Connectivity Issues
  • 29 Mar 2023
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Connectivity Issues

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Agent to roadrunner connectivity Issues

Using Curl to Check For Connectivity

From within the container, run Curl to connect to the management or data port of roadrunner (by default 55777 and 55888 respectively).

 $ sudo docker exec -it <CONTAINER ID> /bin/bash -l
# curl -k -nn -vvv<port> 

Curl will respond with details if it was able to initiate a connection, or if connection timed out. This is usually due to a firewall blocking the communication locally (on the machine running the agent) or on the path (between the agent host and the roadrunner host).

Enabling LWS Debugging to Show Validity Traces

# For Management Connection
$ docker exec -it <ContainerId> /usr/bin/agentStatus management debug lws  err, info, warn, notice, debug, parser, header, ext, client, latency

# For Data connection
$ docker exec -it <ContainerId> /usr/bin/agentStatus data debug lws  err, info, warn, notice, debug, parser, header, ext, client, latency

Normal output should look like the following, (only data path shown):

[2022/06/13 15:40:04:4453] I: [wsicli|0|WS/h1/PdgApiConversionWs/abv3.lan]: lws_validity_cb: scheduling validity check
[2022/06/13 15:40:04:4454] I: rops_handle_POLLOUT_ws: issuing ping on wsi [wsicli|0|WS/h1/PdgApiConversionWs/abv3.lan]: ws skylight-agent-performance-data-broker h2: 0
[2022/06/13 15:40:04:4455] I: [wsicli|0|WS/h1/PdgApiConversionWs/abv3.lan]: lws_issue_raw: ssl_capable_write (6) says 6
[2022/06/13 15:40:04:4455] I: [wsicli|0|WS/h1/PdgApiConversionWs/abv3.lan]: lws_issue_raw: ssl_capable_write (105) says 105
[2022/06/13 15:40:04:4455] I: [wsicli|0|WS/h1/PdgApiConversionWs/abv3.lan]: lws_issue_raw: ssl_capable_write (1869) says 1869
[2022/06/13 15:40:04:4456] I: [wsicli|0|WS/h1/PdgApiConversionWs/abv3.lan]: lws_issue_raw: ssl_capable_write (105) says 105
[2022/06/13 15:40:04:4456] I: [wsicli|0|WS/h1/PdgApiConversionWs/abv3.lan]: lws_issue_raw: ssl_capable_write (1870) says 1870
[2022/06/13 15:40:04:4467] I: [wsicli|0|WS/h1/PdgApiConversionWs/abv3.lan]: lws_ws_client_rx_sm: Received pong
[2022/06/13 15:40:04:4467] I: [wsicli|0|WS/h1/PdgApiConversionWs/abv3.lan]: _lws_validity_confirmed_role: setting validity timer 3s (hup 0)
[2022/06/13 15:40:04:4467] I: [wsicli|0|WS/h1/PdgApiConversionWs/abv3.lan]: lws_ws_client_rx_sm: Client doing pong callback
[2022/06/13 15:40:07:4169] I: received 0 byte ping, sending pong
[2022/06/13 15:40:07:4170] I: lws_ws_frame_rest_is_payload: using 524 of raw input (total 2122 on offer)
[2022/06/13 15:40:07:4171] I: lws_ws_frame_rest_is_payload: using 525 of raw input (total 1590 on offer)
[2022/06/13 15:40:07:4172] I: lws_ws_frame_rest_is_payload: using 524 of raw input (total 1057 on offer)
[2022/06/13 15:40:07:4173] I: lws_ws_frame_rest_is_payload: using 525 of raw input (total 525 on offer)
[2022/06/13 15:40:07:4173] I: issuing pong 0 on [wsisrv|0|adopted]

Note: This output can be very noisy.*

[2022/06/13 20:36:53:7429] I: [wsicli|4|WS/h1/PdgApiConversionWs/]: lws_validity_cb: validity too old
[2022/06/13 20:36:53:7430] I: [wsicli|4|WS/h1/PdgApiConversionWs/]: __lws_close_free_wsi: caller: validity timeout
[2022/06/13 20:36:53:7430] I: [wsicli|4|WS/h1/PdgApiConversionWs/]: __lws_close_free_wsi: real just_kill_connection: sockfd 14
[2022/06/13 20:36:53:7430] I: [wsicli|4|WS/h1/PdgApiConversionWs/]: __lws_close_free_wsi: cce=1
[2022/06/13 20:36:53:7430] I: PerformanceDataBrokerWs: lws_retry_sul_schedule: sul 0x560f157844e0: scheduling retry in 1085ms

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