Analysis Trend Clusters Widget
  • 27 Jan 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Analysis Trend Clusters Widget

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Article summary

Trend Clusters is a widget available in Analysis that allows you to filter the dataset by trend patterns, and explore which rows in the dataset share similar patterns. Clusters in the Trend Clusters widget are created automatically and are determined by a similarity measure between the trends in the Table.

Note: Cluster labels have changed from numbers to letters.

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Options for Trend Clusters

Data Options

  • Select which metric to retrieve trend lines for via the Active Metric Selector
  • Retrieve more trends for clustering. By default, trends are only retrieved for the first 100 rows in the Table.

Trend Clusters Display

  • Trend Clusters appear in the expanded view of the Distribution widget
  • When a Trend Cluster is selected, it will appear as a Reference Line in the Trends widget
  • Cluster labels appear in the table as part of the spark line so you can identify which cluster a specific row belongs to easily
  • Multi-selection of clusters is available via checkboxes - this will override your current selection and is not additive
  • Multiple clusters can be merged into a new cluster
  • On top ofInclusive filtering you can also use Exclusive filtering to exclude a cluster, which filters analysis by the distinctive categorization of the cluster with exclude behaviour
  • The label for the Trend Cluster that a trend belongs to is displayed in the expanded Table widget next to the trend
  • The number of trends that belong to a Trend Cluster are displayed next to the Trend Cluster pattern

Note: Cluster labels have changed from numbers to letters

Trend Clusters Capabilities

Trend Cluster Selection

Clicking on a Trend Cluster will toggle whether it is active or not

If a Trend Cluster is active, then:

  • A Reference Line for the Cluster will be added to the Trends widget
  • The current dataset will be filtered by the categorization that makes up the trends in the Trend Cluster

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Note: Selecting a Trend Cluster will not add any filters to the filter bar.


  • Hovering over a Trend Cluster will reveal a check box, which you can select

multiselect new

Inclusive Filtering

When multiple Trend Clusters have been selected (via checkbox), choosing the inclusive filter option will replace the currently active Trend Clusters with the new selection

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Exclusive Filtering

In addition to filtering on Trend Cluster, you can also filter to exclude a Trend Cluster. This takes the categorization on the trends that make up the excluded cluster and excludes them from the dataset.

For example, if a cluster contains 10 trends, excluding this will reduce your current dataset by 10 rows.

exclusive longer

Note: Only rows in the table for which a trend line is available can possibly be excluded. This means that if you exclude a pattern, it is possible that some of the remaining rows
share that pattern, and that we just haven't retrieved the trend for it yet.

Merging Trend Clusters

You can now merge multiple clusters into a new cluster:

Trend Clusters can be merged by selecting the Trend Clusters you wish to merge and choosing the merge option. This will update the available Trend Clusters and their labels.

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For more information, especially regarding Reference Lines and Active Metric Selector please see the following article: Analysis Distribution Widget

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