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Enabling or Disabling Notifications on Skylight orchestrator 23.12
The following procedures explain how to enable or disable notifications on Skylight orchestrator 23.12.
Enabling Notifications
On Skylight orchestrator virtual machine
To enable a flag related to notifications in Skylight orchestrator database
Prerequisite: The app_server is started
Open an SSH terminal session to Skylight orchestrator (active site if operating in a Hot Standby Configuration) on port 22 and log in as the visionems user.
Execute the following command to enable a flag related to notifications in Skylight orchestrator database:
mysql -u root -e "update visiondata.APPPROPERTY set value = 'true' where property = 'NOTIFICATION_PUBLISH_ENABLED';"
- Execute the following command to show the flag’s value related to notifications (its value must be 'true'):
mysql -u root -e "select * from visiondata.APPPROPERTY where property like 'notification%';"
$ mysql -u root -e "select * from visiondata.APPPROPERTY where property like 'notification%';"
| APPCFGID | value | property |
- Restart the application.
If operating in a Hot Standby Configuration:
a. Open an SSH terminal session to the Skylight orchestrator specified as the latest active site on port 2200 and log in as the visionems user.
b. Configure the preferred site to last active site by entering:
redundancy control set-preferred-site {site-a | site-b}
c. Restart the Hot Standby process by entering:
redundancy control restart
d. Verify redundancy status by entering:
redundancy show status
If operating in Non-Hot Standby Configuration:
a. Open an SSH terminal session to the Skylight orchestrator on port 2200 and log in as the visionems user.
b. Restart the app_server by entering:
service restart app_server
On Skylight orchestrator Docker
Prerequisite: The services is started.
To enable a flag related to notifications in Skylight orchestrator database
Prerequisite: The app_server is started
Open an SSH terminal session to Docker host (active site if operating in a Hot Standby Configuration) on port 22 and log in as the skylight user.
Execute the following command to enable a flag related to notifications in Skylight orchestrator database:
docker exec -it so-mysql-23.12-GA bash -c "/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -e \"update visiondata.APPPROPERTY set value = 'true' where property = 'NOTIFICATION_PUBLISH_ENABLED';\""
- Execute the following command to show the flag’s value related to notifications (its value must be 'true'):
docker exec -it so-mysql-23.12-GA bash -c "/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -e \"select * from visiondata.APPPROPERTY where property like 'notification%';\""
$ docker exec -it so-mysql-23.12-GA bash -c "/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -e \"select * from visiondata.APPPROPERTY where property like 'notification%';\""
| APPCFGID | value | property |
- Restart the application.
If operating in a Hot Standby Configuration:
a. Open an SSH terminal session to the Skylight orchestrator specified as the latest active site on port 2200 and log in as the skylight user.
b. Configure the preferred site to last active site by entering:
redundancy control set-preferred-site {site-a | site-b}
c. Restart the Hot Standby process by entering:
redundancy control restart
d. Verify redundancy status by entering:
redundancy show status
If operating in Non-Hot Standby Configuration:
a. Open an SSH terminal session to the Skylight orchestrator on port 2200 and log in as the skylight user.
b. Restart the app_server by entering:
services stop
servics start
Configuring the Message Broker
Use CRUD API calls to configure the message broker information in Skylight orchestrator.
The user must be granted "ROLE_ADMIN" and "ROLE_WS" roles.
After updating or replacing message broker configuration, restarting the Application is required.
To configure the message broker
- Log into SDM NBAPI by entering:
curl -i -k -X POST -d username=<username> -d password='<password>' -c ./cookies.txt https://<SOIPaddress>:9081/nbapi/login
- Retrieve all the message broker configurations that exist in the Skylight orchestrator database:
curl -i -k -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X GET -b ./cookies.txt https://<SOIPaddress>:9081/nbapi/configuration/messagebrokerconfig
- Retrieve a message broker configuration by its ID (pass the ID in the URL):
curl -i -k -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X GET -b ./cookies.txt https://<SOIPaddress>:9081/nbapi/configuration/messagebrokerconfig/<messagebrokerconfig id>
- Create a new message broker configuration:
curl -i -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{ "defaultBrokerTopic": "sosdmevents", "brokerUrl": "tcp://<message broker IP>:<message broker port>", "password": "<message broker password>", "brokerEnable": true, "soTenantId": "so-1", "systemId": "so-system-1", "systemType": "so", "username": "<message broker username>" }' -X POST -b ./cookies.txt https://<SOIPaddress>:9081/nbapi/configuration/messagebrokerconfig
- Update a new message broker configuration:
curl -i -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{ "defaultBrokerTopic": "sosdmevents", "brokerUrl": "tcp://<message broker IP>:<message broker port>", "password": "<message broker password>", "brokerEnable": true, "soTenantId": "so-1", "systemId": "so-system-1", "systemType": "so", "username": "<message broker username>" }' -X PUT -b ./cookies.txt https://<SOIPaddress>:9081/nbapi/configuration/messagebrokerconfig/<messagebrokerconfig id>
- Delete an existing message broker configuration:
curl -i -k -X DELETE -b ./cookies.txt https://<SOIPaddress>:9081/nbapi/configuration/messagebrokerconfig/1
Disabling Notifications
On Skylight orchestrator virtual machine
To disable a flag related to notifications in Skylight orchestrator database
Prerequisite: The app_server is started
Open an SSH terminal session to Skylight orchestrator (active site if operating in a Hot Standby Configuration) on port 22 and log in as the visionems user.
Execute the following command to disable a flag related to notifications in Skylight orchestrator database:
mysql -u root -e "update visiondata.APPPROPERTY set value = 'false' where property = 'NOTIFICATION_PUBLISH_ENABLED';"
- Execute the following command to show the flag’s value related to notifications (its value must be 'false'):
mysql -u root -e "select * from visiondata.APPPROPERTY where property like 'notification%';"
$ mysql -u root -e "select * from visiondata.APPPROPERTY where property like 'notification%';"
| APPCFGID | value | property |
- Restart the application.
If operating in a Hot Standby Configuration:
a. Open an SSH terminal session to the Skylight orchestrator specified as the latest active site on port 2200 and log in as the visionems user.
b. Configure the preferred site to last active site by entering:
redundancy control set-preferred-site {site-a | site-b}
c. Restart the Hot Standby process by entering:
redundancy control restart
d. Verify redundancy status by entering:
redundancy show status
If operating in Non-Hot Standby Configuration:
a. Open an SSH terminal session to the Skylight orchestrator on port 2200 and log in as the visionems user.
b. Restart the app_server by entering:
service restart app_server
On Skylight orchestrator Docker
Prerequisite: The services is started.
To disable a flag related to notifications in Skylight orchestrator database
Precondition: The app_server is started
Open an SSH terminal session to Docker host (active site if operating in a Hot Standby Configuration) on port 22 and log in as the skylight user.
Execute the following command to disable a flag related to notifications in Skylight orchestrator database:
docker exec -it so-mysql-23.12-GA bash -c "/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -e \"update visiondata.APPPROPERTY set value = 'false' where property = 'NOTIFICATION_PUBLISH_ENABLED';\""
- Execute the following command to show the flag’s value related to notifications (its value must be 'false'):
docker exec -it so-mysql-23.12-GA bash -c "/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -e \"select * from visiondata.APPPROPERTY where property like 'notification%';\""
$ docker exec -it so-mysql-23.12-GA bash -c "/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -e \"select * from visiondata.APPPROPERTY where property like 'notification%';\""
| APPCFGID | value | property |
- Restart the application.
If operating in a Hot Standby Configuration:
a. Open an SSH terminal session to the Skylight orchestrator specified as the latest active site on port 2200 and log in as the skylight user.
b. Configure the preferred site to last active site by entering:
redundancy control set-preferred-site {site-a | site-b}
c. Restart the Hot Standby process by entering:
redundancy control restart
d. Verify redundancy status by entering:
redundancy show status
If operating in Non-Hot Standby Configuration:
a. Open an SSH terminal session to the Skylight orchestrator on port 2200 and log in as the skylight user.
b. Restart the app_server by entering:
services stop
servics start
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