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This article provides the sample configuration setup for provisioning PMON for Ethernet, SLM, and DMM proactive sessions through the CLI.
PMON Ethernet Configuration
PMON Profile Policies are by default assigned with each of the Ethernet Interface. Statistics binned on each physical interface can be viewed with:
your product# show pmon stats port xl 0/1
PMON SLM Configuration
Unit 1 Configuration
1. Bring up ports, and configure VLAN and MEP:
your product# configure terminal
your product# shutdown spanning-tree
your product# interface xl 0/4
your product# no shutdown
your product# end
your product# configure terminal
your product# interface xl 0/3
your product# no shutdown
your product# end
your product# configure terminal
your product# interface xl 0/4
your product# bridge port-type customerEdgePort
your product# end
your product# configure terminal
your product# interface xl 0/3
your product# bridge port-type providerNetworkPort
your product# end
your product# configure terminal
your product# vlan 7
your product# ports add xl 0/4 xl 0/3 untagged xL-ethernet 0/4
your product# end
your product# configure terminal
your product# interface xl 0/4
your product# switchport customer-vlan 777 service-vlan 7
your product# end
your product# configure terminal
your product# ethernet cfm start
your product# ethernet cfm enable
your product# ethernet cfm y1731 enable
your product# end
your product# configure terminal
your product# ethernet cfm offload
your product# end
2. Configure UP-MEP:
your product# configure terminal
your product# ethernet cfm domain format dns-like-name name CUS1 level 6
your product# service format char-string name CUSMA1 vlan 7
your product# mep crosscheck mpid 1 vlan 7
your product# mep crosscheck mpid 2 vlan 7
your product# end
your product# configure terminal
your product# ethernet cfm cc level 6 vlan 7 interval ten-ms
your product# end
your product# configure terminal
your product# interface xl 0/4
your product# ethernet cfm mep level 6 inward mpid 1 vlan 7 active
your product# end
your product# configure terminal
your product# switch default
your product# ethernet cfm cc enable level 6 vlan 7
your product# end
3. Configure DOWN-MEP:
your product# configure terminal
your product# ethernet cfm domain format dns-like-name name CUS5 level 5
your product# service format char-string name CUSMA5 vlan 7
your product# mep crosscheck mpid 9 vlan 7
your product# mep crosscheck mpid 10 vlan 7
your product# end
your product# configure terminal
your product# ethernet cfm cc level 5 vlan 7 interval ten-ms
your product# end
your product# configure terminal
your product# interface xl 0/3
your product# ethernet cfm mep level 5 mpid 9 vlan 7 active
your product# end
your product# configure terminal
your product# switch default
your product# ethernet cfm cc enable level 5 vlan 7
your product# end
Unit 2 Configuration
1. Bring up ports, and configure VLAN and MEP:
configure terminal
shutdown spanning-tree
interface xl 0/4
no shutdown
configure terminal
interface xl 0/3
no shutdown
configure terminal
interface xl 0/4
bridge port-type customerEdgePort
configure terminal
interface xl 0/3
bridge port-type providerNetworkPort
configure terminal
vlan 7
ports add xl 0/4 xl 0/3 untagged xL-ethernet 0/4
configure terminal
interface xl 0/4
switchport customer-vlan 777 service-vlan 7
2. Configure UP-MEP:
configure terminal
ethernet cfm start
ethernet cfm enable
ethernet cfm y1731 enable
ethernet cfm offload
configure terminal
ethernet cfm domain format dns-like-name name CUS1 level 6
service format char-string name CUSMA1 vlan 7
mep crosscheck mpid 1 vlan 7
mep crosscheck mpid 2 vlan 7
configure terminal
ethernet cfm cc level 6 vlan 7 interval ten-ms
configure terminal
interface xl 0/4
ethernet cfm mep level 6 inward mpid 2 vlan 7 active
3. Configure Down-MEP:
configure terminal
switch default
ethernet cfm cc enable level 6 vlan 7
configure terminal
ethernet cfm domain format dns-like-name name CUS5 level 5
service format char-string name CUSMA5 vlan 7
mep crosscheck mpid 9 vlan 7
mep crosscheck mpid 10 vlan 7
configure terminal
ethernet cfm cc level 5 vlan 7 interval ten-ms
configure terminal
interface xl 0/3
ethernet cfm mep level 5 mpid 10 vlan 7 active
configure terminal
switch default
ethernet cfm cc enable level 5 vlan 7
PMON Creation:
configure terminal
pmon policy slm 5
pmon proactive-test SLM_TEST slm 5
configure terminal
pmon policy slm 5
pmon-15min-bin 3
Y.1731 SLM Proactive Session:
ethernet cfm proactive slm start domain CUS5 service CUSMA5 local-mpid 9 remote-mpid 10 test-id 4 test-name SLM_TEST interval ten-ms drop-enable
show of Y.1731 SLM Proactive Session:
show eth cfm proactive slm domain CUS5 service CUSMA5 local-mpid 9 dual-ended
show of Y.1731 SLM Reflection Session:
show eth cfm y1731-pm stats domain CUS5 service CUSMA5 local-mpid 10
show of PMON Y.1731 SLM Proactive Session:
show pmon stats slm SLM_TEST
PMON DMM Configuration
The above session can be referred to for configurations for bringing up the interface, VLAN creation, and MEP creation.
PMON Creation:
pmon policy dm 2
pmon proactive-test DMM_TEST dm 2
pmon policy dm 3
pmon proactive-test DMM_TEST1 dm 3
Y.1731 DM Proactive Session:
ethernet cfm proactive frame delay start domain CUS5 service CUSMA5 local-mpid 9 remote-mpid 10 interval ten-ms test-id 1 test-name DMM_TEST drop-enable
ethernet cfm proactive frame delay start domain CUS6 service CUSMA6 local-mpid 11 remote-mpid 12 interval ten-ms test-id 2 test-name DMM_TEST1 drop-enable
show of Y.1731 DM Proactive Session:
show eth cfm proactive frame delay buffer
show eth cfm y1731-pm stats domain CUS5 service CUSMA5 local-mpid 10:
show eth cfm y1731-pm stats domain CUS6 service CUSMA6 local-mpid 12
show of PMON Y.1731 DM Proactive Session
show pmon stats slm DMM_TEST
show pmon stats slm DMM_TEST1
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