- 16 Sep 2022
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Dashboard Color Schemes
- Updated on 16 Sep 2022
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Use the Color option dropdown on any dashboard to align series colors using default, metric or categorical color schemes.
Available color schemes
None (Default)
Series colors are cycled in sequence from the color palette on a per chart basis
All series on a dashboard with the same metric will align on a similar color. E.g. Packet loss % is blue, Delay is orange, Jitter (p95) is green, etc.
If the same metric appears multiple times in a given chart each occurrence will be given a shade of the core metric color. An example of this shading can be seen on Card A1 above.
CAUTION: Metrics with different directions or aggregations share the same color using this scheme.
All series with matching categorization will align on the same color. E.g. West is orange, Central is green, East is purple, etc.
Categorizations are determined by the most unique filters for a series.
Least unique - Dashboard filter → Section filter → Card filter → Grouping - Most unique
When the most unique filter has been determined higher level filters are ignored for the purposes of coloring. Note that the absence of categorization is considered a "none" categorization and is assigned coloring as well.
CAUTION : By default, we ignore dashboard and section filters for coloring. To apply these filters to the color scheme algorithm enable Align by all filters in the Color option dropdown.
Note that the series on Card A2 and Card B3 are now aligned since section filters are considered.
To save a chosen palette alignment to a dashboard, either select the palette alignment when in authoring mode, or transition into authoring mode and save. Color palette choices made outside of authoring mode will not be persisted, allowing alternative choices to be made without concern for impacting other users.
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