QoS Overview
  • 10 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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QoS Overview

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Article summary

QoS Product is an implementation of the 802.1p which are basic models for delivering IP Quality of Service, as defined in the IETF Qos Framework.

QoS is an IP Traffic Engineering module which is designed to combine QoS models, such as statically configured Per-Hop classification methods, Relative Priority Marking and Service Marking besides shaping and scheduling for traffic flows.

These articles describe the basic and advanced configuration tasks of QoS. The CLI (Command Line Interface) commands are used for the configuration of the switch. These articles are indented for use by administrators of the Assurance Sensor F100 and F25 switching solution and describe the step by step configuration of specific features, using sample values. They do not cover the explanation for the configuration parameters and the related values, if any.

General Configurations

Basic CLI Configurations

The following table provides the access and exit methods to various general configuration modes.

Command ModeAccess MethodPromptExit Method
User EXECThis is the initial mode to start a session.your product>The logout method is used.
Privileged EXECThe User EXEC mode command enable, is used to enter the Privileged EXEC mode.your product #To return from the Privileged EXEC mode to User EXEC mode the disable command is used.
Global ConfigurationThe Privileged EXEC mode command configure terminal, is used to enter the Global Configuration mode.your product (config)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode the end command is used.
Interface ConfigurationThe Global Configuration mode command interface < interface-type >< interface-id > is used to enter the Interface configuration mode.your product (config-if)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode the end command is used.

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