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Configuring Assurance Sensor F100 / F25
Configuring the Unit
The basic configuration involves configuring the IP address, VLAN, and so forth.
The executable comes up with a VLAN already configured. This VLAN is called the default VLAN (VLAN ID = 1). All ports in the switch are members of the default VLAN.
The startup parameters, such as the IP address and network mask, are taken from the configuration file, saved as iss.conf, and used for restoring the configuration when the unit is restarted. If the configuration file is not present, the startup parameters are taken from issnvram.txt.
The ports are configured as < interface-type > < slot number >/< port number >.
- interface xl-ethernet 0/1
- ports xl-ethernet 0/1-3 untagged xl-ethernet 0/1
The interfaces in Flex are disabled by default. Enable the interfaces that you will require by using the no shutdown command.
Note: Only the interfaces that are operationally up can be used in tests.
Assuming the system contains 3 Ethernet cards:
Your Product(config)# interface xl-ethernet 0/1
Your Product(config-if)# no shutdown
Your Product(config-if)# exit
Your Product(config)# exit
Your Product#
The show interfaces command displays complete information of all available interfaces.
Your Product# show interfaces
The IP address of the default VLAN can be changed using the default ip address command.
Your Product# configure terminal
Your Product(config)# default ip address subnet-mask
Note: This changes the IP address in the issnvram.txt. Restart the executable for this configuration to take effect.
A new VLAN with VLAN ID 2 can be configured using the following command:
Your Product(config)# vlan 2
Configure Port1, Port2, and Port3 as member ports. Port 1 is specified as an untagged port and Port 2 and Port 3 are set as tagged ports for VLAN 2.
Your Product(config-vlan)# ports xl-ethernet 0/1-3 untagged xl-ethernet 0/1
Your Product(config-vlan)# exit
However, any untagged packets (packets sent from a PC/host) on any of the ports will only be classified to VLAN1. To ensure that untagged packets get classified onto a specific VLAN, change the port VLAN ID using the following commands:
Your Product(config)# interface xl-ethernet 0/1
Your Product(config-if)# switchport pvid 2
Your Product(config-if)# exit
Your Product(config)# exit
Untagged packets received on Port 1 will now get classified to VLAN2.
The ip address command can be used to configure the IP address of a VLAN interface.
Your Product# configure terminal
Your Product(config)# interface vlan 2
Your Product(config-if)# ip address
Note: The interface status must be up for the IP interface to be reachable from an external host/PC.
Your Product(config-if)# no shutdown
Your Product(config-if)# exit
Your Product#
The show ip interface vlan < vlan-identifier > command can be used to check if the configuration is successful.
Your Product# show ip interface vlan 2
Configuring the Unit (Metro Specific)
The executable comes up with a default switch (called default), a default VLAN and the default bridge mode, customer bridge (this is the default bridge mode in the file, issnvram.txt).
The physical interfaces in the target must be mapped to a particular switch. The port will become visible to the Layer 2 modules. Mapping can be executed using the following commands:
Your Product(config)# interface xl-ethernet 0/1
Your Product(config-if)# map switch default
Your Product(config-if)# end
Map the physical ports on the desktop to the identifiers used at the CLI.
At the CLI, the physical interfaces are prefixed with “eth” and numbered from 0 to the maximum number present in the system. For example, if the desktop is populated with 4 ports, they are identified at the CLI as eth0, eth1, eth2 and eth3.
The virtual switches can be created using the following commands:
Your Product(config)# switch cust
Your Product(config-switch)# bridge-mode customer
Your Product(config-switch)# end
Execute the show switch cust command to verify the creation of the virtual switch:
Your Product# show switch cust
A new VLAN can be configured using the following commands:
Your Product(config)# switch default
Your Product(config-switch)# vlan 2
Your Product(config-switch-vlan)# ports xl-ethernet 0/1-3 untagged xl-ethernet 0/1
Your Product(config-switch-vlan)# end
Saving and Restoring the Configuration
The configuration you make can be saved in the Flash and can be restored when the switch is started.
Your Product# write startup-config
When the unit runs on a Linux PC, the configuration is saved as a iss.conf file and is used for restoring the configuration when Flex is restarted.
Note: The configurations saved using write startup config command will not update the configurations in issnvram.txt (in other words, it will not change the factory default settings). If the factory default settings must be changed, the administrator should explicitly modify it through default ip address command. When a new IP address must be written in both the factory default setting and in the saved configurations, the administrator has to explicitly execute the following two commands:
1. default ip address – To update the issnvram.txt.
2. ip address (in interface VLAN mode), before giving write startup-config - To update the saved configurations.
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