Configuring the NTP Client
  • 27 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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Configuring the NTP Client

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Article summary

You can add multiple NTP servers to the list of servers used to synchronize the Skylight orchestrator system clock. The order of the NTP servers in the list does not affect which server is used. The NTP daemon uses the best available clock from the system list of NTP servers.

This procedure is strongly recommended. Synchronizing to a common NTP server makes it possible to correlate alarms in Skylight orchestrator with events on network Skylight elements if connectivity between them is lost.

Skylight orchestrator can use its local clock in free running mode. However, using an external NTP server is a more reliable, carrier-grade clock mechanism.

Note: Synchronizing to a common NTP server helps prevent data synchronization issues with standby operations and the Skylight Director License Server.

Procedure Requirements

A. This procedure must be executed from the Skylight orchestrator console. Connect to the console via a remote SSH client (appliance IP address, port 2200).

B. This procedure must be executed as the visionems user. To execute this procedure, you must know the account’s credentials.

C. You must have obtained the list of NTP servers that will be added to the list of NTP servers used by Skylight orchestrator.

Procedure Steps

To add NTP servers to the Skylight orchestrator list

  1. Log in to the Skylight orchestrator console as the visionems user.

  2. For each NTP server that you want to add, enter:
    ntp add server ipAddress
    ipAddress is the IP address of the NTP server that you want to add. It can be in IPv4 or IPv6 format.

  3. Display the list of servers to confirm that the servers were added to the list by entering:
    ntp show status
    The output will be similar to the following:
    Screenshot 6.png


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