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Configuring and Enabling Continuity Check Messages
After configuring and enabling Continuity Check Messages, every MEP (if MD, MA, and MEP are configured) transmits CC messages as per the CCM transmission interval that is set.
CLI Configurations
To configure and enable CCM
Execute the steps given in CLI Configurations of Configuring Maintenance End Points for configuring MEP before configuring and enabling the CC transmission parameters.
Enter into the global configuration mode and set the CC parameters like interval, VLAN, and domain level.
your product(config)# ethernet cfm cc level 1 vlan 101 interval ten-msEnable the CC functionality.
your product(config)# ethernet cfm cc enable level 1 vlan 101Return to the Privileged EXEC Mode.
your product(config)# exit
Note: Set and enable CC parameters for more than one domain levels and VLANs.
Example: ethernet cfm cc level 1-3 vlan 101-105 interval ten-ms
ethernet cfm cc level 1,2,3 vlan 101,102,103,104,105 interval ten-ms
To reset CC transmission interval
- Enter into the global configuration mode and reset the CC transmission interval to default interval (1second).
your product(config)# no ethernet cfm cc level 1 vlan 101.
To disable CC transmission
- Enter into the global configuration mode and disable CC transmission on specified level and VLAN.
your product(config)# no ethernet cfm cc enable level 1 vlan 101
- For VLAN-UnAware MEPs, vlan keyword must not be provided with the command.
- ECFM should be enabled for the successful CCMs transmission.
- By default, CCM messages are multicast and their role is Fault Management.
- MEP, at specified level and VLAN, must be enabled for successful CCM transmission.
- When Y.1731 is enabled, user has to explicitly enable CCM transmission in an ME.
- In Katana1, When CCM offload is enabled, modifying the CCM interval shall be allowed only after the port on which MEP has been configured is made administratively DOWN. Once the interval value is modified the port shall be made administratively UP to reflect the configurations.
SNMP Configurations
To configure and enable CCM
Execute the steps given in SNMP Configurations for configuring MEP before configuring and enabling the CC transmission parameters.
Set the CC parameter (interval). [Index: ContextID = 0, MD-Index = 1, MA-Index = 1]
% snmp0 set {{fsMIEcfmMaRowStatus.0.1.1 notInService }}
% snmp0 set {{fsMIEcfmMaCcmInterval.0.1.1 interval10ms }}
% snmp0 set {{fsMIEcfmMaRowStatus.0.1.1 active }}Enable the CC functionality:
- Individually on an MEP [Index: ContextID = 0, MD-Index = 1, MA-Index = 1, MEP-Index = 5]:
% snmp0 set {{fsMIEcfmMepRowStatus. notInService }}
% snmp0 set {{fsMIEcfmMepCciEnabled. true }}
% snmp0 set {{fsMIEcfmMepRowStatus. active }}
- On an MA to enable CC transmission status on all the MEPs associated with the MA. [Index: ContextID = 0, MD-Index = 1, MA-Index = 1]
% snmp0 set {{fsMIY1731MeRowStatus.0.1.1 notInService }}
% snmp0 set {{fsMIY1731MeCciEnabled.0.1.1 true }}
% snmp0 set {{fsMIY1731MeRowStatus.0.1.1 active }}
To disable CC functionalityDisable CC transmission
Individually on an MEP [Index: ContextID = 0, MD-Index = 1, MA-Index = 1, MEP-Index = 5]:
% snmp0 set {{fsMIEcfmMepRowStatus. notInService }}
% snmp0 set {{fsMIEcfmMepCciEnabled. false }}
% snmp0 set {{fsMIEcfmMepRowStatus. active }}On an MA. [Index: ContextID = 0, MD-Index = 1, MA-Index = 1]
% snmp0 set {{fsMIY1731MeRowStatus.0.1.1 notInService }}
% snmp0 set {{fsMIY1731MeCciEnabled.0.1.1 false }}
% snmp0 set {{fsMIY1731MeRowStatus.0.1.1 active }}
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