- Print
Configuring and Enabling Linktrace Messages
After configuring and enabling LTMs, every MEP (if MD, MA, and MEP are configured) can transmit LTMs.
CLI Configurations
To configure a linktrace message
- Execute the steps given in CLI Configurations to configure MEP before sending the LTMs.
For ECFM compliant linktrace feature
Execute the steps given in section to enable ECFM.
Enable linktrace caching on the device.
your product# config terminal
your product(config)# ethernet cfm traceroute cache
your product(config)# endSend the LTM to an MEP destination.
your product# traceroute ethernet mac 00:02:02:03:04:02 level 7 vlan 101 time-to-live 32
Traceroute to Macaddress 00:02:02:03:04:02 in domain TestDomain1 at level 7
with vlanId 101
--------------- -------------------------------------
Hops Host Ingress MAC Ingress Action Relay Action
Next Host Egress MAC Egress Action Fwd Status
----------------- -----------------------------------
1 00:01:02:03:04:01:00:02 00:02:02:03:04:02 IngOK RlyHit
00:02:02:03:04:01:00:02 - - Terminal MEP
your product#
For Y.1731 compliant linktrace feature
Execute the steps in CLI Configurations to enable Y.1731.
Enable linktrace caching on the device.
your product# config terminal
your product(config)# ethernet cfm traceroute cache
your product(config)# endSend theLTMs to the MEP destination.
your product# traceroute ethernet mac 00:02:02:03:04:02 level 7 vlan 101
Traceroute to Macaddress 00:02:02:03:04:02 in domain meg1 at level 7
with vlanId 101
---------------------- --------------------------------
Hops Host Ingress MAC Ingress Action Relay Action
Next Host Egress MAC Egress Action Fwd Status
----------------------- -------------------------------
1 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 - - RlyHit
00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 00:01:02:03:04:02 EgrOK Not Forwarded
Note: The above mentioned steps are only for initiating the linktrace message. User may not get the same output. To get the same output, target entity also needs to be configured.
For sending a Linktrace message to an MEP destination using MEPID
Example: traceroute ethernet mpid 101 level 7 vlan 101 time-to-live 32
- Mac Address of MEP with specified target mpid must be learned prior to the execution of the command.
- For a VLAN-UnAware MEP, vlan keyword must not be provided with the command.
- MEP at a specified level and VLAN must be enabled for a traceroute transaction.
- ECFM should be enabled for the successful traceroute message transmission
- In case Y.1731 is enabled, the user can also provide the time within which LTR should be received.
Example: traceroute ethernet mpid 101 level 7 vlan 101 timeout 10
This implies that the responder will wait only for 10 seconds for the trace-route reply.
SNMP Configurations
To configure linktrace message
- Execute the steps given in SNMP Configurations to configure MEP before sending the LTMs.
For ECFM compliant linktrace feature
Execute the steps given in section SNMP Configurations to enable ECFM.
Enable linktrace caching on the device.[Index: ContextID = 0]
%snmp0 set {{ fsMIEcfmLtrCacheStatus.0 enabled }}Send the LTM to an MEP destination. [Index: ContextID = 0, MD-Index = 1, MA-Index = 1, MEP-Index = 5]
% snmp0 set {{fsMIEcfmMepTransmitLtmTargetIsMepId. false }}
% snmp0 set {{fsMIEcfmMepTransmitLtmTargetMacAddress. 00:02:02:03:04:0a }}
% snmp0 set {{fsMIEcfmMepTransmitLtmTtl. 32 }}
% snmp0 set {{fsMIEcfmMepTransmitLtmStatus. transmit }}View the information received in the LTR.
% snmp0 walk x fsMIEcfmLtrTable {puts $x}
{ Unsigned32 31}
{ INTEGER false}
{ INTEGER true}
{ {OCTET STRING} 00:01:02:03:04:01:00:0A}
{ {OCTET STRING} 00:02:02:03:04:01:00:0A}
{ INTEGER rlyHit}
{ {OCTET STRING} 00:00:00:00:00:00}
{ {OCTET STRING} 00:02:02:03:04:0A}
{ {OCTET STRING} 53:6C:6F:74:30:2F:31:30}
{ {OCTET STRING} 1F:00:04:00:02}
For Y.1731 compliant linktrace feature
- Execute the steps in Enabling Ethernet Y.1731 ► SNMP Configurations to enable Y.1731, then enable linktrace caching and send the LTM.
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