
Envelope Name                : EVC1
Envelope Type                : Flow-based
Status                       : Active
Number of Meters             : 4

show meter

Command Objective:
This command displays the Meter entry.

show meter [< meter-id(1-65535) >]

Parameter Description:

  • < meter-id(1-65535) > - Displays the configurations for the index that enumerates the Meter entries. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

Privileged EXEC Mode



Your Product# show meter   
QoS Meter Entries
MeterId                      : 1
Type                         : SRTCM
Color Mode                   : Color Blind
Interval                     : None
CIR                          : 20
CBS                          : 20
EIR                          : None
EBS                          : 20
NextMeter                    : None
Status                       : Active
MeterId                      : 2
Type                         : Simple Token Bucket
Color Mode                   : Color Blind
Interval                     : None
CIR                          : None
CBS                          : None
EIR                          : None
EBS                          : None
NextMeter                    : None
Status                       : InActive

Note: If executed without the optional parameters, this command displays all the available Meter information.

show qos meter-stats

Command Objective:
This command displays the Meters statistics for conform, exceed, violate packets and octets count.

show qos meter-stats [< Meter-Id(1-65535) >]

Parameter Description:

  • < Meter-Id(1-65535) > - Index that enumerates the Meter entries.

Privileged EXEC Mode


Your Product# show qos meter-stats   
QoS Meter (Policer) Stats
Meter Index                  : 1
Conform Packets              : 00
Conform Octects              : 00
Exceed Packets               : 00
Exceed Octects               : 00
Violate Packets              : 00
Violate Octects              : 0

Note: If executed without the optional parameter, this command displays the Meter statistics for all the available Meters.

Clear Command

This section includes the QoS clear command.

clear meter-stats

Command Objective:
This command clears the Meter Statistics.

clear meter-stats [meter-id < integer(1-65535) >]

Parameter Description:

  • meter-id < integer(1-65535) > - Clears the Meter Statistics for the specified meter entry. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.
    Note: To clear meter statistics for specific meter-id, Meter ID and Policy Map configuration should be already created.

Mode :
Privileged EXEC Mode


Your Product# clear meter-stats meter-id 1

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