Adding an Interface
  • 26 Jun 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Adding an Interface

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Article summary

This article explains how to add an interface to a virtual port of a Skylight orchestrator appliance.

Skylight orchestrator supports eight ports (eth0 to eth7):

  • Normally, eth0 is the management port. It can only be edited. See Editing the MGMT Interface
  • You can add interfaces to any of the ports as explained in this section.

Note: Skylight orchestrator does not support dual-stack IPv6 and IPv4 on the same network interface.

Creating two separate interfaces for IPv6 and IPv4 is a solution for this case, both allocated on the same hypervisor interface.

Procedure Requirements

A. This procedure must be executed from the Skylight orchestrator console. Connect to the console via a remote SSH client (appliance IP address, port 2200).

B. This procedure must be executed as the visionems user. To execute this procedure, you must know the account’s credentials.

C. You may need to perform some preliminary procedures:

  • If Skylight orchestrator is deployed as a KVM virtual appliance (a domain), you may need to add network interfaces for the domain before you can add an interface, as explained in this section. Consult the KVM documentation.
  • If Skylight orchestrator is deployed as a VMware virtual appliance, you may need to add network adapters as explained in Adding Network Adapters to Support Additional Ports/Interfaces. Then you can perform the procedure in this section.

D. For a Hot Standby Redundancy setup, the IP addresses assigned to the two required interfaces must be in IPv4 format.

Procedure Steps

  1. View the available ports by entering:
    port show status
    The output will be similar to the following:
    Screenshot 8.png

  2. From the output, determine the port to which you want to add the interface. If the port is not already in the list, enable it by entering:
    port edit ethx state Enabled
    ethx is the port you want to enable (eth1, eth2 or eth3).

  3. To add a standard (not VLAN) interface to the port, enter:
    interface add ethx type Standard address a.a.a.a/CIDRvalue comment “string“
    x.x.x.x is the IP address that you want to give to your interface
    CIDRvalue is the value used to specify a subnet.

  • For IPv4, it can be a value from 1 to 32.
  • For IPv6, it can be a value from 1 to 128.

string is a string (enclosed in quotes) that describes the purpose of the interface. It is a good practice to add a description of the interface.

  1. To add a VLAN interface to the port, enter:
    interface add ethx type Type vlanid VID state State address a.a.a.a/CIDRvalue comment “string“
    ethx is the port you just added (eth1, eth2 or eth3)
    Type is the type of interface: Standard or VLAN
    VID only necessary if the interface type is VLAN
    State is the state of the interface: Enabled or Disabled
    a.a.a.a is the IP address that you want to give to your interface
    CIDRvalue is the value used to specify the subnet. For IPv4 or IPv6, it can be a value from 1 to 32.
    string is a string (enclosed in quotes). It is a good practice to add a description of the interface.

  2. Confirm that the interface has been added by entering:
    interface show
    The output will be similar to the following:
    Screenshot 9.png

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