Configuring TWAMP
  • 20 Jun 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Configuring TWAMP

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Article summary

The following article describes how to configure TWAMP (Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol) between two units as well as how to validate session status and KPIs.

Assurance Sensor F TWAMP figure.PNG

Configuring TWAMP Between Two Units

To configure TWAMP between two units

  1. Configure unit 1 VLAN and ports by using the following commands:
configure terminal
vlan 3960
ports XL-ethernet 0/2
configure terminal
interface XL-ethernet 0/2
switchport egress ether-type 0x88a8
switchport ingress ether-type 0x88a8
  1. Configure unit 1 OE-SVI:
configure terminal
oe-svi 1
set name oe_svi_1 admin-state enable transport-type vlan 3960 ipv4 enable 24
  1. Display unit 1 OE-SVI configuration:
show running-config oe-svi
2024-02-21 11:21:51,842 - INFO - []: show oe-svi id 1 configuration

oe-svi-id            : 1
oe-svi-name          : oe_svi_1
admin-state          : enable
transport-type       : vlan
vlan-id              : 3960
oe-cos-profile       : 1
ip-address-mode      : static
ipv4-state           : enable
ip-address           :
netmask              : 24
gateway              :
ttl                  : 255
ipv6-state           : disable
ip6-address          : ::
mask                 : 64
next-hop-address     : ::
hop-limit            : 255
default-dscp         : 0
default-vlan-pcp     : 0
  1. Configure unit 1 TWAMP-SENDER session:
configure terminal
oe-svi 1
oe-twamp-session-sender 1
test-session name TWPL_Sender_1 sender-udp-port 25053 reflector-ip padding-length 32 periodic-interval 1000 measurement-interval 60
  1. Display unit 1 TWAMP-SENDER session configuration:
show oe-twamp-session-sender id 1 configuration
session-id           : 1
session-name         : TWPL_Sender_1
admin-state          : enable
oe-svi-id            : 1
dscp                 : 1
sender-ip            :
sender-udp-port      : 25053
reflector-ip         :
reflector-udp-port   : 862
size-select          : padding-length
padding-length       : 32
payload-size         : 50
padding-pattern      : all-zero
periodic-interval    : 1000 millisecond
measurement-interval : 60 seconds
  1. Enable unit 1 port:
configure terminal
interface XL-ethernet 0/2
no shutdown
  1. Configure unit 2 VLAN and ports by using the following commands:
configure terminal
vlan 3960
ports XL-ethernet 0/2
configure terminal
interface XL-ethernet 0/2
switchport egress ether-type 0x88a8
switchport ingress ether-type 0x88a8
  1. Configure unit 2 OE-SVI:
configure terminal
oe-svi 1
set name oe_svi_1 admin-state enable transport-type vlan 3960 ipv4 enable 24
  1. Display unit 2 OE-SVI configuration:
show running-config oe-svi
show oe-svi id 1 configuration

oe-svi-id            : 1
oe-svi-name          : oe_svi_1
admin-state          : enable
transport-type       : vlan
vlan-id              : 3960
oe-cos-profile       : 1
ip-address-mode      : static
ipv4-state           : enable
ip-address           :
netmask              : 24
gateway              :
ttl                  : 255
ipv6-state           : disable
ip6-address          : ::
mask                 : 64
next-hop-address     : ::
hop-limit            : 255
default-dscp         : 0
default-vlan-pcp     : 0
  1. Configure unit 2 TWAMP-REFLECTOR session:
configure terminal
oe-svi 1
oe-twamp-session-reflector 1
test-session name TWPL_Reflector_1 sender-ip sender-udp-port 25053
  1. Display unit 2 TWAMP- REFLECTOR session configuration:
show oe-twamp-session-reflector id 1 configuration
session-id           : 1
session-name         : TWPL_Sender_1
admin-state          : enable
oe-svi-id            : 1
dscp                 : 1
sender-ip            :
sender-udp-port      : 25053
reflector-ip         :
reflector-udp-port   : 862
size-select          : padding-length
padding-length       : 32
payload-size         : 50
padding-pattern      : all-zero
periodic-interval    : 1000 millisecond
measurement-interval : 60 seconds
  1. Enable unit 2 port:
configure terminal
interface XL-ethernet 0/2
no shutdown

Validating the Status of the TWAMP Sessions

OE-SVI and TWAMP status on Sender

Validate the OE-SVI status on the Sender side as well as the TWAMP Sender.

To validate OE-SVI status

  1. Execute the following command:
your product# show oe-svi id 1 status
oe-svi-id            : 1
oe-svi-name          : oe_svi_1
operational-status   : up
tx-packets           : 9
rx-packets           : 8

To validate TWAMP session status on TWAMP Sender

  1. Execute the following command:
your product# show oe-twamp-session-sender id 1
session-id           : 1
session-name         : TWPL_Sender_1
operational-status   : up

OE-SVI and TWAMP Status and Statistics at the Reflector

Validate the OE-SVI status on Sender side as well as the TWAMP Reflector. In theory, if all status were okay on the Sender side, the status should be okay on the reflector side as well.

Note: The TWAMP statistics are only available at the reflector side.

To validate OE-SVI status

  1. Execute the following command:
your product# show oe-svi id 1 status
oe-svi-id            : 1
oe-svi-name          : oe_svi_1
operational-status   : up
tx-packets           : 10
rx-packets           : 10

To validate TWAMP session status on TWAMP Reflector

  1. Execute the following command:
your product# show oe-twamp-session-reflector id 1 status
operational-status   : up
sent-packet          : 7    <<<<<<<<<<< TWAMP statistics
received-packet      : 8    <<<<<<<<<<< TWAMP statistics

Validating the TWAMP KPIs (Two-Way Delay Measurements)

In order to see the two-way delay measurements, you must enable Telemetry on the SENDER (unit 1) side.

To validate TWAMP KPIs

  1. Enable telemetry on unit 1 by executing the following commands:
configure terminal
set telemetry enable
set twamp enable
  1. Display unit 1 telemetry configuration using the following command:
your product# show telemetry
Telemetry Information
  Status               : Enable
Sensor DMM
  Status               : Disable
  Measurement interval : 60 second
Sensor SLM
  Status               : Disable
  Measurement interval : 60 second
Sensor TWAMP
  Status               : Enable
  Type                 : OpenMetrics
  Status               : Disable
  Destination IP       :
  Destination Port     : 1
  Operation Status     : Not Connected
  Notice               : Disconnected

Note: Contrarily to DMM and SLM, TWAMP measurement interval is part of the TWAMP Sender configuration.

  1. Display TWAMP current telemetry statistics of unit 1 using the following command:
your product# show telemetry statistics current twamp id 1
Current statistics for TWAMP

test-name            : TWPL_Sender_1
sender-ip            :
sender-udp-port      : 25053
reflector-ip         :
reflector-udp-port   : 862
oe-svi-id            : 1

measurement-interval (s) : 60

Start time   : 02-21-2024 16:23:00
Current time : 02-21-2024 16:23:20

Suspect flag         : false
One-Way Delay Valid  : false
Samples              : 20

One-Way Near-End Delay
  Min value (us)     :        ---
  Max value (us)     :        ---
  Average value (us) :        ---

One-Way Near-End Delay Variation
  Min value (us)     :          1
  Max value (us)     :          1
  Average value (us) :          1

One-Way Far-End Delay
  Min value (us)     :        ---
  Max value (us)     :        ---
  Average value (us) :        ---

One-Way Far-End Delay Variation
  Min value (us)     :          1
  Max value (us)     :          1
  Average value (us) :          1

Two-Way Delay
  Min value (us)     :          0
  Max value (us)     :          0
  Average value (us) :          0

Two-Way Delay Variation
  Min value (us)     :          0
  Max value (us)     :          0
  Average value (us) :          0

Loss Measurements
  NE Packets lost           :          0
  NE Total packets received :         20
  NE Packet Loss Ratio (%)  :     0.000
  FE Packets lost           :          0
  FE Total packets received :         20
  FE Packet Loss Ratio (%)  :     0.000
  1. Display TWAMP history telemetry statistics of unit 1 using the following command:
your product# show telemetry statistics history twamp id 1 latest
History statistics for TWAMP

test-name            : TWPL_Sender_1
sender-ip            :
sender-udp-port      : 25053
reflector-ip         :
reflector-udp-port   : 862
oe-svi-id            : 1

measurement-interval (s) : 60

Start time   : 02-21-2024 16:23:00
    End time : 02-21-2024 16:24:00
   Period id :          3

Suspect flag         : false
One-Way Delay Valid  : false
Samples              : 60

One-Way Near-End Delay
  Min value (us)     :        ---
  Max value (us)     :        ---
  Average value (us) :        ---

One-Way Near-End Delay Variation
  Min value (us)     :          1
  Max value (us)     :          1
  Average value (us) :          1

One-Way Far-End Delay
  Min value (us)     :        ---
  Max value (us)     :        ---
  Average value (us) :        ---

One-Way Far-End Delay Variation
  Min value (us)     :          1
  Max value (us)     :          1
  Average value (us) :          1

Two-Way Delay
  Min value (us)     :          0
  Max value (us)     :          0
  Average value (us) :          0

Two-Way Delay Variation
  Min value (us)     :          0
  Max value (us)     :          0
  Average value (us) :          0

Loss Measurements
  NE Packets lost           :          0
  NE Total packets received :         60
  NE Packet Loss Ratio (%)  :     0.000
  FE Packets lost           :          0
  FE Total packets received :         60
  FE Packet Loss Ratio (%)  :     0.000

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