Assigning the Profile in VM
  • 28 Jun 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Assigning the Profile in VM

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Article summary

With the disk configuration done, the deployment profile can now be assigned to the virtual appliance. This must be done with the application turned off.

The assignment of the deployment profile will perform the following actions:

  1. Configure the number of mediation instances required

  2. Detect the new data disks and mount them to the appropriate mount points

  3. Rebalance the network elements to distribute them evenly across the mediation instances.

CAUTION: Changing the deployment profile will delete the contents of the /data/medn*instance directories. This logic applies even when the same deployment profile is re-applied.

CAUTION: Please ensure all firewall rules are properly implemented before triggering a rebalance process.
Changing the deployment profile will rebalance network elements. Individual network elements may be assigned to new mediation instances and as a result, use new communication ports back to Skylight orchestrator for performance data reporting, service activation test reporting, firmware upgrades, as well as backup and restore functions.

CAUTION: If running in a redundant configuration, the profile must be configured on both virtual appliances of the redundant pair.


You must ensure you have the following items before starting the procedure. If you are missing anything, contact Accedian Technical Support.

A. SSH client (such as PuTTY).

B. Username and password for the visionems account for all appliances running Skylight Director / orchestrator software.

C. The target virtual appliances must have been allotted the required CPU and memory configuration for the desired profile.

D. The target virtual appliances must have network connectivity to the network elements. Please review Communication With Devices and ensure firewalls have been configured to allow the additional networking requirements of the 15K, 30K and/or 60K profiles.

E. Data disks must have been installed and assigned to the virtual appliance.

Backing up the Data Store

The profile configuration will perform database modifications. As a precaution, it is recommended to take a database backup.

Back up the data store

  1. Open an SSH terminal session to Skylight orchestrator on port 22.

Note: If you are running a redundant configuration, the back-up must be taken from the active site.

  1. Log in as the visionems user.

  2. Change to the scripts directory by entering:
    cd /opt/accedian/skylight/scripts

  3. Create a backup of the data store by entering:
    ./ -d
    The backup is created and saved in the /opt/accedian/backups directory.

Stopping the Application

Configuration of the deployment profile requires that the application is stopped.
Stopping the application for a Hot Standby configuration

  1. Open an SSH terminal session to the Skylight orchestrator on port 2200.

  2. Log in as the visionems user.

  3. Stop the Hot Standby process by entering:
    redundancy control stop

  4. Start MySQL by entering:
    service start mysql

Stopping the application for a Non-Hot Standby configuration

  1. Open an SSH terminal session to the Skylight orchestrator on port 2200.

  2. Log in as the visionems user.

  3. Stop the application by entering:
    service stop app_server

Assigning the Configuration Profile

These steps will assign the profile to the virtual appliance.

Note: If you are running a redundant configuration, these steps must be run on both virtual appliances of the redundant pair.

  1. Open an SSH terminal session to the Skylight orchestrator on port 2200.

  2. Log in as the visionems user.

  3. Display the current configuration by entering:
    deployment show configuration
    An ouput similar to the following is displayed:

  4. Assign a profile by entering:
    deployment edit type single-node profile <profile_name>
    The profile is applied.

  5. Confirm the change by entering:
    deployment show configuration
    An ouput similar to the following is displayed:
    Screenshot 11.png

Starting the Application

This procedure will start the application with the new deployment profile.

Starting the application for a Hot Standby configuration

  1. Open an SSH terminal session to the Skylight orchestrator designated as the preferred active site on port 2200.

  2. Log in as the visionems user.

  3. Start the Hot Standby process by entering:
    redundancy control start

Starting the application for a Non-Hot Standby configuration

  1. Open an SSH terminal session to the Skylight orchestrator on port 2200.

  2. Log in as the visionems user.

  3. Start the application by entering:
    service start app_server

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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