Configuring Y.1564
  • 10 Jul 2024
  • 34 Minutes to read
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Configuring Y.1564

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Article summary

Y.1564 is an Ethernet Service Activation Test for testing capability of an Ethernet link. The software has been designed in accordance with the FSAP2 (Flexible Software Architecture for Portability) to ensure a high level of portability.

This article describes the configuration of the following Y.1564 features using CLI interfaces.

  • Configure Y1564 System Control
  • Configure Y1564 Module Status
  • Create SLA
  • Create Traffic Profile
  • Create SAC
  • Service configuration parameters
  • Configure SLA parameters
  • Configure Traffic profile parameters
  • Start Service Configuration Test
  • Stop Service Configuration Test

The Y.1564 feature supports configuration and measurement of SAC FLR value 0.01% and supports measurement of FTD and FDV measurements in microsecond resolution.

Starting/Shutting down Y.1564

This section lists the CLI configuration steps to start and shut down the Y.1564 module.

Y.1564 module should be started to perform the Y.1564 configurations. When the Y.1564 is shut down, all the configurations done in Y.1564 module are deleted.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to start/shut down the Y.1564 module are listed below.

  1. Enter Global configuration mode:
    your product# configure terminal

  2. Start the Y.1564 module:
    your product(config)# no shutdown Y1564

  3. Exit the Global Configuration mode:
    your product(config)# end

  4. View the Y.1564 global information for the default switch:
    your product# show y1564 global information
    Switch : default
    ------------- -----------------------------
    Y1564 System Status : Start
    Y1564 Module Status : Disable
    Y1564 Trap Status : Enable
    Number Of Configuration Test Running : 0
    Number Of Performance Test Running : 0
    Y1564 Flow bytes mode status : Layer2

  5. Enter into Global configuration mode:
    your product# configure terminal

  6. Shutdown Y.1564 module:
    your product(config)# shutdown Y1564

  7. Exit the Global Configuration mode:
    your product(config)# end

Enabling/Disabling Y.1564 Module

This section lists the CLI configuration steps to enable and disable the Y.1564 module.

The Y.1564 module should be started and enabled to perform the Y.1564 configurations and performance test. When the Y.1564 functionality is disabled, all the running configuration and performance tests are stopped.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to enable/disable the Y.1564 module are listed below.

Note: Y.1564 module should be started in the switch, before executing the below commands.

  1. Enter into Global configuration mode:
    your product# configure terminal

  2. Enable the Y.1564 module:
    your product(config)# Y1564 enable

  3. Exit the Global Configuration mode:
    your product(config)# end

  4. View the Y.1564 global information:
    your product# show y1564 global information
    Switch : default
    --------------- ---------------------------
    Y1564 System Status : Start
    Y1564 Module Status : Enable
    Y1564 Trap Status : Enable
    Number Of Configuration Test Running : 0
    Number Of Performance Test Running : 0
    Y1564 Flow bytes mode status : Layer2

  5. Enter into Global configuration mode:
    your product# configure terminal

  6. Disable the Y.1564 module:
    your product(config)# no Y1564 enable

  7. Exit the Global Configuration mode:
    your product(config)# end

  8. View the Y1564 global information:
    your product# show y1564 global information
    Switch : default
    ---------------- --------------------------
    Y1564 System Status : Start
    Y1564 Module Status : Disable
    Y1564 Trap Status : Enable
    Number Of Configuration Test Running : 0
    Number Of Performance Test Running : 0
    Y1564 Flow bytes mode status : Layer2

Layer1/Layer2 Flow bytes mode

The CLI configuration steps to configure Y1564 flow bytes mode as Layer1/Layer2 are specified below.

By default, the flow bytes mode is set to Layer2.

Note: Y.1564 module should be started in the switch, before executing the below commands.

  1. Enter into Global configuration mode
    your product# configure terminal

  2. Enable the Y1564 module
    your product(config)# Y1564 enable

  3. Set the Flow Bytes Mode
    your product(config)# y1564 flow-bytes mode layer1

  4. Exit the Global Configuration mode
    your product(config)# end

  5. View the Y1564 global information
    your product# show y1564 global information
    Switch : default
    Y1564 System Status : Start
    Y1564 Module Status : Enable
    Y1564 Trap Status : Enable
    Number Of Configuration Test Running : 0
    Number Of Performance Test Running : 0
    Y1564 Flow bytes mode status : Layer1

Creating/Deleting Traffic Profile

This section details the CLI configurations to create and delete a Traffic Profile.

When a Traffic Profile entry is created it will be in the inactive state. If the Traffic Profile entry is already created, this configuration enters into the Traffic Profile mode for that Sla entry. All the Traffic Profile specific configurations are done in the Traffic Profile mode.

These configurations include the configuring Source Mac Address, Destination Mac Address, Destination Port, Emix Pattern, and VLAN Tag information.

When the Traffic Profile entry is deleted, it deletes an already created traffic profile entry. If the traffic profile entry is not present, the following error message is displayed.
Traffic Profile Entry is not present

Traffic Profile entry cannot be deleted if the entry is associated with Sla. To delete the entry, it should be dissociated it from Sla.

If the traffic profile entry is de-associated from Sla, then the corresponding configuration and performance test report will be deleted from Report Table.

The traffic profile row status value is set as active only when initiating the configuration test.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to create/delete the traffic profile are listed below.

Note: Y.1564 module should be started.

  1. Create a Traffic Profile with Id 1. Administrator can give numerical values from 1 to 100 for the Traffic Profile Id. But, the given number should be unique:
    your product# configure terminal
    your product(config)# y1564 traffic-profile 1

  2. After the successful configuration of the command, the CLI enters the Sla mode and the CLI prompt changes as follows:
    your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)#

  3. Exit the Traffic Profile mode:
    your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# end

  4. View the configuration of Traffic Profile entry 1:
    your product# show Y1564 traffic-profile 1
    Switch : default
    Traffic Profile Number : 1
    ---------------- --------------------------
    EMIX Pattern :
    EMIX Pattern Status : Disable
    Signature :
    pcp : 0
    Payload Type : 0
    Source MAC : 00:00:00:00:00:00
    Destination MAC : 00:00:00:00:00:00
    Tag1VlanId : 0
    Tag1Dot1p : 0
    Tag1Tpid : 0x8100
    Tag2VlanId : 0
    Tag2Dot1p : 0
    Tag2Tpid : 0x8100
    EtherType : 0x0
    SourceIp :
    DestinationIp :
    IPDSCP : 0
    TOS : 0
    ipprotocol : 0
    ipttl : 0
    Source L3 Port : 0
    Destination L3 Port : 0
    Destination Interface : 0
    Tag1DEI : 0
    Tag2DEI : 0

  5. Delete the Traffic Profile Entry 1 from the default switch:
    your product# configure terminal
    your product(config)# no y1564 traffic-profile 1

  6. View the configuration of Traffic Profile entry 1:
    your product# show Y1564 traffic-profile 1
    Switch : default

Note: No information is displayed here, as the traffic profile 1 is deleted from switch default.

Configuring Traffic Profile Specific Parameters

This section details the CLI configurations that are specific to a particular Traffic Profile entry.

The Traffic Profile Specific configurations includes Source Mac Address, Destination Mac Address, Destination Port, Emix Pattern and VLAN Tag information.

Note: Traffic Profile parameter cannot be modified if the entry is associated with Sla Entry. The parameters can be modified only after de-associating from Sla Entry.

Configuring packet-size emix-pattern

This section lists the CLI configuration steps to configure the optional parameter Emix packet size of a Traffic Profile Entry.

This command can be executed, even if the Traffic-profile is already activated.

Note: Defined packet-size on Y.1564 SLA plays two roles:
In Fixed mode that defines fixed packet size that will be generated with Y.1564.
If Emix mode is used in Y.1564, it also defines the “u” in emix user-defined packet size.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to set the packet size emix pattern are listed below.

  1. Enter into traffic profile mode and configure the Emix packet size for the Traffic Profile Entry 1 in switch default:
    your product# configure terminal
    your product(config)# y1564 traffic-profile 1
    your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# packet-size emix-pattern abcee

    Note: Supported Emix Packet Sizes a-64, b-128, c-256, d-512, e-1024, f-1280 , g-1518, h- MTU size and u-User defined packet size. Default value for packet-size is 512; so default 'u' is 512.

  2. Exit the Traffic Profile mode:
    your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# end

  3. View the configuration of Traffic Profile Entry 1:
    your product# show y1564 traffic-profile 1
    Switch : default
    Traffic Profile Number : 1
    ----------- -------------------------------
    EMIX Pattern : abcee
    EMIX Pattern Status : Enable
    Signature :
    pcp : 0
    Payload Type : 0
    Source MAC : 00:00:00:00:00:00
    Destination MAC : 00:00:00:00:00:00
    Tag1VlanId : 0
    Tag1Dot1p : 0
    Tag1Tpid : 0x8100
    Tag2VlanId : 0
    Tag2Dot1p : 0
    Tag2Tpid : 0x8100
    EtherType : 0x0
    SourceIp :
    DestinationIp :
    IPDSCP : 0
    TOS : 0
    ipprotocol : 0
    ipttl : 0
    Source L3 Port : 0
    Destination L3 Port : 0
    Destination Interface : 0
    Tag1DEI : 0
    Tag2DEI : 0

Configuring Source MAC Address

This section lists the CLI configuration steps to configure the Mandatory parameter source MAC Address for a Traffic Profile Entry.

Note: This command can be executed, even if the Traffic-profile is already activated.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to set the source MAC Address are listed below.

  1. Configure the source MAC Address for the Traffic Profile Entry 1:
    your product# configure terminal
    your product(config)# y1564 traffic-profile 1
    your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# source-mac-address 00:15:ad:03:04:05

  2. Exit the Traffic Profile mode:
    your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)#end

  3. View the configuration of Traffic Profile Entry 1 in switch default:
    your product# show y1564 traffic-profile 1
    Switch : default
    Traffic Profile Number : 1
    ------------------- -----------------------
    EMIX Pattern : abceg
    EMIX Pattern Status : Disable
    Signature :
    pcp : 0
    Payload Type : 0
    Source MAC : 00:15:ad:03:04:05
    Destination MAC : 00:00:00:00:00:00
    Tag1VlanId : 0
    Tag1Dot1p : 0
    Tag1Tpid : 0x8100
    Tag2VlanId : 0
    Tag2Dot1p : 0
    Tag2Tpid : 0x8100
    EtherType : 0x0
    SourceIp :
    DestinationIp :
    IPDSCP : 0
    TOS : 0
    ipprotocol : 0
    ipttl : 0
    Source L3 Port : 0
    Destination L3 Port : 0
    Destination Interface : 0
    Tag1DEI : 0
    Tag2DEI : 0

Configuring Destination MAC Address

This section lists the CLI configuration steps to configure the mandatory parameter destination MAC Address for a Traffic Profile Entry.

Note: This command can be executed even if the Traffic-profile is already activated.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to set the destination MAC Address are listed below.

  1. Configure the destination MAC Address for the Traffic Profile Entry 1 in switch default:
    your product# configure terminal
    your product(config)# y1564 traffic-profile 1
    your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# destination-mac-address 00:15:ad:01:02:03

  2. Exit the Traffic Profile mode:
    your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# end

  3. View the configuration of Traffic Profile Entry 1:
    your product# show y1564 traffic-profile
    Switch : default
    Traffic Profile Number : 1
    ----- -------------------------------------
    EMIX Pattern : abceg
    EMIX Pattern Status : Disable
    Signature :
    pcp : 0
    Payload Type : 0
    Source MAC : 00:00:00:00:00:00
    Destination MAC : 00:15:ad:01:02:03
    Tag1VlanId : 0
    Tag1Dot1p : 0
    Tag1Tpid : 0x8100
    Tag2VlanId : 0
    Tag2Dot1p : 0
    Tag2Tpid : 0x8100
    EtherType : 0x0
    SourceIp :
    DestinationIp :
    IPDSCP : 0
    TOS : 0
    ipprotocol : 0
    ipttl : 0
    Source L3 Port : 0
    Destination L3 Port : 0
    Destination Interface : 0
    Tag1DEI : 0
    Tag2DEI : 0
    your product#

Configuring Destination Interface

Note: Destination interface represents the source interface of the Y.1564 test. The source interface sends out Y.1564 packets from the unit.

This section lists the CLI configuration steps to configure the mandatory parameter destination interface for a Traffic Profile Entry.

Note: This command can be executed even if the Traffic-profile is already activated.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to set the destination interface are listed below.

  1. Configure the destination port for the Traffic Profile Entry 1 in switch default:
    your product# configure terminal
    your product(config)# y1564 traffic-profile 1
    your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# destination-interface xl-ethernet 0/3

  2. Exit the Traffic Profile mode:
    your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# end

  3. View the configuration of Traffic Profile Entry 1:
    your product# show y1564 traffic-profile
    Switch : default
    Traffic Profile Number : 1
    ---------------- --------------------------
    EMIX Pattern : abceg
    EMIX Pattern Status : Disable
    Signature :
    pcp : 0
    Payload Type : 0
    Source MAC : 00:00:00:00:00:00
    Destination MAC : 00:00:00:00:00:00
    Tag1VlanId : 0
    Tag1Dot1p : 0
    Tag1Tpid : 0x8100
    Tag2VlanId : 0
    Tag2Dot1p : 0
    Tag2Tpid : 0x8100
    EtherType : 0x0
    SourceIp :
    DestinationIp :
    IPDSCP : 0
    TOS : 0
    ipprotocol : 0
    ipttl : 0
    Source L3 Port : 0
    Destination L3 Port : 0
    Destination Interface : Xl0/3
    Tag1DEI : 0
    Tag2DEI : 0
    your product#

Configuring VLAN tag

This section lists the CLI configuration steps to configure the optional parameter VLAN Tag information for a Traffic Profile Entry.

Note: This command can be executed even if the Traffic-profile is already activated.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to set the inner and outer VLAN Tag information are listed below.

  1. Configure the outer vlan tag for the Traffic Profile Entry 1 in switch default:
    your product# configure terminal
    your product(config)# y1564 traffic-profile 1
    your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# vlan-tag outer vlan 10 dot1p-priority 3 tpid 0x8100 dei enable

  2. Exit the Traffic Profile mode:
    your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# end

  3. View the configuration of Traffic Profile Entry 1:
    your product# show y1564 traffic-profile
    Switch : default
    Traffic Profile Number : 1
    ----------------- -------------------------
    EMIX Pattern : abceg
    EMIX Pattern Status : Disable
    Signature :
    pcp : 0
    Payload Type : 0
    Source MAC : 00:00:00:00:00:00
    Destination MAC : 00:00:00:00:00:00
    Tag1VlanId : 10
    Tag1Dot1p : 3
    Tag1Tpid : 0x8100
    Tag2VlanId : 0
    Tag2Dot1p : 0
    Tag2Tpid : 0x8100
    EtherType : 0x0
    SourceIp :
    DestinationIp :
    IPDSCP : 0
    TOS : 0
    ipprotocol : 0
    ipttl : 0
    Source L3 Port : 0
    Destination L3 Port : 0
    Destination Interface : 0
    Tag1DEI : 1
    Tag2DEI : 0
    your product#

  4. Configure the inner vlan tag for the Traffic Profile Entry 1 in switch default:
    your product# configure terminal
    your product(config)# y1564 traffic-profile 1
    your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# vlan-tag inner vlan 20 dot1p-priority 5 tpid 0x8100 dei disable

  5. Exit the Traffic Profile mode:
    your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# end

  6. View the configuration of Traffic Profile Entry 1:
    your product# show y1564 traffic-profile
    Switch : default
    Traffic Profile Number : 1
    --------------- ---------------------------
    EMIX Pattern : abceg
    EMIX Pattern Status : Disable
    Signature :
    pcp : 0
    Payload Type : 0
    Source MAC : 00:00:00:00:00:00
    Destination MAC : 00:00:00:00:00:00
    Tag1VlanId : 10
    Tag1Dot1p : 3
    Tag1Tpid : 0x8100
    Tag2VlanId : 20
    Tag2Dot1p : 5
    Tag2Tpid : 0x8100
    EtherType : 0x0
    SourceIp :
    DestinationIp :
    IPDSCP : 0
    TOS : 0
    ipprotocol : 0
    ipttl : 0
    Source L3 Port : 0
    Destination L3 Port : 0
    Destination Interface : 0
    Tag1DEI : 1
    Tag2DEI : 2
    your product#

Creating/Deleting SAC

This section details the CLI configurations to create and delete a SAC entry.

When a SAC entry is created it will be in the in-active state. These configurations include the configuring information rate, frame loss ratio, frame time delay, frame delay varia,tion and Availability.

When the SAC entry is deleted, it deletes an already-created SAC entry. If the SAC entry is not present, the following error message is displayed: Sac Entry is not present

SAC entry cannot be deleted if the entry is associated with SLA. To delete the entry, it should be dissociated it from SLA.

If the SAC entry is dissociated from SLA then the corresponding configuration and performance test report will be deleted from Report Table.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to create/delete the SAC entry are listed below.

Note: Y1564 module should be started

  1. Create a SAC entry with Id 1. The administrator can give numerical values from 1 to 100 for the SAC Id. But, the given number should be unique in a context:
    your product#configure terminal
    your product(config)# y1564 sac 1 information-rate 1 frame-loss-ratio 1 frame-time-delay 500 frame-delay-variation 500 availability 1

  2. Create a SAC entry with Id 2. Configure Frame loss ratio, FTD, and FDV in fractional format.
    your product(config)# y1564 sac 2 information-rate 15 frame-loss-ratio 39.61 frame-time-delay 999.999 frame-delay-variation 0.001 availability 10

  3. Exit the Global Configuration mode:
    your product(config)# end

  4. View the configuration of SAC entry 1 in switch default:
    your product# show Y1564 sac 1
    Switch : default
    Sac Number : 1
    ------------ ------------------------------
    Information Rate : 1
    PirThreshold Rate : 0
    Frame Loss Ratio : 1.00
    In-Profile Frame Loss Ratio : 0
    Out-Profile Frame Loss Ratio : 0
    Frame Transfer Delay : 500.000
    In-Profile Frame Transfer Delay : 0
    Out-Profile Frame Transfer Delay : 0
    Frame Delay Variation : 500.000
    In-Profile Frame Delay Variation : 0
    Out-Profile Frame Delay Variation : 0
    Availability : 1.00

  5. View the configuration of SAC entry 2:
    your product# show Y1564 sac 2
    Switch : default
    Sac Number : 2
    ------------ ------------------------------
    Information Rate : 15
    PirThreshold Rate : 0
    Frame Loss Ratio : 39.61
    In-Profile Frame Loss Ratio : 0
    Out-Profile Frame Loss Ratio : 0
    Frame Transfer Delay : 999.999
    In-Profile Frame Transfer Delay : 0
    Out-Profile Frame Transfer Delay : 0
    Frame Delay Variation : 0.001
    In-Profile Frame Delay Variation : 0
    Out-Profile Frame Delay Variation : 0
    Availability : 10.000

  6. Delete the SAC Entry 1 and SAC Entry 2 from default switch:
    your product#configure terminal
    your product(config)# no y1564 sac 1
    your product#configure terminal
    your product(config)# no y1564 sac 2

  7. View the configuration of SAC entry 1 and SAC Entry 2:
    your product# show Y1564 sac 1
    Switch : default
    your product# show Y1564 sac 2
    Switch : default

Note: No information is displayed here, as the SAC entry 1 and SAC entry 2 are deleted from switch default.

Creating/Deleting Service-Configuration

This section details the CLI configurations to create and delete a Service Configuration entry.

When a Service Configuration entry is created it will be in in-active state. If the Service Configuration entry is already created, this configuration enters into the Service configuration mode for that Service Configuration entry. All the Service Configuration specific configuration are done in the Service Configuration mode.

These configurations include the configuring CIR, CBS, EIR and EBS.

When the Service Configuration entry is deleted, it deletes an already created service configuration entry. If the service configuration entry is not present, the following error message is displayed: Service Configuration Entry is not present

Service Configuration entry cannot be deleted if the entry is associated with SLA. To delete the entry, it should be dissociated it from SLA.

The Service Configuration row status value set as active only when initiating the configuration test.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to create/delete the service configuration are listed below.

  1. Y.1564 module should be started.

  2. Create a Service Configuration with Id 1. The administrator can give numerical values from 1 to 100 for the Service Configuration Id. But the given number should be unique in a context:
    your product#configure terminal
    your product(config)# y1564 service-configuration 1

  3. After the successful configuration of the command, the CLI enters the Service configuration mode, and the CLI prompt changes as follows:
    your product(config-service-config-1564)#

  4. Exit the service configuration mode:
    your product(config-service-config-1564)# end

  5. View the configuration of service Configuration entry 1 in switch default:
    your product# show Y1564 service-configuration 1
    Switch : default
    Service Configuration Number : 1
    ------------ ----------------------------
    Color Mode : Non-color Aware
    Coupling Flag : Coupling Disable
    CIR : 0
    CBS : 0
    EIR : 0
    EBS : 0

  6. Delete the Service Configuration Entry 1 from the default switch:
    your product#configure terminal
    your product(config)# no y1564 service-configuration1
    your product(config)#end

  7. View the configuration of Service Configuration Entry 1:
    your product# show Y1564 service-configuration 1
    Switch : default

Note: No information is displayed here, as the service configuration entry 1 is deleted from switch default.

Configuring Service Configuration Specific Parameters

This section details the CLI configurations in a switch default that are specific to a particular service configuration entry.

The service configuration Specific configurations include CIR, CBS, EIR ,and EBS

Note: Service Configuration parameters cannot be modified if the entry is associated with SLA Entry. The parameters can be modified only after de-associating from SLA Entry.

Configuring Service Configuration Parameters

This section lists the CLI configuration steps to configure the mandatory CIR, CBS, EIR, and EBS.

Note: This command can be executed, even if the service configuration is already activated.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to set the CIR, CBS, EIR and EBS are listed below.

  1. Configure the CIR, CBS, EIR, and EBS for service configuration entry 1 in switch default:
    your product#configure terminal
    your product(config)# y1564 service- configuration 1
    your product(config-service-config-1564)# service-config cir 2000000 cbs 12000 eir 1500000 ebs 22000 color-aware

  2. Exit the Service Configuration mode:
    your product(config-service-config-1564)# end

  3. View the configuration of Service Configuration Entry 1:
    your product# show y1564 service-configuration 1
    Switch : default
    Service Configuration Number : 1
    ------------------ ----------------------
    Color Mode : Color Aware
    Coupling Flag : Coupling Disable
    CIR : 2000000
    CBS : 12000
    EIR : 1500000
    EBS : 22000

Creating/Deleting SLA

This section details the CLI configurations to create and delete an SLA for the service.

A service-level agreement (SLA) is a part of a service contract where a service is formally defined.

When an SLA entry is created, it will be in the in-active state. If the SLA entry is already created, this configuration enters the SLA mode for that SLA entry. All the SLA-specific configurations are done in the SLA mode.

This configuration includes the configuring rate step, configuration test duration and so on.

When the SLA entry is deleted, it deletes an already created SLA entry. If the SLA entry is not present, the following error message is displayed: SLA Entry is not present

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to create/delete the SLA are listed below.

Note: Y.1564 module should be started.

  1. Create a SLA with Id 5. Administrator can give numerical values from 1 to 100 for the SLA Id. But, the given number should be unique in a context:
    your product#configure terminal
    your product(config)# Y1564 sla 5

  2. After the successful configuration of the command, the CLI enters the SLA mode and the CLI prompt changes as follows:
    your product(config-sla-1564)#

  3. Exit the SLA mode:
    your product(config-sla-1564)# end

  4. View the configuration of SLA 5 in switch default:
    your product# show Y1564 sla 5
    Switch : default
    SLA Number : 5
    ---------------- ------------------------
    Test Description :
    Mapped Service Configuration : 0
    Mapped MEG : 0
    Mapped ME : 0
    Mapped MEP : 0
    Mapped SAC : 0
    Mapped Traffic Profile : 0
    Rate Step : 25
    Configuration Test Duration : 30
    Traffic Policing Status : Enable
    Forward Class : 0
    Packet Size : 0
    CIR-Rule : 0
    Dot1pIn(green) : 0
    Dot1pOut(yellow) : 0
    Y1564 Trap Status : Disable
    Number Of Performance Test Running: 0
    Selected Test : Simple CIR, Step Load CIR, EIR, Traffic Policing
    Status : Not Started

  5. Delete the SLA Entry 5 from default switch:
    your product#configure terminal
    your product(config)# no y1564 sla 5
    your product(config)#end

  6. View the configuration of SLA 5 in switch default:
    your product# show y1564 sla 5
    Switch : default

Note: No information is displayed here, as the SLA 5 is deleted from switch default.

Configuring SLA Specific Parameters

This section details the CLI configurations in a switch default that are specific to a particular SLA entry.

The SLA Specific configurations include Rate Step, Configuration test timer, Traffic Policing status, associating SAC entry, associating Traffic profile Entry and so on.

AC Entry, Traffic Profile Entry, Service configuration Entry should be created before associating to SLA entry.

Change in SLA parameters deletes the configuration and performance test report if exists for the SLA Entry.

The SLA specific parameters can be executed, even if the SLA is already activated.

Configuring Rate Step

This section lists the CLI configuration steps to configure the optional parameter rate step of an SLA Entry. By default, the rate step value is 25 and this value will be effective when step load CIR test is initiated as part of configuration test.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to set the rate step are listed below.

  1. Enter into the SLA configuration mode and configure the rate step for the SLA Entry 5 in switch default:
    your product#configure terminal
    your product(config)# Y1564 sla 5
    your product(config-sla-1564)# rate-step 20

    Note: Supported Rate step values 10, 20 ,25, 50 and 100

  2. Exit the SLA mode:
    your product(config-sla-1564)# end

  3. View the configuration of SLA 5 in switch default:
    your product# show y1564 sla 5
    Switch : default
    SLA Number : 5
    ------------ ----------------------------
    Test Description :
    Mapped Service Configuration : 0
    Mapped MEG : 0
    Mapped ME : 0
    Mapped MEP : 0
    Mapped SAC : 0
    Mapped Traffic Profile : 0
    Rate Step : 20
    Configuration Test Duration : 30
    Traffic Policing Status : Enable
    Forward Class : 0
    Packet Size : 0
    CIR-Rule : 0
    Dot1pIn(green) : 0
    Dot1pOut(yellow) : 0
    Y1564 Trap Status : Disable
    Number Of Performance Test Running: 0
    Selected Test : Simple CIR, Step Load CIR, EIR, Traffic Policing
    Status : Not Started

Configuring SLA Configuration Test Duration

This section lists the CLI configuration steps to configure the optional parameter configuration test duration of an SLA Entry. By default, the configuration test duration value is 30 seconds and this value will be effective for configuration tests.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to set the configuration test duration are listed below.

  1. Enter into SLA mode and configure the test duration for the SLA Entry 5 in switch default:
    your product#configure terminal
    your product(config)# Y1564 sla 5
    your product(config-sla-1564)# configuration-test-duration 45

  2. Exit the SLA mode:
    your product(config-sla-1564)# end

  3. View the configuration of SLA 5 in switch default:
    your product# show y1564 sla 5
    Switch : default
    SLA Number : 5
    ----------------- -----------------------
    Test Description :
    Mapped Service Configuration : 0
    Mapped MEG : 0
    Mapped ME : 0
    Mapped MEP : 0
    Mapped SAC : 0
    Mapped Traffic Profile : 0
    Rate Step : 25
    Configuration Test Duration : 45
    Traffic Policing Status : Enable
    Forward Class : 0
    Packet Size : 0
    CIR-Rule : 0
    Dot1pIn(green) : 0
    Dot1pOut(yellow) : 0
    Y1564 Trap Status : Disable
    Number Of Performance Test Running: 0
    Selected Test : Simple CIR, Step Load CIR, EIR, Traffic Policing
    Status : Not Started

Configuring Traffic Policing Status

This section lists the CLI configuration steps to configure the optional parameter traffic policing status of an SLA Entry. By default, the traffic policing status is enabled and this value will have effect when traffic policing test is initiated as part of configuration test.

If the traffic policing status is enabled, traffic policing test can be started in the configuration test.

If the traffic policing status is disabled, traffic policing test cannot be started in the configuration test.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to set the traffic policing status are listed below.

  1. Enter into SLA mode and configure the traffic policing status for the SLA Entry 5 in switch default:
    your product#configure terminal
    your product(config)# Y1564 sla 5
    your product(config-sla-1564)# traffic-policing disable

  2. Exit the SLA mode:
    your product(config-sla-1564)# end

  3. View the configuration of SLA 5 in switch default:
    your product# show y1564 sla 5
    Switch : default
    SLA Number : 5
    -------------- --------------------------
    Test Description :
    Mapped Service Configuration : 0
    Mapped MEG : 0
    Mapped ME : 0
    Mapped MEP : 0
    Mapped SAC : 0
    Mapped Traffic Profile : 0
    Rate Step : 25
    Configuration Test Duration : 30
    Traffic Policing Status : Disable
    Forward Class : 0
    Packet Size : 0
    CIR-Rule : 0
    Dot1pIn(green) : 0
    Dot1pOut(yellow) : 0
    Y1564 Trap Status : Disable
    Number Of Performance Test Running: 0
    Selected Test : Simple CIR, Step Load CIR, EIR, Traffic Policing
    Status : Not Started

Configuring Test Selector

This section lists the CLI configuration steps to configure the optional parameter test selector of a SLA Entry. By default, Simple CIR, Step Load CIR, EIR and Traffic Policing tests are selected.

Changes done in test selector parameter will be effective when configuration test is initiated.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to set the test selector are listed below.

  1. Enter into SLA mode and configure the test selector for the SLA Entry 5 in switch default:
    your product#configure terminal
    your product(config)# Y1564 sla 5
    your product(config-sla-1564)# test selector simple-cir-test eir-test

  2. Exit the SLA mode:
    your product(config-sla-1564)# end

  3. View the configuration of SLA 5 in switch default:
    your product# show y1564 sla 5
    Switch : default
    SLA Number : 5
    ---------- ------------------------------
    Test Description :
    Mapped Service Configuration : 0
    Mapped MEG : 0
    Mapped ME : 0
    Mapped MEP : 0
    Mapped SAC : 0
    Mapped Traffic Profile : 0
    Rate Step : 25
    Configuration Test Duration : 30
    Traffic Policing Status : Enable
    Forward Class : 0
    Packet Size : 0
    CIR-Rule : 0
    Dot1pIn(green) : 0
    Dot1pOut(yellow) : 0
    Y1564 Trap Status : Disable
    Number Of Performance Test Running: 0
    Selected Test : Simple CIR, EIR
    Status : Not Started

Configuring SLA Mandatory Parameters

This section lists the CLI configuration steps to configure the mandatory parameters of a SLA Entry. Without configuring these parameters, the SLA entry cannot be made active.

Note: Configuring all the mandatory parameter will not make SLA Row Status as active automatically but these configurations are mandatory to make SLA Row Status as active. SLA Row Status can be made active at the time of initiation of the configuration test.

The following are the mandatory parameters to be configured before making the SLA as active.

  • Associating Sac Entry
  • Associating Traffic Profile Entry
  • Associating Service Configuration Entry

Configuring SAC Entry

This section lists the CLI configuration steps to associate and dissociate the SAC entry with SLA Entry.

Note: SAC entry has to be created and all the mandatory parameters has to be configured before associating to SLA Entry.

When the non-existing SAC entry is trying to associate to SLA, the following error is displayed: SAC Entry is not present

To configure this option, the user should enter SLA configuration mode.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to associate the SAC Entry are listed below.

  1. Enter the SLA configuration mode for SLA entry 5:
    your product#configure terminal
    your product(config)# y1564 sla 5

  2. Configure SAC Entry as 1 for SLA entry 5 in switch default:
    your product(config-sla-1564)# map sac 1

  3. Exit the SLA mode:
    your product(config-sla-1564)# end

  4. View the configuration of SLA 5 in switch default:
    your product# show y1564 sla 5
    Switch : default
    SLA Number : 5
    -------------- --------------------------
    Test Description :
    Mapped Service Configuration : 0
    Mapped MEG : 0
    Mapped ME : 0
    Mapped MEP : 0
    Mapped SAC : 1
    Mapped Traffic Profile : 0
    Rate Step : 25
    Configuration Test Duration : 30
    Traffic Policing Status : Enable
    Forward Class : 0
    Packet Size : 0
    CIR-Rule : 0
    Dot1pIn(green) : 0
    Dot1pOut(yellow) : 0
    Y1564 Trap Status : Disable
    Number Of Performance Test Running: 0
    Selected Test : Simple CIR, Step Load CIR, EIR, Traffic Policing
    Status : Not Started

  5. Dissociate the SAC entry from SLA Entry:
    your product#configure terminal
    your product(config)# y1564 sla 5
    your product(config-sla-1564)# no map sac

  6. Exit the SLA mode:
    your product(config-sla-1564)# end

  7. View the configuration of SLA 5 in switch default:
    your product# show y1564 sla 5
    Switch : default
    SLA Number : 5
    ------------ ----------------------------
    Test Description :
    Mapped Service Configuration : 0
    Mapped MEG : 0
    Mapped ME : 0
    Mapped MEP : 0
    Mapped SAC : 0
    Mapped Traffic Profile : 0
    Rate Step : 25
    Configuration Test Duration : 30
    Traffic Policing Status : Enable
    Forward Class : 0
    Packet Size : 0
    CIR-Rule : 0
    Dot1pIn(green) : 0
    Dot1pOut(yellow) : 0
    Y1564 Trap Status : Disable
    Number Of Performance Test Running: 0
    Selected Test : Simple CIR, Step Load CIR, EIR, Traffic Policing
    Status : Not Started

Configuring Traffic Profile Entry

This section lists the CLI configuration steps to associate and dissociate the Traffic Profile entry with SLA Entry.

Note: Traffic profile entry must be created and all the mandatory parameters has to be configured before associating to SLA Entry.

When the non-existing Traffic Profile entry is trying to associate to SLA, the following error is displayed: Traffic Profile Entry is not present

To configure this option, the user should enter SLA configuration mode.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to associate the Traffic Profile Entry are listed below.

  1. Enter the SLA configuration mode for SLA entry 5:
    your product#configure terminal
    your product(config)# y1564 sla 5

  2. Configure Traffic Profile Entry as 1 for SLA entry 5 in switch default:
    your product(config-sla-1564)# map traffic-profile 1

  3. Exit the SLA mode:
    your product(config-sla-1564)# end

  4. View the configuration of SLA 5 in switch default:
    your product# show y1564 sla 5
    Switch : default
    SLA Number : 5
    -------------- --------------------------
    Test Description :
    Mapped Service Configuration : 0
    Mapped MEG : 0
    Mapped ME : 0
    Mapped MEP : 0
    Mapped SAC : 0
    Mapped Traffic Profile : 1
    Rate Step : 25
    Configuration Test Duration : 30
    Traffic Policing Status : Enable
    Forward Class : 0
    Packet Size : 0
    CIR-Rule : 0
    Dot1pIn(green) : 0
    Dot1pOut(yellow) : 0
    Y1564 Trap Status : Disable
    Number Of Performance Test Running: 0
    Selected Test : Simple CIR, Step Load CIR, EIR, Traffic Policing
    Status : Not Started

  5. Dissociate the Traffic Profile entry from SLA Entry:
    your product#configure terminal
    your product(config)# y1564 sla 5

    your product(config-sla-1564)# no map traffic-profile

  6. Exit the SLA mode:
    your product(config-sla-1564)# end

  7. View the configuration of SLA 5 in switch default:
    your product# show y1564 sla 5
    Switch : default

SLA Number : 5
------------- ---------------------------
Test Description :
Mapped Service Configuration : 0
Mapped MEG : 0
Mapped ME : 0
Mapped MEP : 0
Mapped SAC : 0
Mapped Traffic Profile : 0
Rate Step : 25
Configuration Test Duration : 30
Traffic Policing Status : Enable
Forward Class : 0
Packet Size : 0
CIR-Rule : 0
Dot1pIn(green) : 0
Dot1pOut(yellow) : 0
Y1564 Trap Status : Disable
Number Of Performance Test Running: 0
Selected Test : Simple CIR, Step Load CIR, EIR, Traffic Policing
Status : Not Started

Configuring Service Configuration Entry

This section lists the CLI configuration steps to associate and dissociate the Service Configuration entry with SLA Entry when the non-existing Service Configuration entry is trying to associate to SLA, the following error is displayed: Service Configuration Entry is not present

To configure this option, the user should enter SLA configuration mode.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to associate with the Service Configuration are listed below.

  1. Enter the SLA configuration mode for SLA entry 5:
    your product#Configure terminal
    your product(config)# y1564 sla 5

  2. Configure Service Configuration id as for SLA entry 5 in switch default:
    your product(config-sla-1564)# map service-configuration 1

  3. Exit the SLA mode:
    your product(config-sla-1564)# end

  4. View the configuration of SLA 5 in switch default:
    your product# show y1564 sla 5
    Switch: default
    SLA Number: 5
    --------------- -------------------------
    Test Description :
    Mapped Service Configuration : 1
    Mapped MEG : 0
    Mapped ME : 0
    Mapped MEP : 0
    Mapped SAC : 1
    Mapped Traffic Profile : 0
    Rate Step : 25
    Configuration Test Duration : 30
    Traffic Policing Status : Enable
    Forward Class : 0
    Packet Size : 0
    CIR-Rule : 0
    Dot1pIn(green) : 0
    Dot1pOut(yellow) : 0
    Y1564 Trap Status : Disable
    Number Of Performance Test Running: 0
    Selected Test : Simple CIR, Step Load CIR, EIR, Traffic Policing
    Status : Not Started

  5. Dissociate the Service configuration entry from SLA Entry:
    your product#Configure terminal
    your product(config)# y1564 sla 5
    your product(config-sla-1564)# no map service-configuration

  6. Exit the SLA mode:
    your product(config-sla-1564)# end

  7. View the configuration of SLA 5 in switch default:
    your product# show y1564 sla 5

Switch : default

SLA Number : 5
----------- -----------------------------
Test Description :
Mapped Service Configuration : 0
Mapped MEG : 0
Mapped ME : 0
Mapped MEP : 0
Mapped SAC : 1
Mapped Traffic Profile : 0
Rate Step : 25
Configuration Test Duration : 30
Traffic Policing Status : Enable
Forward Class : 0
Packet Size : 0
CIR-Rule : 0
Dot1pIn(green) : 0
Dot1pOut(yellow) : 0
Y1564 Trap Status : Disable
Number Of Performance Test Running: 0
Selected Test : Simple CIR, Step Load CIR, EIR, Traffic Policing
Status : Not Started

Configuring Test Status

This section lists the CLI configuration steps to configure the Configuration test status of an SLA Entry. By default, the configuration test status is stop.

The configuration test status is configured as start to start the configuration test for the SLA but before setting the test status as “start”, all the mandatory parameters have to be configured to SLA.

Note: The configuration support for maximum SLA sessions is provided for 100 with ID ranges from 1 to 100. However, the maximum number of concurrent SAT sessions is 10.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to set the test status are listed below.

  1. Enter the SLA configuration mode for SLA entry 5:
    your product(config)# y1564 sla 5

  2. Configure the test selector for the SLA Entry 5 in switch default:
    your product(config-sla-1564)# y1564 service-configuration-test sla 1 start

  3. Exit the SLA mode:
    your product(config-sla-1564)# end

  4. View the configuration of SLA 5 in switch default:
    your product# show y1564 sla 5
    Switch : default
    SLA Number : 5
    ---------------- ------------------------
    Test Description :
    Mapped Service Configuration : 1
    Mapped MEG : 0
    Mapped ME : 0
    Mapped MEP : 0
    Mapped SAC : 1
    Mapped Traffic Profile : 0
    Rate Step : 25
    Configuration Test Duration : 30
    Traffic Policing Status : Enable
    Forward Class : 0
    Packet Size : 0
    CIR-Rule : 0
    Dot1pIn(green) : 0
    Dot1pOut(yellow) : 0
    Y1564 Trap Status : Disable
    Number Of Performance Test Running: 0
    Selected Test : Simple CIR, Step Load CIR, EIR, Traffic Policing
    Status : Started

  5. View the configuration test report of SLA 5 once the test is completed.
    your product# show y1564 service-configuration-report sla-id 1
    Switch : default

Test Description :
Y1564 Flow bytes mode status : Layer2

UNI Attributes :
Port Speed : 100.00 Gbit/s

Number of Services Tested : 1

SLA Number : 1

Service attributes :
Bandwidth profile :
CIR : 1500 Mbit/s
CBS : 18.75 KB
EIR : 1000 Mbit/s
EBS : 22.50 KB

Colour aware : off

Service acceptance criteria :
FLR : 10.68
FTD : 10.441 ms
FDV : 10.000 ms
AVAIL : 1.00
MTU : 1500 bytes
Traffic policing : on

Per flow test frame definitions :
Destination MAC Address : 00:15:ad:2f:f6:e2
Source MAC Address : 00:15:ad:2f:ef:a2
VLAN ID : 10

Test Times :
Service Configuration test step time : 10 seconds
Service Performance test time :

Test Patterns used : Emix

Date and Time of Test :
SLA Test Start Time : Tue Nov 29 19:13:18 2022
SLA Test End Time : Tue Nov 29 19:13:33 2022

Total Elapsed Time of Test : 15 seconds

Enabling/Disabling Debugging

This section lists the CLI configuration steps to enable or disable the debugging trace messages for Y.1564 module. This configuration sets the trace level for debugging. When a particular trace is enabled, the debugging message of the sub-modules for which the trace is enabled is displayed.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to enable or disable the debugging trace messages are listed below.

  1. View the currently enabled debug trace level for Y.1564 module in switch default:
    your product# show debugging
    Switch default
    Y1564 critical debugging is on

  2. Enable init-shut trace for Y.1564 module:
    your product# debug y1564 fail

    Note: This enables the init-shut trace messages. Module init and shutdown-related traces will be dumped in the terminal console.

Similarly, the following trace level can be enabled:

  • Mgmt.
  • Ctrl
  • resource
  • timer
  • critical
  • y1731
  • test
  • session-record
  • fail

All of the above-mentioned options can be given in a single command itself as follows:
your product# debug y1564 init-shut mgmt ctrl resource timer y1731 test session-record fail

  1. View the currently enabled debug trace level for Y.1564 module in switch default:
    your product# show debugging
    Switch default
    Y1564 All debugging is on

  2. Disable init-shut trace in switch default:
    your product# no debug y1564 init-shut

  3. Disable multiple traces together in switch default:
    your product# no debug y1564 init-shut mgmt ctrl resource timer y1731 test session-record fail

Enabling/Disabling Trap Notification

This section lists the CLI configuration steps to enable/disable the transmission of trap notification messages from the Y.1564 module.

CLI Configuration

The CLI configuration steps to enable or disable the transmission of trap notification messages are listed below.

  1. Enable the trap notification for the default switch:
    your product# configure terminal
    your product(config)# y1564 notification enable

  2. View the trap notification enable/disable status:
    your product# show y1564 global information

Switch : default
----------------- ------------------------
Y1564 System Status : Start
Y1564 Module Status : Enable
Y1564 Trap Status : Enable
Number Of Configuration Test Running : 0
Number Of Performance Test Running : 0
Y1564 Flow bytes mode status : Layer2

  1. The no form of this command disables the notification:
    your product# configure terminal
    your product(config)# no y1564 notification enable

  2. View the trap notification enable/disable status:
    your product# show y1564 global information

Switch : default
---------------- --------------------------
Y1564 System Status : Start
Y1564 Module Status : Enable
Y1564 Trap Status : Disable
Number Of Configuration Test Running : 0
Number Of Performance Test Running : 0
Y1564 Flow bytes mode status : Layer2

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